Chapter 69 “There’s No Such Thing As A Superhero”

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Song: “??!!”

Long Jiu: “??!!”

The three friends: “??!!”

Everyone in the live chatroom: “??!!”


They really went poof in the head!

What is this?!

Iron Man??!!

They stared at the steel suit in silent daze for the longest time, unable to process the buzzing frying sound in their head. But eventually…..


“What is this situation? Iron Man is out?”

“Song’s shout really is the key to contacting them!!!”

“Chu Yun’s hand is too incredible, I admit I can’t compare!”

“It turns out Iron Man in Chu Yun’s room is real, no wonder it looked so realistic….”

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“Chu Yun is Chu Yun after all, his plans are beyond our imagination!”

“Crazy, the world is crazy!”


The live broadcast room directly erupted with all sorts of comments!

Although many people were attracted to Fusky’s room, that doesn’t mean they couldn’t open multiple tabs though.

“Ir-Iron Man?!” Coco’s mouth popped into an “o” shape, her shaky finger pointing at the floating metal suit right out of the movies.

“Does Brother-in-law have to be so good? Who is he exactly?!!” Music said stupidly.

Long Jiu was even more excited and almost couldn’t gather her wits.

Dahan is saved!

Dahan is really saved!!

The agent hurriedly ran over and bowed respectfully, “Dear Mr. Jarvis, I beg you to intervene and save Dahan.”

Jarvis turned his head and glanced at her, “I don’t know you, don’t talk to me.”

Then the metal suit turned to face Song again, “What is your command Mistress?”

Song gets all hopeful, “I want you to save Dahan, can you do it?”

“A piece of cake!” Jarvis made an ok gesture with his hand and then shot out of the building like you would expect from the movies.

This scene instantly made everyone laugh.

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“Hahaha, Jarvis is too double-standard.”

“Long Jiu got on her knees and begged, yet Jarvis ruthless dropped the bomb on her and said he didn’t know her. Oh this is hilarious!”

“Song is the best!”

“That’s a given upstairs. This is Chu Yun’s stuff, obviously the Iron Man will only listen to Song. She’s the wife after all!”

“Salvation! Dahan is saved! Let’s go tell everyone this insane news!”


Immediately, countless viewers began to make noise on the Internet excitedly.

In the conference room of the National Security Bureau.

Fang Guofeng’s eyes were bloodshot red while his mouth had started to bleed from the tension he bit down. “That weapon is too fast. Our air defense system can’t intercept it. I’m afraid Haifu City is…”

When he said these words, he felt ashamed beyond all reason to the point of tears slowly trickling down one by one.

The Grand Elder sighed and waved his hand weakly, “Leave us.”

The five elders sat there gloomily, their hands clenching and repeatedly releasing due to the swirling emotions they felt.

On those old shoulders of theirs were the lives of everyone inside the Dahan Dynasty! For the average person, this pressure level would’ve caused them to collapse by now. Yet, they didn’t…. because if they did, who else would shoulder this burden?

“The document… I’ll sign it.” The Grand Elder’s voice was hoarse and pained as he picked up the page and pen.

Once this contract gets signed, it would be the equivalent of ruining the future of Dahan, and he would inevitably bear the infamy of being the country’s traitor for a millennium to come!

But… he had no choice for he could not watch the suffering of the people like this.

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Haifu City was just a warning, but even a warning was something they couldn’t afford!

Just as the Grand Elder’s pen was about to fall, Fang Guofeng’s excited voice again cuts in from the door, “Report, urgent intelligence!”

The Grand Elder’s hand shook slightly, “Come in.”

Fang Guofeng hurried inside and wiped the tears that had already covered his face, “I just received news from Song’s villa, he’s activated the Iron Man left by Chu Yun! The suit is already rushing towards the battlefield! We’re saved!”

Chu Yun?

Iron Man?


Although the five elders could not understand the specifics of what the subordinate was going on about, the name Chu Yun alone was enough to tell them it must be good!

The Second Elder grew flushed red with expectant eyes, “Did Chu Yun make a move?”

“The armored suit Chu Yun left behind came alive!” Fang Guofeng’s whole body was trembling with excitement, “It… should be very strong!”


Haifu City.

Things had evolved into chaos here.

As the target city of ‘Angel’, everyone who paid attention to the stream wanted to flee for their lives, which naturally created congestion on the roads. Right now, forget about escaping, merely moving on the road was impossible.

“It’s over, it’s all over!”

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Naturally the authorities are still trying to maintain order in this chaotic situation, but what could the officers do? They were outnumbered a thousand to one, not to mention this was a life-or-death situation.

Everywhere, it didn’t matter if it was the corner or the open street, people were screaming and fleeing in all directions. The lucky ones were able to grab onto their family and huddle together, the less fortunate were being trampled by their fellow citizens and suffering broken bones from the stomping.

“Hiroko, listen to me, Iron Man is on the way, you are safe! Iron Man is going to save you!”

“Iron my ass! Ah Wei, what the hell are you babbling about when I’m about to die! Are you even human?!”

“Hiroko, if I lie to you then I’m not human. There really is Iron Man. The government already announced this through official channels so calm down, you will be fine.”

“You don’t have to comfort me, I know I’m done for. This world doesn’t have superheroes.”

“Hiroko, you…”

“Ah Wei, I can see the missile…” Holding his phone, the teenager called Hiroko stared blankly up into the sky where a toothpick-sized object was quickly descending down upon his head.

In this moment, the entire chaotic Haifu City seemed to have frozen as a red flashing light suddenly enveloped the whole landscape. The people dreaded inside at this, hugging their loved ones for a sense of security. But of course, this was a futile effort. Nothing they do could change the outcome….

But then it happened. An armored suit flew directly from the opposite direction at sonic speed, its mechanical eyes locking onto the “Angel” weapon.

“Target sighted, activating repulsor beams as countermeasure!”

Raising its right hand, a violent burst of blue beam shot out of the palm and met the missile head-on.

Under the gaze of the city residents, the following scene unfolded as such: a missile came down on their heads, then a blue beam suddenly shot out from the opposite direction and collided with the weapon.

“Boom!” An explosion ensued, turning the air into a series of long fireworks.

And then……

A red-figure slowly flew into everyone’s sight.

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