Chapter 65 “Destroyer MechaGodzilla”

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In the early morning hours after a night’s rest, the outrageous statement of the three houses swept across the globe, sending shock into every nation out there.

The content of the title was “Blue Star Dominion Order”, and they demand Dahan hand over the super life element while the three houses acted as the judge in adjudicating this matter. On the contrary, if Dahan doesn’t cooperate, they will begin punishing the country!

Although many dynasties had already guessed this move, their hearts were nevertheless beating wildly from shock when they learned this for the first time.

War has been declared!

This was a naked declaration of war!!!

When the people of the Dahan Dynasty saw this statement, they were just as shocked and felt extremely indignant.

“Blue Star Dominion Order? The three houses can really paint gold on their faces!”

“From the beginning to the end, they are the ones who kept making noise, and now they want to act as judges and subjugate us? How shameless can they get to say such a thing?!”

“You think our Dahan is still afraid of you lot? If you have the ability then come, come, come!”

“Can the three scum houses be more bandit-like? Yikes!”

“I’m joining the army. I will beat those animals to wench they came!”

“If you want to fight, then fight!”

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Meanwhile, two behemoths were sailing through the water with a nerve-wracking presence in the open ocean.

These things are made of metal, resembling lizards, and are more than two hundred meters in length. A true beast of steel that pushed aside the seawater.

Inside, Fusky, Carl, and Benzhu are enjoying a glass of red wine in their own comfort while accompanying a tough-looking guy with a square face.

This new person was called Robert, the commander of this operation.

“Young masters, we have received the response from Dahan, and it’s as expected in their refusal!” Robert professionally reported this latest news.

“Hoho, that’s not surprising. The people of Dahan are digging their own grave so it’s time we let them know the consequences.”

Carl formed a devilish smirk, “Then let’s begin, attack!”

“Wait,” Fusky suddenly stopped it, “how about we find some more witnesses to see our work? Doesn’t the Dahan people like to do live broadcasts? Let’s do that ourselves. That way they can see firsthand the horror of challenging us!”

Benzhu’s eyes immediately lit up, “This proposal is good, Fusky, you always had the most ideas!”

They are the direct descendants of the three great houses; therefore, it’s within their right to be superior to others and enjoy the world’s best. At the very least, that’s how these people think.

However, Chu Yun’s appearance has hit them hard, and the sensations about Chu Yun’s possession made them envious and jealous to the core. Now that the opportunity to be in the limelight has come, how could they not grab onto this chance?

Hahaha, in front of our live broadcast, everything about Chu Yun child’s play. Too garbage!

Carl deliberately sorted his suit before excitedly saying: “Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and put us up on the love broadcast. Let the world see the strength of our three houses!”

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Fusky obviously came prepared and snapped his finger. Then, in no time at all, the attendants were able to arrange a proper camera setup.

“Hello, everybody, I am the son of the great Wittstein House. My name is Fusky, and I am honored to bring you all the entire process of us suppressing the evil Dahan Dynasty!” That said, the arrogant prick went ahead to take a graceful sip of the red wine in his hand.

“WTF, even the three houses are opening up a live broadcast!”

“This is going to be good to watch. The Dahan Dynasty is finished now!”

“Live broadcasting the end of a country, how much contempt do the three great houses have against the Dahan Dynasty?”

“Too domineering! Is this the power of the three great houses?”


At the same time, many Dahan people also poured into the livestream site.

However, they did not type into the chatbox; instead, they only silently watched in fear and unease.

It was all too sudden.

Who wouldn’t be scared of war?

Even if you really want to fight, shouldn’t you have atleast done some preparations?

How could the three houses call this move so suddenly?

Fusky got more and more satisfied as he saw the rising number of viewers. Cocking his nose up triumphantly: “Next, I will give you all a glimpse of the latest super weapons developed by our three houses!”

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The camera promptly switched off and was then replaced by the images fed through a drone outside. Only then do the viewers realize where the three young men were streaming from – they’re inside two metal behemoths sailing across the ocean!

“This… is this a battleship or a robot?!”

“It’s not ordinary that’s for sure. It’s Mechagodzilla!”

“It’s amazing that the three great houses can actually create this kind of thing….”

“Just two? Can they really subjugate the Dahan Dynasty like this?!”


Marveling in amazement was one thing, but the question about the ability of these two metal lizards remains up for debate. After all, it’s unheard of for such small numbers to overcome a country.

However, Fusky’s smile grew even wider at the comments.

“Their names are ‘Destroyer 1’ and ‘Destroyer 2’. Let’s not mention two, even just one of these are enough to plow over the entire Dahan Dynasty!”

“Bullshit! Nothing but piles of rotten iron and cooper, who are you trying to scare?!”

“I bet these two things can’t even enter the sea border of my Dahan Dynasty!”

“I’ll be blunt, are these things toys or something? How can you even call these things weapons?”

“If you have the ability then come, I am waiting for you in the Dahan Dynasty!”

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Looking at the barrage of comments sent by the loyal citizens of the Dahan Dynasty, Fusky and his fellow villainous compatriots are snickering in delight.

“Look at these idiots, they don’t even understand the strength of our three houses.”

Benzhu sneered, “Let them cry, once they see firsthand the desperate situation they are in!”

No one knows how terrible these two doomsday weapons truly are.

Their raw material contained a rare alloy mined from a meteoric iron that only fell to the planet by coincidence five years ago. Not only are the property of this alloy superior to any metal out there, it’s also extremely durable to the point of being called indestructible! It’s precisely because of this fact that they created these Mechagodzilla. They’re the three house’s trump card in the modern era!


National Security Bureau.

The five elders of Dahan are currently gathered to convene a meeting regarding this sudden declaration of war.

Soon, Fang Guofeng gave an ominous report after going through the satellite data: “Grand Elder, we’ve located the two ‘Destroyers’ now. They are indeed headed directly for our nation’s border!”

“Have you found any other abnormalities?” the Grand Elder asks deep and solemnly.

“Nothing!” Fang Guofeng said bluntly.

“Continue the search then, don’t let those people catch us off guard from another direction. This might merely be a distraction on their part.” The Grand Elder then turned to another agent in the room responsible for the computer terminal: “I want eyes on those two ‘Destroyers’ at all times. If they so much as cross onto our border, the military is to open fire without warning!”

Fang Guofeng’s immediately saluted after hearing this from his side: “Don’t worry Elders, we will not let the enemy take one step onto our soil!”

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