Chapter 60 “I’m Guilty!”

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Li Tianlong glared at this former subordinate of his with a solemn face in the interrogation room: “Ling Lang, you claim to be an undercover agent. Do you have any proof?”

When he asked this question, it gave him a ludicrous feeling inside because never in all his years of service had he needed to demand evidence from the spy to prove he was a traitor.

“Yes, I have proof!” Ling Lang replied with a stern face and then took out the communicator.

“This is how the Rochede House communicates with me. They ordered me to sneak into the villa, steal the super life element, and burn the estate down while taking what I could.”

“I can also tell you about the escape route we have drawn up. By the time anyone notices it, I would’ve long been out of Dahan’s border!”

Li Tianlong and the Second Elder listened to Ling Lang’s story and immediately found their hands trembling in fear.

So close!

Too close!

If they had really succeeded in carrying out this place, the loss to Dahan would be incalculable!”

And more importantly, Mrs. Song and them would be in danger!

It’s too dangerous!

It’s too terrible!

Li Tianlong’s entire existence shook in fear, the cold sweat pouring down his back and staining that shirt.

“Why did you turn yourself in?” The Second Elder asked hoarsely.

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“I had a sudden epiphany. I want to turn myself in and atone for my sins. I can’t hurt Dahan! Uuuhwooo—” Ling Lang’s voice was sincere and full of remorse.

Li Tianlong and the Second Elder dumbly stared down at the spy, unsure of what to make of the situation.

One can have an epiphany about something like this?

Or did he suddenly come down with paranoia instead?

Of course, now is not the time to think about it.

“Can you contact the Rochede House with this communicator?” Li Tianlong asked coldly.

“Yes, I’ll prove it to you now!” Ling Lang immediately grabbed the communicator and pressed the buttons to prove himself.

On the other side where the three houses are meeting, silence had taken hold of the hall again.

It’s been more than an hour since Ling Lang started to move, and there’s not a single update thus far.

They’ve lost communication with the agent….

Patch crackled a laugh, “It looks like your dark spy hit the bucket too.”

This outcome was more to his taste since it balanced his unstable ego. If others are also failing then that means it’s not his Phantom Order’s fault, but rather it’s the enemy’s fault for being too powerful.

Meinek frowned and grew impatient, “That’s impossible. This trivial matter is nothing for Ling Lang so just give him a bit more time!”

It’s then when they all thought the agent was lost, the communicator suddenly lit up and a signal came through.

“Hahaha, here it comes, here comes the good news!” Meinek laughed off his insecurity from earlier and switched on the communicator with a press of the button, “Ling Lang, your efficiency is slower than I expected, but I will forgive you nonetheless. Now tell me, have you completed the mission I gave you?”

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However, Ling Lang didn’t answer him and instead started to converse with another person on the other end. “You hear that? It’s the head of the Rochede House Meinek! I said I am a spy, do you believe me now?”

Meinek: “…..”

The members of the three houses: “…”

They vaguely sensed something was wrong but couldn’t quite grasp what.

“Ling Lang, what are you saying and who are you talking to?” The smile on Meinek’s face gradually disappeared as his voice turned threatening.

Ling Lang snapped and yelled back, “I’m talking to the great Second Elder of the Dahan Dynasty, you despicable Meinek have no right to interrupt us!”

Meinek’s face got black, “Ling Lang, did your brain get waterlogged?!”

Ling Lang doesn’t back down and shot back: “Meinek, you tricked me into becoming a spy, but now I’ve woken up from your lies and must repent!”

“Alright, I see how it is, hahaha!” The irate housemaster gritted his teeth as that body shook from extreme anger.

They’re rebelling!

In his rage, the guy directly smashed the communicator into the ground, causing a flurry of pieces to scatter across the air and floor.

Like an angry beast, he roared, “Ling Lang, I won’t let this go. You will pay for this betrayal!”

The rest of the three houses were also completely taken aback by this turn of events.

Is this what you call a dark spy?

Weren’t they on good terms just a while back when they talked? How did things turn out like this?

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It’s a textbook betrayal for everyone!


The Second Elder and Li Tianlong were equally confused in the interrogation room. They just couldn’t believe what was happening even though they were witnessing the show in person because that’s a complete betrayal without space for backpedaling!

Li Tianlong coughs to clear his throat: “Ling Lang, out of consideration for the past work you’ve done for us, I’ll offer you a deal. If you can provide us with useful information, I can make a plea deal and keep you from the death penalty. But a life sentence is unavoidable so this is the best I can do.”

“No need to say more, I’ll tell you everything!” Ling Lang was extremely decisive and did not hesitate: “I have information on many spies currently lurking in Dahan. Not just from the three houses but also the other dynasties as well. Give me a pen and paper, I’ll write down their names for you!”


Li Tianlong and the Second Elder secretly gasped at the level of cooperation.

You know, undercover is undoubtedly a headache for any other force.

Harvest, big harvest!

“I’ll go get the pen and paper!” Li Tianlong did not dare to slack off and rushed out as fast as possible.

Who knows if Ling Lang’s brain damage has a time limit? If he doesn’t take advantage of this, then who would he cry to if Ling Lang decides not to speak?

Fortunately, the traitor was very cooperative throughout the process and soon listed out the secret agents lurking within the Dahan Dynasty in detail.

In addition, he answered more questions than expected, giving the government a big harvest that would otherwise be impossible to get.

Li Tianlong exclaimed with sincere astonishment, “Second Elder, I have worked for so many years in this field, but I have never encountered such a dreamy thing. It is almost like we’re getting a gift from the sky out of nowhere.”

“It’s not just now, but in the history of mankind. When have you ever seen such outrageous things happening in the other dynasties?” Second Elder was grinning from ear to ear due to the glee he felt inside, “Everything must have a cause, and I’m sure you’ve already guessed what’s the cause in this case. Why pretend you don’t know with me?”

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Li Tianlong chuckled and got blunt: “Second Elder, if my guess is right, this is the doing of Chu Yun’s people again.”

“They not only protect Song from the shadows, they can also set up these traps without anyone knowing. It’s incredible how they’re able to do this. I’m sure of it now, the power behind that guy is no weaker than the three houses, if not stronger.” Second Elder theorizes with the information at hand, his eyes radiating a glint of wisdom and rationale. “Being able to plot against a high-ranking undercover agent in time before the accident, and then also making the other party change sides so thorough, there’s no one but Chu Yun who can achieve such a feat. The Rochede House must be turning their guts out after this blow.”

Li Tianlong nodded in agreement, “You’re right Second Elder, but I’ve always been wondering about the reason behind Chu Yun’s departure. What could force him to disappear if he had such skilled people at his disposal?”

The means displayed by Chu Yun thus far could be described as nothing short of a godly. It simply didn’t make sense.

“I can’t figure this out either, but I have a vague hunch that something big will happen in the future. Perhaps the event will be so huge big that it will change the entire human race!”

The Second Elder’s speculation was so shocking that it made the other guy go stiff from fright.

Gulping, “It couldn’t be….”

The Second Elder sighed, “If you recall back to the love letter Chu Yun left behind for his wife, he did use the word ‘trouble’ multiple times. Someone at his level must’ve encountered something absolutely so terrifying that it’s capable of affecting the whole world, otherwise I can’t think of anyone or anything that could produce such an effect in our country.”

Li Tianlong mused for a moment and finally shook his head in denial.

But aside from troubles from the other dynasties, what else could there be? It’s not like Chu Yun had any friction with the three houses prior. I’ve personally investigated the guy, his life is very normal until now without a blimp of surprise….

The Second Elder continues, “First of all, we must admit that Chu Yun can get information that we don’t have. With that in mind, I can boldly say the reason he never mentioned it to us in the government is because Dahan can’t help him. We are too weak to be of assistance!”

Li Tianlong frowned, “If that’s the case then the matter is too terrifying.”

The Second Elder waved his hand, “Alright, let’s leave it at that. First go handle the matter with these spies on the list.”

“Mmm, YES SIR!”


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