Chapter 66 “Despair”

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Two steel beasts rode the waves with great strides within the vast open sea, cutting right through the water for Dahan’s shoreline at breakneck speed. They are here to fight, to subjugate the Dahan Dynasty, yet the inside was a whole different picture. Whether it be Fusky, Carl or Benzhu, the three were relaxed and calm like they were on holiday. However, anyone could tell they were full of contempt for the impending battle based on how casual they were in sipping that wine.

On the contrary, the shoreline of the Dahan’s waters was filled to the brim with their mightiest warships. Today, the nation’s strongest naval force has gathered from small assault class to the most significant aircraft carriers. At a glance, there are twenty-seven ships in total, a sizable fighting fleet for any dynasty!

Even a lion would use its full strength to hunt a rabbit so let’s not mention the foe was the three great houses.

On the flagship, Li Tianlong’s expression appeared calm as he took in the picture from the livestream of the foe.


We must win this battle!

No one can underestimate the Dahan Dynasty!

Even if it is a monster, we can still win!

He clenched his fists and kept admonishing himself inwardly.

One of his subordinates then solemnly reported: “Captain Tianlong, the speed of the enemy vessels is sailing at over four hundred kilometers per hour. Therefore, we expect them to be here within thirty minutes!”

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Li Tianlong nodded and did not speak. Instead, an ominous pressure enveloped his heart, causing him to clench that lip into a thin line.

Unlike land vehicles that could reach astronomical speeds, a water-based vessel had a lot of limits. Like the fastest known vessel right now. That belonged to the Damei Dynasty with a speed of ninety-five kilometers per hour. However, the two mechagodzillas had reached a whopping speed four times that. It’s a feat unimaginable to the average sailor!

Sure enough, once this knowledge crossed into the other nations, the more powerful countries instantly lost their appetite to test the three houses by using this opportunity. It’s unrealistic to compete with those monstrosities.

Meanwhile inside the live broadcast room.

“Young Masters, we have entered the premise for the predetermined battlefield,” Robert reports to the three youngsters.

“Oh, we’ve arrived? Stop first.” Fusky casually smiled and turned to the camera, “Dear viewers, we will split the screen into two parts this point forward. One will be displaying the inside where we are, and the other will be the image of the battle outside. This is to show you the stark contrast between us and the fools from the Dahan Dynasty.”

As his voice fell, the display was then cut into two halves, one showing the inside and the other being the battlefield where Dahan’s fleet was aligned into a combat formation.

Looking at the mighty warships and the flags flying on them, countless Dahan citizens burst into tears. In their eye, these warships aren’t weapons of destruction but guardians protecting their homes and lives!

“I’m crying, my brethren. This is our country’s naval fleet!”

“Seeing these warships, my hanging heart immediately calmed down!”

“How can two monsters contend with the warships of my Dahan Dynasty?!”

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“Aaaah, I’m getting goosebumps. Chop those monsters up!!!


In the territory of Dahan, countless people held their breath as they squeezed their phones due to the excitement.

“You are about to enter the sea of Dahan, turn back immediately, otherwise we will take measures by force!”

“You are about to enter the sea of Dahan, please turn around immediately, otherwise we will take measures by force!” Li Tianlong issued a warning in a low commanding voice of a lion.

“Warn us?” Carl lets out a sneer and raises his glass to the camera, “Dahan Dynasty, I will toast you first to celebrate your surrender.”

Fusky placed the wine glass in his hand down to the table in front and teased, “If you can make the glass of liquid in front of me shake then consider it my loss!”

Li Tianlong saw this through the live broadcast and became indignant.

Everyone else was also gritting their teeth in frustration.

Humiliation, extreme humiliation!

“I am Li Tianlong, requesting permission to attack, please instruct!” He turns to the speaker connected to the capital.

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“Fight!” The Grand Elder spat this out without a hint of hesitation.

Li Tianlong took a deep breath, “Attention everyone, open fire!!!”


Countless cannon fire shot up into the sky, bringing up a series of billowing smoke and flames across the air at the two Destroyers.

The whole world watched on as their eyes fixated on the picture through the screen.

“Bang bang bang!”

The artillery fire buried everything that was the two metal beasts in the ocean.

It was a spectacular scene.

However, all the people of the Dahan Dynasty invariably felt a chill down their hearts after the dust cleared!

Although the unmoving beast was showered with artillery fire, the live broadcast inside the mechagodzillas remains unfazed and continued!

“This… how is this possible?!” Li Tianlong’s eyes widened in shock, his eyes filled with horror at the untroubled trio continuing on with their show.

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Even if the defense was really strong, but to be hit by such firepower, it would’ve atleast shook the inside to some extent. The fact that it did nothing, not even a tremor, shows the level of despair the defenders must be facing.

Damei’s people were equally horrified by this outcome.

Jill lost his voice and screamed, “Monster, this is the kind of monster made by the three great houses!”

Bilu’s mouth also popped into an “O” shape as her soul trembled in horror: “This is too terrifying. How can there be such a thing in the world? These two war machines can crush everything the modern world has to offer!

Taiji, the head director of the Daban Dynasty, also wanted to pop his eyes out in shock. “Incredible! This is truly incredible! They truly deserve to be called the planet’s ruler! Hurry, send out people to their doors and bark to showcase our loyalty!”

The old king of the Sunset Dynasty also trembled at this scene. “Too strong, they are truly too strong. There’s nothing on the Blue Star that can challenge this might. The Dahan Dynasty is finished.”


Although the majority of the other dynasties did not personally face these two metal lizards, the scene alone on the screen was enough to make them sick to the stomach. It’s too horrific.




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