Chapter 76 “Delicious Listing”

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Under the leadership of Jarvis, Song did not go elsewhere but returned to the villa where Li Tianlong and Fang Guofeng were already waiting at the doorstep.

“Miss Song, may I know if you’re willing to broadcast the event live for the public?” Li Tianlong respectfully asks.

That’s what the five elders asked him to inquire. Though it’s a bit rude on their part to request this, but the choice remains with the singer so it’s not overstepping.

Unable to make up her mind, Song turns to the AI robot for help, “Jarvis, can the next part be broadcasted live?”

The light in Jarvis’s eyes flared up as it flickered on and off. He’s going through the memory files regarding the times’ Chu Yun talked about the “place” and if it’s open to the public.

“If I don’t come back in time, you’ll find a suitable time to make the things in here public. This way the people of Blue Star can make early preparations.”

Now should be the right time, right Master?

Jarvis nodded, “That’s permissible.”

This answer came as a bit of a surprise to everyone, but no one dug into it since they got what they wanted.

Song nodded at Music, and the famous streamer immediately opened up her livestream, where hordes of fans were already waiting anxiously. Well, it’s not hordes anymore, it’s ‘?’ because the number counter couldn’t display the proper figure anymore due to poor coding.

Truth was, due to the enormous number of visitors to the streaming site, the company in question had to request help from the government in the past hour to support this influx. So, Music’s streaming room was no longer linked to the average server but directly to the government’s supercomputer, and this was happening while the screen was still black from being offline!

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Music to her fans in the chatroom: “Ladies and gents, I believe I don’t need to say more since you all know what you’re here for. Be mentally prepared, none of us knows what is coming. This would be my last and only warning if you got a faint heart.”

“Treasure hunting, looking for personal savings, hahaha!”

“Kekeke! It’s coming! It’s on boys and girls! HURRAY!”

“Aaaah, this is the happiest moment of my life!”

“Thank you Song, I will kneel and kowtow to you for this gift!”

“My whole body is shaking right now. What big treasure did Chu Yun hide?!”


Let’s not mention the ordinary folks joining in on this grand event, even the head honchos of the various governments were keeping a keen eye on this matter, especially the five elders in charge of Dahan.

The Grand Elder’s hand couldn’t help but clench into a fist as well.

What exactly could be called a treasure by Chu Yun?

Song took a deep breath, “Jarvis, take us over there!”

“As you wish Mistress,” Jarvis immediately led the way.

The road ahead was nothing special since they had gone through this path from the previous treasure hunting ventures. Eventually, they are now standing back in the laboratory where they first found the super life element.

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Isn’t this a dead end?

Instead of replying, Jarvis used action to answer the question.

By slowly reaching out his metallic hand, the palm hummed into life with a blue glow and made contact with a certain segment of granite surface. With a thud, the flat hard ground slid inward with a dent before completely sliding to one side.

“A secret passage! There is indeed a secret passage!”

“Brothers and sisters, my entire arm is getting goosebumps!”

“Chu Yun really knows how to hide his stuff. One layer after another, nobody could ever pull this off…”

“Hurry and show me, I can’t wait to see where this leads!”


The crowd quickly and orderly stepped onto the secret staircase when they found another door leading into an elevator.

At first nobody thought anything of this arrangement. In their heads, they only wanted to know what’s awaiting them at the next location. However, the group and the viewers from the stream soon noticed the abnormality – the elevator wasn’t stopping or showing signs of slowing down.

How come it hasn’t reached the end yet?

How deep are we going?

Li Tianlong asked solemnly, “Long Jiu, do you have any idea how long we’ve been like this?”

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“We have been descending at a pace of five meters per second. Presently, we’ve been inside the elevator for four minutes and twenty-eight seconds!” The competent female agent reports.

Keeping track of these variables had become second nature to this woman. However, the nonchalant tone didn’t translate well to those who listened. Everyone was beating wildly inside due to this. The reasoning? It’s because they had descended over one thousand meters and counting, and that’s not counting the depth they were already in before stepping into this contraption!

In a blink of an eye, four minutes more had passed with this heavy mood over their heads.

While none of the lift riders dared to speak during this period, the viewers, on the other hand had gone stupid in their comments. Specifically, they’re pulling out all the theories they had come up with during the past few days.

Fortunately, by the tenth-minute mark, the elevator finally came to a halt to the dismay of its occupants.

Ten minutes!

That’s more than three thousand meters underground!

Even if by the standard of modern technology, drilling this far deep into the planet would take enormous effort and cost, not to mention the time required for this venture. But now, they’ve ridden an elevator down here! It’s difficult to stomach this truth despite the party being here in person.

“We’ve finally reached the end….”

“It’s horrifying just thinking how deep they’ve gone. Did Chu Yun have to go this deep to hide his things?!”

“It is incredible to think someone can do all this, but then again, we are talking about someone that owns a real Iron Man suit! I will not be surprised anymore if they bring out another Marvel character right now.”

“Upstairs, what if I tell you the next treasure is Superman and Batman? Will you eat your words?”

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Before everyone could soothe their shock and take it all in, the elevator door automatically slid apart to reveal a black gateway.

“Quick look, there’s a message left on the gate!” Fang Guofeng’s eyes were the sharpest so he’s the first to notice the handwriting left. However, after a cursory glance, his expression suddenly got all strange looking.

Song and the others followed suit, with Music being the professional streamer that kept her camera on point for the viewers.

Everybody held their breath there, staring intently as they read the words one by one. But soon, their expression was the same as the chief detective’s, getting confused and weird looking.

What’s the word to describe the situation? They’re simply speechless.

They had great expectations for whatever message was written there. After all, only Chu Yun could’ve written whatever’s there. But the enthusiasm disappeared as soon as they read the content and actually found it silly.

“List of the greatest delicious yummy things throughout history.”

“The first place, the wings of the pterosaur, roasted and eaten as is, the meat is extremely tender, and the taste is unparallel.”

“The second place, the sabretooth tiger’s paw, fat but not greasy, very chewy, the meat aroma is unique.”

“The third place, the tail of the Tyrannosaurus rex, I never thought that the tail of the Tyrannosaurus rex could be so delicious so I had no choice but to hunt a few more to satiate my craving.”

“Fourth place, mammoth ears…”

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