Chapter 82 “Dark Spy in Action”

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“WTF!!!” Professor Gen went crazy. He stared at the roasting hunk of meat with agonizing tears rolling down his cheeks while that body trembled all over.

Among the various dinosaur species known to mankind, he was especially fond of the T-rex since he was but a child, and now his T-rex was being cooked….

It’s a mental blow that many wouldn’t be able to relate to, and only those who truly invested themselves into their profession and art would.

But with the last glimmer of hope, he asked nervously, “Miss, this… what tail is this?”

Summer warmly smiled and replied, “The tail of the Tyrannosaurus Rex is delicious, and the Master has recognized it as the third tastiest food on the list.”


It’s the sound of the professor’s heart shattering into a million pieces.

Oh T-rex, you have suffered!

Li Tianlong and the others had not noticed this tail at first, but after hearing Summer’s explanation, their expressions naturally froze in shock.

No wonder this meat gave off an exquisite aroma like no other, it turns out to be the meat of a Tyrannosaurus rex?!

Coco cusped her mouth with those dainty hands in order to avoid making a scene, “Am I dreaming? I can actually have a taste of the famous T-rex?”

After noticing their numbers, Winter suddenly realizes something: “Oh right, Autumn, one tail is not nearly enough for our guests. Go pick out some other ingredients for us, will you?”

Winter had an elegant and generous air to her, the embodiment of nobility, and was clearly the leader of these four fairies since she was the one giving orders.

“Okay, I’ll be back quickly.” Autumn nodded and got up from her spot before heading to the nearest ingredient.

Moments later.

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Under the stunned gaze of everyone, she returned with a sizeable reptilian wing and mammal’s ear.

Autumn: “These are the wings of the pterosaur, one of the highly prized items on the food list by Master. This here is the mammoth ear, ranked fourth by Master as well. They’re both great and have their unique qualities. Why don’t you all compare them for yourself after having a taste.”


Compare what?! These are stuff we can’t even imagine; how do you expect us to compare their tastes?!

No matter how mentally prepared Li Tianlong was for this adventure, the security director couldn’t fathom such sharp turns in their plans, so he left his jaws drooping without uttering a word for a while.

As for the live broadcast room, it has gone bat shit crazy with many blasting the comments with everything they have. Money indeed was raining down for Music’s bank account today.

“My god, I’m not prepared for this. How in the world did we suddenly start feasting on prehistoric animals?!”

“Friends, friends, all gather around, I have here a recipe for your favorite dinosaur!”

“Aren’t dinosaurs protected animals? Isn’t this illegal?”

“Upstairs, are you dumb or are you dumb? When did we ever pass a law prohibiting the consumption of dinosaurs?!”

“Wow, turns out Chu Yun’s food list is real, and here we were laughing at that message on the door. We actually clowned ourselves!”

“Needless to say, if Chu Yun says these items on the list are some of the best ingredients out there, then I won’t doubt it. If only I could taste the number one ranked ingredient…”


Main scene.

Guo Mingda’s tone was hoarse and tied with emotions as he murmured, “I finally understand why all the creatures we encountered along the way are missing a piece or two. Turns out they were eaten by these ladies…”

“Grilled T-rex tail is complete. Mistress, please have a taste.” Spring sliced off a thin slice like how you do with a roast and handed it over.

“Thank you…”

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While Song got her personal maid, the other three were busy dividing up the meat for everyone else, and soon the entire T-rex tail was cleaned off with only the bone remaining.

Spirit swallowed hard as she eyed the slab of meat on her plate. She’s been wanting this from the very start, so when the actress finally stuffed the meat into her mouth, an explosion of flavors instantly rocked her world.

“Mmmmm, oooohhh~~~ So delicious!!!” Spirit’s eyes melted away into a heart shape as the flavor profile erupted, causing her to lose herself in the moment.

Her chew was slow and methodical, ensuring not to allow an ounce of juice to leak out from those lips. According to her findings, the flesh was tender and crispy on the outside but not heavily greasy and overwhelming as in some top-graded beef you find out on the market.

Naturally, the actress’s reaction startled those who still haven’t taken a bite yet.

Is it really that delicious?

Except for Professor Gen, just about everyone on the table had picked up their portion to chew down.

Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, exactly the same as what the actress experienced.

Coco’s little face started to blush as she relished the experience: “Delicious, it’s unlike anything I’ve ever eaten!”

Even Fang Guofeng and Li Tianlong, who had always been collected and calm, were impressed beyond words by the flavor and texture circulating in their mouthes.

“This is my favorite Tyrannosaurus Rex…. how can I eat it?” Professor Gen remains undecided as he eyed the plate in front of himself. “As a professor of archaeology, I can’t…. if I do this then it’s going against everything I stand for.”

“But… is it that delicious?”

“Actually… eating the meat is also a kind of research. Yes, that’s right, I can write a paper on the texture and taste afterward. This will let future generations have a better understanding of its biology!”

“One little bite, just a taste….”

One thought and that’s all it took to push the professor over the edge of no return.

Calmly and slowly, he raised the plate to shove a small bite into his mouth. Before he knew it, his pupils were popping, his mouth drooling to the point where he couldn’t control his jaws. The guy simply lost it and kept chowing down due to how intoxicated he had become.

“Woohoo, as expected of my favorite T-Rex, the meat is too delicious. I can never forget this flavor!”

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Due to how immersed everyone was in eating their portion, the camera was mostly left unattended on the table. Nevertheless, the majority of what’s happening was still captured by the lens, causing countless viewers to drool like animals.

“A proper treasure hunting adventure just became a food show.”

“Let me get some cup noodles. I can’t stand watching them eat like this! It’s too tempting!”

“Hahaha, you all see Professor Gen? Originally, he was still forcing himself to endure, and now he is releasing himself. Imagine how delicious that tail must be to turn him like this!”

Damei Dynasty Jill rewarded the anchor with 1,000 super fire comments: “Big Brother Chu Yun is the boss. I hope he can export a little bit of dinosaur meat to us after his return. It doesn’t matter the cost; our country will happily pay it!”

Daben Dynasty’s Taiji rewarded the anchor with 1,000 super fire comments: “All hail Chu Yun, all hail the mighty big brother! We won’t ask for much; just a few scrap bones is all we need!”

The ambassador of Yin Dynasty rewarded the anchor with 1,000 super fire comments: “Our country is small and weak, but we will happily become Chu Yun’s loyal dog if he will have us!”

Tips from various dynasties covered the screen, one by one competing for something by lowering themselves into a dog. For once in humanity’s history, figureheads had demonstrated how shameless and low a leader of power could stoop.


Three great house’s gathering hall.


“These hateful bastards, a bunch of disgusting dog lickers!” Patch slammed the table with his raging fist. He’s heaving from the anger of seeing how easily all these countries turned their back on them and turned towards Chu Yun instead.

Making a cold menacing grin, Buju spoke with a dismissive wave: “It doesn’t matter how much they lick Dahan’s boot, it will mean nothing in the end!”

“Well said, no matter what Chu Yun has, it will eventually become ours!” Meinek takes a sip from the teacup and puts on a gentlemen’s air despite his foul nature, “I believe the opportunity is here, is it not my fellow brothers?”

Patch looked shaken at the suggestion, “Lord Meinek, do you have a plan?”

Meinek, being the dishonest scum that he was, spoke with confidence. “Yes, it’s time for my dark spies to head out again.”

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Dark spies?

The frowns of the crowd could not be mistaken because they all feared the consequences of failure. It’s not like they forgot the betrayal of a dark spy selling out the first time around.

Meinek saw through their skepticism and snorted derisively, “Humph! I know what you’re all thinking, but the previous failure is only an accident. None of you understand the true power of my dark spies yet. Know this, the greatest power of a spy is that anyone can become a spy!”

“Anyone? What do you mean by that?” Buju’s confused frown had deepened.

“Carmen, you are solely responsible for this. You explain it to them.” Meneku pointed to a young man of the Rochede House and smiled proudly, “His name is Carmen, Carl’s younger brother. He was originally in charge of our family affairs from the shadows while his older brother worked in the light. This has been my family’s arrangement since its founding. But the truth is Carmen’s ability is superior to his older brother because the one who leads the Dark Spy is Carmen himself!”

The crowd turned to face the young man with a scrawny build, amazement shining through their eyes at how capable this Carmen was of leading such an extensive spy network.

Carmen showed no sign of being intimidated by the attention and took center stage. With a confident smile, he points to the TV screen with his bony finger: “The person on the screen is called Wu Zicheng, and he’s my breakthrough point.”

Patch was shocked: “Is he a member of your spy network?”

“No, but his son has fallen into our hands. I will use this as leverage to blend in with Song. Do I need to say more about what this implies?” Carmen’s words instantly riled up the room, many grinning wide with appeasement.

If they could get a spy next to Song, then it’s the same as controlling the singer. If they controlled the singer, that’s the same as controlling Chu Yun, meaning Dahan itself as a consequence! At that time, whether it be the time machine or super life element, everything would be theirs!

Buju exclaimed excitedly, “This plan is spectacular. Truly worthy of the Dark Spy name!”

“Of course. Nothing can escape my dark spies, and all can become dark spies. There’s nothing we can’t seep into!” Carmen faintly cocked a smirk before sharpening his words, “But they belong to me after this is completed!”

The “they” refers to the four fairies showing through the live broadcast. He’s eyeing the beauties like a wolf hunting prey. There’s intense greed and possessiveness in the man’s air.

Patch and Buju both shared a look over that demand before frowning.

“You know, they are legendary beauties from history. You actually want them all for yourself?” Buju stood up and shook his head, “This won’t do. Such beauties are desired by our family’s youngsters as well.”

Who wouldn’t be moved in the face of those legendary fairies? Of course, saying it’s for the youngsters was an excuse. The revolting bastard wanted to have a taste for himself in truth. The kids could have their fun after the adults had their go.

Patch grinned as well while speaking up, “Carmen boy, don’t you think it’s too greedy of you to monopolize that many for yourself? I agree to let you have two, but the remaining must be shared between our houses. How about that?”

Carmen’s eye flashed with a hint of displeasure but subsided quickly after weighing his odds: “Alright.”

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