Chapter 81 “An Otaku’s Dream Setup”

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Spirit’s surprised voice stunned all of those present.

Coco wondered by what her close friend meant, “Do you mean flowers or what?”

Spirit shook her head, “No, it’s the aroma of cooked meat.”



The very idea of that suggestion was enough to make everyone’s skin crawl with numbness, and why wouldn’t they? This place was underground, an exhibit of extinct creatures, how could someone be roasting meat here?

Song spoke hopelessly at her friend, “Spirit, you must be too hungry, that’s why you’re hallucinating. This is not the right place to make that of a joke.”

However, Music’s following comment got everyone on edge, “Sister Song, I think I smell it too.”

“Yes, the smell is definitely that of meat getting roasted, and it’s getting stronger.” Long Jiu says, her eyes suddenly freezing as her body tensed up. Lowering her voice into a whisper, “It’s coming from that direction.”

By this point many of the party members could pick up on the scent so they didn’t doubt the idea anymore.

Someone is seriously grilling meat here!

“No way, there is someone else in this underground world?!”

“How did things become so spooky all of a sudden? The only ones capable of grilling meat is humans, right?”

“What the hell is it? FUCK, this is too scary!”

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The chatbox in the livestream was suddenly filled with questions and comments about how scared they were – some going as far to suggest there were ghosts around. However, there was one comment who ruled them all. Flashing in bold gold colors, it dominated the screen for all to see.

Grand Elder of Dahan Dynasty: “Everyone pay attention, protect Mrs. Song at all costs!”

“Holy cow, when in the world did the Grand Elder join us on the livestream?!”

“Isn’t that expected? This is Chu Yun’s livestream! I would be more surprised if the big bosses didn’t watch this!”

“You heard the Grand Elder folks, protect Song at all costs! Oh mama, I’m getting the creeps just thinking about what’s coming up.”


While everyone was unnerved by the thought of another party lurking about, Song suddenly thought of something, “It may be my husband!”

Without waiting, the singer dashed forward towards the smell.

“Wait, careful Mrs. Song!” Startled by the abrupt twist, Li Tianlong and the rest of his agents also dashed forward in fear of an accident.

As the party got closer to the source, the smell also intensified until the billowing smoke could be seen up in the air. This sight caused them to all hold their breath for what’s waiting.

Moments later.

A small villa appears in the live footage.

Outside the villa, there’s a bonfire with a grill placed over the flame, and beside it were pots and pans with four silhouettes huddled around the fire.

Another moment later.

The silhouettes gradually became clearer to the point where the faces could be made out. The other side had also noticed the newcomers and had quickly turned to face them.

Countless people forgot to breathe at that second. Even Li Tianlong and his subordinates were involuntarily freezing due to an invisible force called beauty.

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“Fairies, they are fairies! Aaaah, I’m going crazy!”

“How can there be such a beautiful girl in the world? I’m dying!!!”

“Beauty so thrilling that I can’t breathe. It’s inhumane how beautiful they are. I can’t use words to describe what I’m seeing. Please just let me be a dog and lick their shoes!”


The live broadcast room directly exploded.

Even in the era of artificial beauties where a scalpel could carve out any shape or form, these ladies that just came into the camera were on a different plane of existence. There’s nothing like them. So pure, flawless, and natural, it’s truly the work of gods to create something this perfect. A simple smile was enough to make men go to war for them.

Just like that, the original vigilant mood and wariness were swept away by the soothing contour of these fairies. Such beauty couldn’t possibly be evil inside, right, RIGHT?!

And as if to answer that plight from the viewers, four fairies faintly smiled at the camera simultaneously. But of course, they weren’t smiling at the drooling audience but at Song, who happened to be in the same direction.

Walking up towards the singer together, the fairies gracefully made a bow to greet the lady, “Your loyal maids greet the Mistress.”


These four fairy-like existences are calling themselves maids?!!!

To say men around the globe were frothing in the mouths was an understatement. Heck, those with a maid obsession were literally jumping up and down like frogs being injected with steroids. In their mind, this was the greatest gift from the heavens because it’s equivalent to acknowledging their maid fetish!

Song on the other hand appeared dumbfounded by the way she’s being addressed: “Do you know me?”

One of the women said, “Master showed us the portrait of you Mistress.”

It’s quite obvious they’re all maids working for Chu Yun based on that answer. For this reason, Song couldn’t help but feel her heart churning.

Making a pouting face due to the jealousy inside, “What’s your name?”

“My name is Spring.”

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“My name is Summer.”

“My and is Autumn.”

“My name is Winter.”

The four answered one by one, but their answer was no less than a nuclear bomb thrown into everyone’s heart. It’s making them numb.

“SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! My head’s about to blow! It’s going to pop like popcorn!”

“I was wondering how they can be so beautiful, it turns out they’re the four legendary beauties from history!”

“Only Chu Yun can play something like this. He not only gathered all those prehistoric creatures, but also the four great beauties of history. OH WOW!!”

“He turned the four great beauties into his maids… As a man, I can die happy if I had such fortune.”

“Modern beauties and ancient beauties, a dual-action win. How in the world did he come up with this idea? Part of me wants to kill him for being so lucky, but another part wants to be in his place!”

“I only hate myself for not being Chu Thief!!!”

“Chu Thief is terrifying!”


Guo Mingda and his fellow experts were dropping their jaws right now and couldn’t close it for the longest time. They expected to study ancient creatures, not living and walking human beings from history!

“You… are you all really people from ancient times?” Guo Mingda asks uncomfortably.

“Mhmm, we all came from the past. It was Master who sent Jarve to save us.” Spring dons her flowery smile and waves at the iron suit, “Jarvis, it’s been a while.”

Jarvis mechanically responds, “It’s indeed been a while Ms. Spring.”

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Li Tianlong and Fang Guofeng glanced at each other and shared similar thoughts with their eyes.

Fang Guofeng analyzed: “It looks like Chu Yun has a time machine, but the world he went to is a different parallel world to ours. If he didn’t, our history would’ve changed and we wouldn’t know history as we do now.”

Li Tianlong didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry: “That boy really does not distinguish between people and things. He will pack them all into his collection.”

Spirit, Music and Coco stared at the four legendary beauties. Without forethought, they began to furrow their foreheads in frustration due to a sense of defeat.

Brother-in-law is more flirtatious than expected.

How are we supposed to seduce him when he has such beauties around? He probably has enough antibodies to resist anything!

“Mistress, dinner is almost ready, why don’t you and your friends have a taste?” Spring respectfully bowed and issued an invitation.

Song immediately felt the tug on her sleeve. Turning around, her eyes fell upon her friend Spirit who was clearly longing for the food with that drool.

Actually, it’s not only Spirit who’s drooling, but everyone else who’s been captivated by that aroma.

Song nodded, “Mmmm, then we will have to bother you.”

Without effort, the four beauties cleared the table for the party like they were used to such work.

“ke, ku, ke—”

Crackling sounds constantly came from the bonfire, burning with sizzling noise that enticed the taste bud of these guests. From what the party could see, it’s a huge tail that’s being roasted over the open flames.

Professor Gen stared the hardest of the group because he found it oddly familiar-looking, until something hit him….

How come this looks like a T-rex’s tail?!

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