Chapter 83 “Resist Blackmail”

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“Don’t just try the meat. Taste the soup cooked with the mammoth ears too.” The way Spring served the singer was attentive and meticulous. As a result, the sourness and jealousy inside the wife died down a lot.

“Mmm, it’s so fresh.” Wu Zicheng, the spy, also scooped himself a bowl of soup, taking small sips one after the other. His expression showed so much happiness when he squinted his eyes.

They had been walking for several hours by then and was inwardly tired. None of them realized this because of how shocked and awe they were by the display, but now that they’ve relaxed somewhat, the fatigue and exhaustion finally caught up with them. The soup was a much-needed refreshment to warm their body and reinvigorate that strength.

“This soup… it’s that healthy?” Wu Zicheng was secretly shocked and involuntarily eyed the content in his bowl for clues to its recipe.

Unable to resist, the spy took another sip to get a chunk of the orange lump that looked like carrots and chewed it down.

“Th-this is ginseng? And not ordinary ginseng!”

As a professor of animal conservation, he’s also well versed in the study of plant botany.

“No wait, it’s not just ginseng!”

His eyes immediately gawked at the other ingredients floating around in the liquid and found his soul stirring with excitement.

“Is this Ho Shou Wu? I thought it was shiitake mushroom. And Reishi?!” Wu Zicheng gasped.

No wonder the effect is so remarkable, this soup is not only healthy, it’s a tonic of the highest pedigree!

When Guo Mingda saw the professor’s odd behavior, he couldn’t help but ask, “Mr. Wu Zicheng, what’s the matter?”

Wu Zicheng ignored him and instead turned to Spring, who was still serving the singer: “Ms. Spring, the ingredients for this soup is too precious. We shouldn’t have wasted it like so.”

Slightly stunned, the fairy glanced over with a strange look: “Precious? No, there’s a whole garden worth over there.”

A whole garden’s worth?

Wu Zicheng’s brain buzzed as a ring numbed his senses.

Guo Mingda pats the professor’s shoulder to get him out of that dazed state, “Mr. Wu Zicheng, are you unwell? Why are you looking like your soul is gone or something?”

Wu Zicheng formed a bitter smile: “Take a look at the garden and you will know.”

Immediately, he and the group all headed over to the indicated garden out of curiosity.

The so-called garden wasn’t actually a garden but more like a patch of land set aside for plants without any prehistoric creatures around. Nevertheless, the items here were equally shocking for the visitors who got rooted on the spot from the spectacle.

Meanwhile in the livestream’s chatroom.

“Is this a vegetable garden? How can you even call this a garden anymore!”

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“Ginseng is growing all over the place…”

“That Lingzhi is so big that I can use it as an umbrella. I won’t doubt them if someone tells me it’s old enough to become a forest sprite!”

“That super thick stick is a He Shou Wu? I think I can become a fairy if I eat that thing.”

“Crazy, it’s really crazy, Chu Yun’s vegetable garden is terrifying!”


Guo Mingda heaved a long sigh at this horrific picture of awe. “Chu Yun is beyond reasoning. How can someone be this incredible?!”

Wu Zicheng didn’t stay rooted and headed inside the garden for further examination. But not even two steps in, he had unknowingly stomped onto a ginseng plant by accident.

Crouching down to check, he was promptly shocked by what he found. “This is an old mountain ginseng with at least a hundred years behind it!”

Centuries-old ginseng, something that usually only exist in legends, just became a casualty of his foot by accident. To say the spy wasn’t taken aback would be an understatement.

Spirit asked curiously, “Professor Wu Zicheng, how could you tell it’s that old?”

“It’s very simple in fact, ginseng seedlings have only one ‘pronged’ leaf with several leaflets on the first year, and this will increase with each year it grows. But as soon as it reaches its third year, the number of ‘prongs’ will stagnate for decades before it increases again. The scars on the stem show how many ‘prongs’ it has. So, you can roughly guess that it’s a century-old if it has five ‘prongs’ coming off the stem.”

Wu Zicheng goes over the knowledge he knew about this plant. Then leaning over to point at the ginseng, “Look, there’s over six ‘prongs’ here, that means it’s perhaps two hundred years old!”

“Professor Wu Zicheng, I am more curious about what year that Lingzhi is over there.” Coco, the school idol, jumps in and points to another mushroom-looking plant.

She’s referring to the large, black umbrella-like reishi sticking out of the ground. From appearance alone, it’s astonishingly big.

Wu Zicheng only needed a glance to purse his lips into a thin line. He’s obviously shocked by what he saw.

Are you serious?! It can’t be real, right?

After a long silence, “The older the Lingzhi is, the bigger and heavier it will become. The color too, the pigment will gradually darken until it’s similar to the earth. Based on this, that one over there is no less than a thousand years old….”

Millennium Linzhi?!

Although everyone had prepared for it, the assessment still shocked them.

Throughout the ages, Lingzhi has been crowned the king of medicines and was widely propagated in the myths of old for its miraculous ability to retain one’s youth. But never in their wildest dream could they expect to find one so old like this.

Live broadcast room.

“Wow, that’s a real eyeopener. So a millennium-old Linzhi does exist like in the old stories.”

“Oh momma, Chu Yun’s achievement list just increased by one: he’s a collector of legendary medicinal ingredients.”

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“Imagine taking one of those plants out of Chu Yun’s garden. I bet even a weed has life-prolonging properties at this rate!”


Main scene.

Due to how many repeated shocks Chu Yun had brought forward, the minds of these adventurers were starting to grow unstable.

Song was naturally the most concerned and directly got to the point, “Spring, do you know where my husband went?”

The fairy known as Spring makes a quick bow before answering, “Master went to another time and space.”

It’s true!

Everyone’s heart started pounding.

Time machine.


Chu Yun really has a time machine!

“Why did he go, and how come he didn’t tell me?” Song’s resentment for being kept in the dark grew after getting no answer for so long.

“Mistress, there’s a reason why the master didn’t tell you.” Spring quickly defends Chu Yun, “Master said the world is facing a danger that could destroy it. To resolve this crisis, he went to other worlds to find a solution. This is all done in order not to worry you.”

What the heck?


The world is going to be destroyed?!!!

Spring’s statement was no less than a level ten-magnitude earthquake in everyone’s minds.

But soon, their mentality cooled down.

“How is that possible? Isn’t the world fine still?”

“Although I have confidence in Chu Yun, I have to disagree this time.”

“Did Spring misunderstand Chu Yun’s meaning or something?”

“Don’t panic; even if the world is really going to be destroyed, it will definitely not be now. We should still be safe.”

“Hahaha, it looks like I’m going to have to spend my savings as soon as possible.”

“If the world is destroyed, wouldn’t that mean I won’t have to pay back my student loan?”

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The news of the world’s impending destruction was indeed explosive, but no one wanted to laugh at this news. What haven’t the netizens seen so far living in the era of informational overload due to the internet? Conspiracy theories were just the surface-level stuff. Of course, it’s not unheard of for nutcases to spout armageddon once in a while. And look, aren’t they all fine living their daily lives?

However, unlike the viewers who didn’t care about this, Li Tianlong was making a terrible face because he remembered something the Second Elder said.

The Second Elder was right in his speculation. Something big is happening to the Blue Star!

At the same time, back over in the National Security Bureau.

The Grand Elder appeared worried as he inhaled at the news: “Second Elder, it seems you were right in being worried. The situation is far worse than we imagined.”

They had already made various contingency plans in secret in response to multiple possibilities but never had they expected the crisis to be of this magnitude.

“If I’m not mistaken, the reason why Chu Yun is so troubled is not because he’s afraid of the crisis, but rather he’s tied between saving the Blue Star or not!” The Second Elder’s eyes were filled with respect as he spoke.

The Third Elder nodded, “Yes, if Chu Yun wanted to escape alone, he could’ve done so long ago with that time machine.”

“It’s the Blue Star’s blessing to have such a son!”

The Fourth Elder sighed and prayed, “Chu Yun gave Dahan everything we needed, and now he’s looking to save the whole planet. My only hope is that he returns in one piece!”

The Grand Elder’s beamed with light as he calmly stated, “Chu Yun is a good person and can be trusted; however, we can’t place all the burden on his shoulders! Immediately activate the emergency plans. Even if it doesn’t work out during the crisis, we will still fight to the end!”

Living saint!

That’s the Grand Elder’s evaluation of Chu Yun!

Surely a title high enough to shake the entire Dahan Dynasty. Yet, no one would find it strange if this was published because Chu Yun’s worthy of the name!


At the scene.

Song’s body started to faintly tremble due to the surging emotions, her eyes becoming watery and sobby.

“What can he do alone? Even if the world is destroyed, why is scared to tell me? Why must he act the hero?!”

The pain in her heart throbbed harder and harder like a thousand needles puncturing the organ.

“Mistress, the Master is super powerful. In my heart, he is invincible so you don’t have to worry!” Spring’s voice was full of admiration as she comforted the singer.

“That’s right, even my husband’s maid believes in him so much. As his wife, I mustn’t lose my composure.” Song wiped a handful of tears as her mood improved so slightly.

“Is there anything we can do for my husband?” She asked eagerly.

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Performing another half bow, Spring happily obliges, “Master did leave something behind just in case this happens, but that place can only be entered during the day. It’s getting late today so let’s postpone it until tomorrow.”

She actually lied.

That place could in fact be accessed at any time.

But out of consideration for the singer’s state of mind, Spring could only mislead the lady so they could rest for the night.

“Tomorrow?” As unwilling as Song was, she couldn’t press the issue since logic was returning to her.

It’s been a long day of walking. Even if she’s willing to continue, her other members would be tired and unfit for the next step.

Winter finally came over and hooked her arm around Song’s, “Mistress, why don’t you sleep with us tonight. It will give us a chance to serve you finally.”

Autumn also giggles in as well, “That’s right, we know a lot of massage techniques. I assure you, we can help you get a peaceful sleep after one session.”

“Let’s go, we have a hot spring here too. After a dip, all your fatigues will disappear like vapor.” Summer grins mischievously like a sly but cute fox.

Their conversation instantly made everyone in the live broadcast go off in their imagination.

“Hot spring, seriously?”

“A lot of massage techniques? Four fairies? Damn you Chu Thief! How dare you, AAAAAAH!!!!”

“It’s impossible to imagine the happiness Chu Thief enjoyed before his marriage.”

“Envy Chu Thief +1 all day and night.”

“My god, I’m nose bleeding just imagining the five of them soaking in the hot spring….”

“Aren’t you all focusing in on the wrong point? Should you be discussing what Chu Yun left behind? Just in case this happens…. Doesn’t that mean it’s something stronger than Iron Man?!”

“Upstairs, you’re the one getting the point wrong. The world is coming to an end, so why shouldn’t we be focusing on the goddesses taking a bath?”

In the eyes of the four fairies, they only had Song in their sight. As for the rest – including the three friends – were naturally aware of their position. So, without prying, they retreated up the elevator for their place.


Wu Zicheng strolled through the streets alone that night as he made his way into a small shack at the end of the alleyway.

As soon as he entered the rundown establishment, the man was immediately welcomed by the sight of a young man tied to a chair, his mouth stuffed with a cloth and struggling to whimper out a word.

In addition to the teenager, there was another person here as well. Wearing a black night suit with a mask over his head, this kidnapper gave off a dangerous air that warned the professor not to try any funny business.

“I will pay back the money my son owes you. Let him go first!” The professor demanded, his eyes red from anger.

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