Chapter 77 “Forget This Broadcast”

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“Pterodactyls, Tyrannosaurus rex, mammoths? Can these be classified as food? I’m going dumb….”

“I thought about countless possibilities, but I never expected Chu Yun to write such a thing.”

“The food ranking list for things throughout history? No matter how you look at it, this is a bit childish, isn’t it? I didn’t think Chu Yun would have this side to him. He’s just like us in a way.”

“Hahaha, and he said to hunt a few more Tyrannosaurus rexes too. Where do I sign up?”

“Oh I’m caught off guard, Chu Yun changed too suddenly from dominating route to a comedy skit route.”


Fang Guofeng coughed lightly, “ahumph, I didn’t think Chu Yun was this humorous, or is he trying to convey some sort of message to us?”

With that idea in mind, the chief detective began to use his knowledge in this field to begin deducing any coded message hidden underneath.

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“I doubt it, probably just names of the dishes.”

Spirit expressed her opinion, “Nowadays, restaurants all like to exaggerate their dishes to catch attention. Like phoenix claw and the like. This Tyrannosaurus rex tail likely refers to a dish that looks like a lizard’s tail or something.”

Her words instantly won everyone’s approval because this was scientific and made a lot of sense.

At the same time, in the gathering hall of the three great houses, the atmosphere was weighty and grim as they convened this meeting.

Following the death of their sons that day, the pride of these bastards had smashed into the dirt. They didn’t dare to make a move or get revenge because they feared Iron Man would crash through their ceiling and clean their houses. However, the hatred they held was enough to burn a hole through the walls, if that’s a thing.


Meinek smacked the table and growled, “Bastards, those from the Daben Dynasty are all fucking bastards! They were never this enthusiastic in licking our feet back then!”

Buju responds with a stern voice, “It’s just some tide swingers. They are not worth our attention at all. Once we destroy Chu Yun, all these peasants will rightfully return to our side and kneel.” The man then grinds his teeth in frustration as those eyes turn red, “Father, you must help avenge my son’s death. I want to destroy Dahan. I want to remove their entire kind off the face of the planet!”

“Of course, don’t ruin your state of mind by letting this get to your head. Sooner or later, those involved will all pay, they always do!” Tanbo Wittstein waves his son to sit back down. Then turning to face the rest of the people here, this grandfather and true ruler finally spoke, “This is indeed a tricky situation, but fret not. If that Iron Man is not touchable, we can go after the source. Kill that singer then no one can give the robot orders. The problem is solved then.”

Meinek turned to face the screen showing the live broadcast and sneered, “What a bunch of ignorant monkeys. Chu Yun had already brought out the Iron Man, what else could he possibly hide?”

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“I agree with you.” Patch nodded.

Iron Man was already at the peak of the imagination spectrum. It’s difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to further topple this feat.

“I bet it’s just some recipe book.” Meinek snorted and confidently conjectured. “Chu Yun’s standard is actually similar to mine. After standing at the peak of the world for so long, wealth and power can no longer excite me. Only stuff like food and music can pique my interest!”

Buju immediately burst out laughing, “Hahaha, a recipe book is reasonable. I am looking forward to the faces those monkeys will make on the broadcast. Perhaps they will be so disappointed that they will start scolding Chu Yun, hahaha!”


In the dinosaur wing of the national museum.

Guo Mingda, director here, was gathering a group of people to watch the live broadcast. As one of the few people who has ever participated in the discoveries of the villa, he’s able to gloat for a lifetime before his peers, which he wholeheartedly demonstrated right now.

But now, looking at the food ranking list message, he had fallen into confusion like the rest of his friends. Except for one person here, who was boiling over with anger.

This new guy was the head of the archaeological department in the biggest university of Dahan, called Zhang Gen, or Gen for short among his friends. The main reason for his visit today was to study the dinosaur fossils so encountering the broadcast about Chu Yun’s things was a pure coincidence.

“So this is the Chu Yun who made the outstanding contributions to the country? The one that warranted a special display column for his donations?” Gen did not hide his discontent and huffed a grunt, “No matter who he is, or what kind of ability he has, playing this prank is unacceptable!

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“Please calm down Professor Gen. I’m sure Chu Yun has his reasons for doing this.” Guo Mingda rushed over to appease the guy.

“Bullshit! How old is he to utter jokes like hunting a T-rex? How can he be so childish!”

Gen’s dedication to history was well known among those in this field, especially his knowledge and expertise in dinosaur fossils. So, the fact that he’s not lashing out and yelling at the top of his lung was restrained enough.

“I rather not watch this broadcast!” Gen waves his hand and walks away to a table where a newly discovered fossil had been stored for cleaning.


Back over at the main scene.

“How is it? Are there any codes worded in the handwriting?” Li Tianlong asked Fang Guofeng curiously.

“No, at least I can’t find any so far.” Fang Guofeng frowned and shook his head.

Coco the school idol couldn’t wait and chimed in, “Who cares about what this sentence means! Let’s go inside already!”

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Just about everyone nodded in unison. They’re equally as anxious to get inside to see for themselves what could be worthy of hiding. Of the which, Long Jiu volunteered herself to be the vanguard of this venture.

There were no mechanism or lock on this gated door so her hands could quickly push open a crack. But immediately, her eyes shrank as that body shuddered violently at what she saw inside. Not even a second later, the female agent jolted and slammed the door shut again without a word. She’s hyperventilating as that chest heaved up and down in significant strides.

What’s going on?

Others here all wondered why and got all confused by this intense reaction. In their mind, this woman who came from the government had always been composed and well collected. It doesn’t make sense for her to behave in such a fashion.

Li Tianlong’s heart jumped wildly because he understood this subordinate of his the best: “Long Jiu, what did you see?”

“Director, the stuff inside…. it’s very scary!” Long Jiu’s entire figure started to tremble like she’s unable to find the right words.

To say it scared her was an understatement, more like subverting her worldview to the point of not being able to process what she saw!

Turning to Jarvis in his robotic form, the competent female agent stammers out a question, “Mr. Jarvis, is the stuff in there real?”

Jarvis mechanically replied, “Master never collects fake things.”

That did it. The final string holding her sanity together snapped right there and then, sending the woman questioning her own existence.

Taking a long deep breath, she then shifts back to her superior, “Director, everyone, please be prepared before we continue!”

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