Chapter 57 “You Call This A Normal Community?”

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“Benzhu, pour tea for everyone.” Patch waved his hand and signaled his son to bring the refreshment.

The tea was very hot, as indicated by the bubbling water from that kettle.

“There is a good story in Dahan about someone using tea as a toast before the theft. Today, our Putzik House will do the same and toast to the success of possessing the super life element!” Patch faintly smiles as he scans the audience, “Once the potion formula arrives, we will use the super life element itself to celebrate the occasion!”

Meinek grinned, “Haha, I like your thinking. If you can do that, my Rochede House will assist you in shaming the Dahan Dynasty afterward!”

“Hahaha, I’ll hold you to that promise!”


“Housemaster, Number One closing in on target’s home!”

“Housemaster, Number Two closing in on target’s home!”


“Housemaster, Number Five closing in on target’s home!”

Five voices came one after the other, causing everyone in the conference room to sit precariously.

Number One would sometimes roll on the ground, and then sometimes slip through the bushes and hide within the shadows to avoid detection from the patrols. He’s like a hunting jackal, extraordinarily patient and strategic in his hunt.

Then drawing his dagger with that sinister gleam, the assassin was ready to perform his iconic slit throat skill when a canary bird suddenly landed on his shoulder. The animal kept blinking and tilting its head, staring at this unwanted guest with curiosity.


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Number One’s heart sank at the interference of this bird.

He lay motionless on the ground, expecting the pest to fly away on its own.

However, the darn thing had no intention of leaving but instead stepped on his head and jumped around.

This bird is poison!

Number One has undergone professional training and could generally control his emotions very well, but this time he really wanted to murder this thing.

This continued until the bird’s ass jerked up and pulled a piece of shit over his head.

That finally did it. With the most heinous and outraged glare, the assassin reached up with his dagger little by little to slaughter this darn thing!

Unfortunately for Number One, his actions were the wrong choice. The second his eyes made contact with the bird, the cold gleam coming off of the animal had caused this murderer to shiver involuntarily.

Scary, terrifying!

Then he suddenly didn’t dare to move.

In his horrified gaze, the canary slowly opened its mouth, and inside it, a red flame was brewing with a ‘whirling’ sound of a monster charging a breath attack.


Why does this bird know how to spew fire?!

This was Number One’s last thought before he evaporated from the human world.


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Number Two worked nimbly in a feline fashion.

He stopped at the pond in the community and surveyed the surrounding environment before deciding on his next step. But then an ominous sensation gripped him due to years of experience. It’s the feeling of being watched, and he’s the prey!

Vigilantly searching the area, his gaze eventually fixed onto the fish in the pond that’s returning the stare.

Relieved after the tension, “So it’s just a fish…. Humph, what am I doing? As if a fish can rat me out?”

Just as he was getting complacent, the fish suddenly jumped out of the water.


The fish opened its mouth and bit Number Two’s leg and dragged him into the pond. After a brief struggle of bubbling, calm returns to the area.


Another hidden corner.

“Number Three, attention, attention!”

An urgent call from the communicator caused the assassin to halt.

He whispered, “Housemaster, I’m here!”

“Thank goodness you’re still here.” Patch’s trembling voice came from the communicator, “Number One, Number Two, Number Four, and Number Five have all been lost, and now you are the only one left in action!”


Only I’m left?!

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Number Three got confused by the news.

Patch asked, “How did they get into trouble, and did you hear anything?”

Number Three sounded hollow, “No, the guards didn’t notice us at all, nor do I believe the patrols took them out.”

“This place is so freaky. I don’t believe it’s as simple as we thought.” Patch had to admit that he had underestimated the mission again.

Condensing his voice: “Number three, your mission has changed. Keeping yourself alive is the main priority, and you are now to investigate the villa and report any unusual findings back to us at first timing, understand?”

“I understand Housemaster!”

At the moment, it would be a lie if Number Three wasn’t afraid and nervous inside. How could he not be? His teammates had inexplicably gone missing from the picture without him knowing why.

Keeping his composure to avoid making a mistake, the man slowly squatted down to minimize his presence to the absolute bare minimum.

How can this neighborhood be so different?

I didn’t notice anything odd at all when coming over….

Just as he was frowning and contemplating the next course of action, he suddenly noticed a caterpillar slowly crawling over to his feet.

Blinking his eyes because he didn’t expect this, the man shirked it off as nothing and was ready to move again. However, before he realized it, the bug had grown double in size in the next second. Believing he’s probably hallucinating, Number Three froze and fixed his sight onto the caterpillar this time and watched it expand some more!

It’s bigger again?

Then, under the horrified and shocked look of Number Three, the caterpillar eventually grew to be bigger than the assassin himself. This left Number Three numb to the core until his brain stopped working in its entirety. He’s simply unable to process this change, even when the bug was barring its serrated teethes at him in a threatening posture.

What the hell is this?!!!

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No wonder the whole team got wiped out before. This is not a living community at all, but a horror house!

Using this opening, the caterpillar moved and directly swallowed Number Three whole!


The three house’s gathering hall.

“Number Three, Number Three, are you still there?” Patch repeatedly cried into the communicator, his voice anxious and frantic.

However, the response to him was another long period of silence.

The crowd exchanged some weird looks among themselves and didn’t know what to say.

What kind of dragon’s den is this gated community? How can the Phantom Squad fail this miserably?

Buju resentfully mutters, “Phantom Squad became phantoms again.”

“It’s impossible, how can Dahan deal with my Phantom Order!” Patch’s face was so gloomy because he couldn’t accept this fact. He’s aching inside and found it hard to breathe.

The Phantom Order didn’t have much members to begin with, and this time he’s sent out some of the best in his service. Not only did the mission fail, but there’s also not a single spec of information that came back. It’s a total loss to the point of making the man bleed.

Although the Putzit House has endless wealth, it doesn’t mean they could find the same talent level just anywhere. It takes time and luck. For sure, the Phantom Order would need to go underground to recoup their strength for the next while!

“It looks like the Phantom Order is not going to work.” Buju shakes his head in disappointment, “I’ve been proposing this from the beginning so why not directly use force to make Dahan Obey?! Our three houses have the greatest war machines on this planet. We can directly plow down any resistance they might have!”

“No, the cost of using force is too high to be worth our fanfare at the moment.”

Meinek shook his head right away and rejected the proposal, “It seems that it is time for our Roqueche House’s Dark Spy to strike!”


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