Chapter 68 “Perverted Means”

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This time the bombardment did not stop, churning the water into tidal waves from the repeated blasts from the rockets.

While most locked onto this scene for it to unfold, some simply closed their eyes and prayed for a miracle.

However, what came resulted was an outcome that left the audience despairing.

Carl said contemptuously, “Is this all you people have to offer? I can’t even feel the tremor here, so weak.”

After a minute, Li Tianlong weakly ordered the attacks to stop, his whole body seemingly deflated from exhaustion.

“Another minute is coming folks, and one more ship will be sunk.” Fusky gave the order at will.

Then, he smiled triumphantly at the camera and said, “By the way, I haven’t properly introduced these two Destroyers yet have I? Allow me the pleasure of beginning now. The shell is integrated with a special extraterrestrial metal that has no weakness compared to any other alloy on the planet! It can resist even the toughest explosion with ease and not bat an eyelash!”

“If you can’t relate to what I’m saying then think about the Kryptonian metal from the movies, or the shield used by Captain America, does that ring any bells? We obtained this alloy by pure chance. Do you all understand now? Even the heavens are siding with our three houses!”

“Now, as for the attack system you just saw. This technology is a completely new form of weaponry developed by our scientists, which can resist interference from all known external forces. It’s accurate and can lock onto moving targets. Those little toys you call warships are incomparable to what we have so do not have delusions about challenging us!”

“As for the other one, Destroyer II, it’s even more powerful. It can release a more powerful particle cannon capable of erasing everything in its path!”


Why would the bastard go through all this trouble to divulge the secrets of these two metal lizards? Simple, he wanted to one-up Chu Yun’s treasures by wowing the entire Blue Star! And in reality, his show had created the desired results among the other dynasties. They’re all in deep awe of what the three houses had created.

“My god, they created weapons of mass destruction by using materials from space, how are we supposed to beat them now?”

“Those steel lizards are exactly like the Godzilla’s you see from the movies. They’re messed up in the head to model real weapons after fictional creatures!”

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“So what if they got superior weapons? I am not going to bend the knee to these scumbags! The Dahan Dynasty won’t submit to tyranny!”

“I will fight! These cowards who only know how to hide inside those metal lizards are nothing to be scared off! Don’t you know an army of ants can take down even the biggest of creatures!”

“You garbage from the three scum houses, get out of our sea border! I’m going to grab my hunting rifle and shoot your asses!”


Fusky’s arrogant smile gradually disappeared over the shouting curse words, only to be replaced by a cold, menacing glare that was dark and evil.

“Humph, I will see how long the stubbornness lasts from you Dahan peasants. You lot want to die? Fine, I will fulfill your wishes. Afterwards, I like to see how fast you dogs come to bark on your knees!”

At this time, Robert had come over to report again, “Young Masters, another minute has arrived, do you want to open fire again?”

Fusky shook his head, “Change the target and activate ‘Angel’. The target, the cities of Dahan!”

Activate ‘Angel’?!

Both Carl and Benzhu were both taken aback by the name and jerked up from the sofa while Commander Robert made a tense face.

This didn’t escape the viewers, who were all confused by the unknown weapon. However, the mere fact that it could be named “Angel” was enough to tell it’s an extremely dangerous and terrible thing. Perhaps capable of mass destruction like a nuke!

No way!

How can they hit a city from that range?


The steel lizard suddenly moved, pulling its massive body upwards in a real Godzilla fashion. Then, the jaw slowly opened, revealing that massive humming missile inside!

“Stop it, stop it!” Although Li Tianlong did not know what the lizard was preparing, but the mere sight of it charging up was enough to ring all the alarm bells.

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However, the attacks from the remaining warships had little to no effect in stopping the terrible beast. Before they knew it, the “Angel” weapon had shot out, directly bypassing the fleet and disappearing off into the distant sky.


It really flew inland!

Li Tianlong fell into dread at what this implied and yelled out sharply: “Target, find out its projected target! Shoot it down with the defensive systems on land!”

Where exactly did it go?

Everyone in Dahan felt incredibly uneasy over this question.

At the same time inside Song’s villa, the ladies were equally as tense over the unfolding situation on the battlefield. They had been watching this from beginning to end so they were fully aware of what just transpired with that missile.

Likewise, the fans currently watching Music’s live broadcast were also discussing the matter and trying to come up with countermeasures.

“If not possible, we can hand over the super life element and sandalwood. At this rate, our country really will be destroyed!”

“I can’t handle it. I hate to admit it, but I don’t have the courage to continue watching.”

“I’m sorry Song, but if things continue like this, we might have to wrong your husband and hand over his things. I’m sure the government will compensate you for this though.”


Song was not angry over the damnable comments but worried: “I don’t care if I have to hand over everything. If that can create a truce for the country, I’m willing to do so any time! But I’m afraid the three houses will want more than that….”

“Shit, stop talking about that for now! It’s just revealed that ‘Angel’ will make contact with Haifu City in ten minutes!”

“What?! Can it really hit the inner land directly from that range? How far is that?!”

“Only ten minutes? How can it be so fast?!!!”

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“It’s over, it’s over, Haifu City is already in chaos, and it’s too late to evacuate everyone!”


“Goddess Song, don’t your husband also have a family clan supporting him? Can you ask his clan to help save Dahan?”

“Yes, where did Chu Yun go! We need him right now when we’re being bullied so hard!”


Not only the live broadcast room, but even Long Jiu on the side had turned to look at the singer with extremely solemn eyes.

“Mrs. Song, please think about it carefully. Did Mr. Chu Yun ever tell you the contact information of the family clan behind him? Our country needs their help right now.”

After the Phantom Order and the Dark Spy Incident, the competent female agent was convinced the supposed power supporting the guy had the means to overcome any obstacle brought forward by the three great houses. The only issue was how to get in contact with those people.

“Contact?” Song’s face showed a confusing color. Then blushing shyly after a moment of thought, “If you want to know, there is something…. But it was from my dream….”

What did you say? Your dream?

Everyone was stunned.

Spirit got all strange in her face, “Sister Song, it couldn’t be from last time, right?”

That kind of wet dream…

Are you serious?

Although it was a perverted idea, Song was very adamant about this being real.

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She remembered vividly about the words from her husband, that all she needed to do was shout she loved her husband three times in the villa.

“Mrs. Song, can you try?” Long Jiu felt helpless at this twist but decided to give it a shot. What harm could there be now that things are this far in?

Song nodded before pursing her lips and shouting:

“Husband, I love you.”

“Husband, I love you.”

“Husband, I love you!”

Everyone: “……”

Is this even considered a contact method?

“Ahumph, this kind of contact method is a bit unreliable.”

“As expected of something from a dream, it’s too surreal.”

“I’m highly suspicious of a dog food feeding show.”

“Is this the time to be making this kind of a joke?”


Long Jiu sighed and gave up hope.

But the next moment —

A red figure suddenly flew out of the bedroom.

“Hello, dear Mistress, Jarvis is at your service!”

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