Chapter 75 “Please Broadcast”

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Of course, the 60% chance of winning wasn’t low by any means in this case. After all, that’s more than half of the percentage still. But in Song’s eyes, it couldn’t be any lower since this was her husband’s life they were talking about! So, anything less than one hundred percent was unacceptable in her view!

“Woowoo, why must he go? Couldn’t he have stayed? Is it so bad to live a normal life?” Song cried and protested over how unfair things were.

Why bother going to such lengths?

What if something really happens!

“It’s not like that Mistress. Truth is Master also didn’t want to go. He struggled for a long time as well before finally departing. According to his word, the matter cannot be ignored.” Jarvis’s words made many of the audience burst into tears inside.

It’s at this moment the picture of Chu Yun looking all troubled inside the café resurfaced inside their heads. The furrowed expression couldn’t be mistaken for anything else, which matched what the robot said. Then shifting to the love letter that had been crossed out by Chu Yun as well, it all made sense now.

What was the reason he had to go?

Spirit gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes before throwing her arms around Song to comfort the singer, “Sister Song, don’t cry, I’m sure he is fine.”

Partially feeling better, Song softly asks, “Jarvis, tell me everything you know about my husband. I want to hear everything.”

With a slight bow, the robot complies, “Mistress, according to protocol left by Master, I can lead you to a place to where you can find the answer. You only need to mentally prepare yourself though for the truth will be quite shocking.”

“Mentally prepared? Why?” Song couldn’t help but cock her brow up.

Jarvis answers honestly, “Because everything there is very special. It is a little treasure of the Master’s, and I am afraid that you will be too surprised to see it.”

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Chu God’s Treasure?!

Be prepared mentally?!

This simple phrase caused everyone’s heart to beat violently because they were hooked!


It must be known, those calligraphy and paintings, sandalwood, gold mountain and oil field, they’re all garbage according to Chu Yun’s own words. Even the super life hormone was gifted away without hesitation! So what exactly could it be if it’s regarded as a treasure?

Unimaginable, that’s what!

They couldn’t think of anything at that level!

Song instinctively gasps and solemnly said, “Take me over there!”

Jarvis nodded, “As you command, Mistress.”

Hearing their conversation, whether it was the people on the scene or the viewers watching this from the livestream, they all exploded.

“Livestream, please Song, please go live and let us see!”

“My grandfather is on his last breath in the hospital bed right now. The only reason he’s still enduring is because he wants to have a glimpse of Chu Yun’s glory!”

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“If you don’t let me see then it’s worse than killing me, please!”

“Kneel, I’ll kneel down for you, please let me see!”

Damei’s Director Jill: “Strongly request the open broadcast, we are all very concerned about Chu God’s wellbeing! Chu God belongs to the Blue Star! We must see this!”

Daben’s Taiji, “Big Brother Dahan, please be sure to broadcast the event live, we also want to know of Big Brother Chu Yun’s situation. Your little brother here will kowtow to you.”

The Empress of the Dakore Dynasty, “If you don’t want to broadcast the event then let me come over there.”


This scene directly made those who joined the livestreams all confused.

“WTF, these big guys from the other dynasties are actually appearing in our broadcast room?!”

“Are they all so idle that they have nothing else to do?”

“Regardless of what they want, I’m in agreement with their view this time. You must open the broadcast for us!”


At the same time, the five elders of the Dahan Dynasty were happily discussing the major affairs of the dynasty. They’re already at the cusp of taking flight, and all they needed now was timing to move all their projects forward.

But then the phone of the Second Elder rang. He glanced at the caller ID and became slightly taken aback.

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Bilu of the Damei Dynasty?

What is she calling at this time for?

As soon as the Second Elder was connected, Bilu’s voice spoke came through with a hint of urgency, “Dear Second Elder, I know its rude to call on my own like this, but I hope you won’t mind. On behalf of the Damei Dynasty, I strongly request Dahan broadcast the event live for everyone. We are good friends after all, there’s no reason not to share something this big, right? If you agree, our government is willing to make concessions on any matter you wish.”

Live broadcast?

You’re calling because you want to watch a broadcast?

And you can make concessions on any matter I deem fit?

The Second Elder’s expression got all confused like he just imagined this.

It must be known he’s already taken this opportunity to push for a lot of concessions from the Damei Dynasty. Therefore, it’s hard to understand why the other side would go further and do more.

What’s so great about a live broadcast?

The Second Elder grew wary and stopped her, “Hold on first, what are you talking about? What live broadcast?”

Bilu now sounded anxious from the other side, “Why are you still pretending you don’t know? There is new development with Chu Yun. Are you telling me you aren’t interested?!”

“What?!” The old senior’s eyes shrank as his body jerked into a tense freeze.

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SHIT! There is a new development in Chu Yun’s matter?!

No wonder, everything about Chu Yun now is an international event!

“Ahumph, I see, don’t worry, we’re still discussing the matter so I’ll hang up first.” Making up an excuse, he quickly hangs up his phone. However, the device wasn’t going to stay quiet and instantly rung again.

This time it’s the Daben Dynasty.

Then came the Dakore Dynasty.

In the end, the Second Elder couldn’t handle this nonsense and directly shut the device off.

The other four elders all watched their brother and didn’t say anything. They know it must be something big to get such a reaction from this military man.

The Grand Elder with his deep and commanding voice, “What happened?”

The Second Elder gets all serious, “It’s about Chu Yun, I’ll contact Li Tianlong now and ask about the details.”

Through the security director’s mouth, these five gramps finally learned of the story from start to end. They’re excited but also nervous at the same time. The former was Chu Yun’s treasure, the latter being the fear of the three houses trying something again.

The Second Elder, “Grand Elder, will you open the live broadcast like they ask?”

The Grand Elder lowered his lip into a frown and groaned at the idea, “Yes, open it!” He then explained after a pause, “Chu Yun’s existence is no longer a secret, hiding him any further will only increase the suspicion of the other dynasties. There’s nothing to gain by doing so, and it might complicate any future development. Besides, our country is strong enough to protect Chu Yun’s things now so what need do we have to hide? If they want to see then let them, it will help raise our nation’s prestige!”

The Second Elder nodded before making a cheeky grin, “But the main point is… we also want to watch it live, right?!”

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