Chapter 59 “Unforgettable Pain!”

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After the early morning visit, Music continued to take the viewers on a villa tour. Of course, the enthusiasm regarding the so-called treasure hunt had subsided a lot ever since discovering the super life element. In their minds, what could be more incredible than that? Moreover, the underground river was obviously a dead end so it’s impossible to go any deeper.

So, the treasure hunting was no more than an excuse, they merely wanted to show their thanks by giving tips. As a result, Music didn’t dare to check her income box during this period because the streamer’s afraid the number would overwhelm her little heart.

Meanwhile outside the gated community, a middle-aged man in uniform looked over in the villa’s direction with gloomy eyes. His name was Ling Lang, the deputy commander in charge of this security operation!

Unbeknownst to everyone, Ling Lang was in fact an undercover spy working for the Rochede House going as far back as his grandfather, meaning his family had been traitors going back three generations!

“This mission is a breeze for me, just like stealing toys from a baby!” Ling Lang sneered and muttered.

As long as the orders aren’t too apparent and deviate from the original arrangement, he could then move them as he pleases. By then, who’s going to stop him? He could literally walk out of here without anyone making a peep!

Naturally, his importance for holding such a tactical role in the Dahan government meant he’s not expendable, but he’s gotten activated for the super life element! On top of that, the Rochede House had promised him and his family that they could return to the main house after the mission! No more spying, and no living on eggshells!

He stood where he was, waiting for instructions from his communicator.

Moments later.

The communicator rang and Meinek’s voice came through, “Ling Lang, it’s time for you to fight for the glory of your family!”

Ling Lang immediately responded, “Yes Housemaster, I am willing to go through ice and fire for the Putzik House!”

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“Very well, your first mission is the super life element. In addition, you also have to take away as much as the millennium sandalwood and night pearl as you can before burning everything else!”

Meinek’s tone was icy and fierce, “Hoho, I want to give Dahan a gift so painful they can never forget it!!!”

Millennium sandalwood?

Night Pearl?

Treasures of your Dahan Dynasty?

I’ll burn whatever I can’t take away!

This is the outcome for provoking our three houses!

Ling Lang’s eyes beamed sharply, “I understand Housemaster!”

“By the way, there seems to be an unknown danger hidden in this community, so be careful and pay attention to your surroundings.”

In the three house’s gathering hall, Meinek conceitedly smirk’s, “Okay, let’s begin!”

He ended the call with a showy expression at the crowd, “If there is no accident, this matter will be solved soon so sit tight and wait for the good news.”

Of course, his heart was somewhat proud.

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After all, Putzik had their Phantom Order and that force suffered heavy losses and couldn’t achieve a darn thing. But now, it’s his Rochede House to take the show and finally flaunt what usually wouldn’t come to light!

Carl Rochede smiled triumphantly, “Fusky, rest assured, our family’s Dark Spy will never fail. It’s a shame we couldn’t bring back more things at once though.”

Fusky gave his counterpart a hearty hug and kindly said, “Carl, we are brothers who grew up together, there’s no need to say such things. But would like to ask for some sandalwood after you get it. I don’t need a lot, just a few pieces.”

The super life element would of course be shared among the three houses according to the original agreement. However, the rest of the things that might be brought back belonged to the Rochede House since they never agreed on sharing those.

Benzhu also leaned over, “Carl, I also want some of the sandalwoods, you can’t forget your brother over here.”

Seeing the two of them like this, Carl was even more proud and bellowed out a laugh: “Hahaha, this still needs to be decided by my grandfather, but I will try to fight a case for you two.”


At the same time, Ling Lang had already walked into the premise of the villa without impedance.

Facing the guards standing at the door, he solemnly said: “I have an order to enter the villa to discuss something with the occupants inside, you guys go patrol over there instead. Keep at least five meters away from the estate, understand?!”

“YES SIR!” The two guards did not doubt that Ling Lang was here for a legit reason since he was their superior. So, without trouble, they marched and left the estate open for infiltration.

Seeing he’s finally alone, the spy couldn’t help but evoke a sinister grin with his mouth. It’s too easy, so easy that he’s growing giddy inside.

Housemaster said unknown dangers are lurking in this community, but from the way I see it, this place is in the palm of my hand.

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With that thought in mind, Ling Lang skillfully pulled out his gun and installed the silencer he prepared beforehand. Everything’s ready, and now all he needs to do was step inside and take the people inside hostage.

“Meow~” Just then, a soft cat’s cry suddenly came from behind.


With the shaking of the grass, an orange cat gracefully jumped out of the bushes and landed in front of the man.

“Where did this wild thing come from? SCRAM!!” Ling Lang’s brow furrowed up in annoyance and wanted to kick the feline.

However, it’s precisely at that moment where his gaze met the cat’s, causing him to freeze and start shaking profusely. Then after a good minute, it all came to a pause. Right now, Ling Lang’s brain had lost the ability to think, leaving him standing there like a lost soul until he suddenly turned around and ran towards the guards who had left earlier.

As it so happens, the posted guards in charge of watching the villa earlier were currently in contact with Li Tianlong.

Although they obeyed Ling Lang’s orders, but they would never be so sloppy as to not verify it for themselves. After all, only the best of the best was allowed to come here regardless of their position in the military or government. If so much as a peep didn’t seem right, the sirens would instantly be turned on to alert everyone!

“Captain Ling!” The guards saluted their on-site superior after noticing his arrival.

What’s the deal?

Didn’t Captain Ling say he had something important to discuss with the occupants inside? Why did he turn back?

Taking everyone by surprise, Ling Lang suddenly got to his knees and confessed everything: “My colleagues, I’m turning myself in! I am actually an undercover agent installed by the three houses! I am guilty! I am a bad person! Hurry and arrest me!”

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Guards: “???”

They exchanged confused looks, unsure of what to make of this.

What in the world is the boss doing? He’s turning himself in?

One of the guards weakly spoke, “Captain Ling, are you sure?”

Ling Lang’s tone was firm, “I’m sure, I’m a real undercover agent, please arrest me immediately.”

Li Tianlong on the other end of the communicator was also dumbfounded. He was in the middle of inquiring about the specifics of the situation when he overheard the crazy confession.

Ling Lang is actually a spy?

And suddenly turned himself in?

Is this a dream or something? Why is the situation so surreal?!

The guards immediately asked the device for directions, “Director, what should we do?”

“Arrest him, now!” Li Tianlong did not hesitate and immediately gave the order.

Subsequently, he contacted the Second Elder and prepared a special interrogation room for Ling Lang. He intends to do the job himself for this huge blunder.

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