Chapter 87 “Chu Yun’s Diary” (Part 1)

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The three injured were similarly as confused upon checking their wounds. There’s nothing, not a scar, not a mark, or even a trace of pain under their skins. It’s as if the whole thing was a dream.


How am I fine?!

“Thi-this, what’s going on?” Spirit’s tongue started to stammer.

“It’s merely a healing spell. Spring’s music can heal a mortal’s wound, nothing to fret about.” Winter took the chance to explain since she’s the lead.

Nothing to fret about?!

What does she mean by a mortal? So you’re an immortal celestial or something?!

Nobody could keep up with this conversation as their brains lost the ability to think. Instead, they only had one thought – Chu Yun is no longer human!

Song’s entire being was equally confused, “What’s going on with you four? How do you know such powerful martial art?”

Spring spat out her tongue playfully, “Our martial art is nothing, the one with real talent is Master himself.”

Huh, what does she mean by Chu Yun is more powerful?

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He also knows martial art?!

The new question left them all itching for an answer.

“Mistress, you will understand after coming with us.” Winter smiled faintly and led the crowd to a spacious platform some distance away from where the building stood. On it was five huge glass containers and lumps of big rocks displayed around.

It’s a strange and eerie sight to see, and sure enough, both the guests and viewers alike had their eyes shrinking in once they were close enough. It’s making them convulse out of reflex at the horrific picture.

Of the four glass containers were humans floating in the liquid, who were dressed strangely like individuals from the ancient times of sword and arrow. But this alone wouldn’t have shocked everyone as hard as it did. Rather, it’s the last and final glass container. In there floated a monster so strange and weird that it was nothing like anything on the planet.

Who are these people?

Why did Chu Yun keep them in these preservation tubes?

And what is that monster? It doesn’t look friendly at all like a predator from those old alien movies.

There were too many questions in the people’s minds, which caused them to involuntarily accelerate their walking pace until they were close enough to read the description on the panels.

Fang Guofeng softly read the words:

“Autumn 2012.”

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“I felt a strange presence appearing over the atmosphere, turns out to be some humans riding a strange beast flying through space for our planet.”

“But this situation is not worth fussing over at all for me now. Even so, I decided to subdue them in case they would harm the Blue Star.”

“After some interrogation, I learned through their mouths that they came from another planet called Tianwu, which surprised me. For the first time I’ve discovered there are also cultivators like me out there in this universe.”

“I pressed for more information afterward. According to their confession, they are at the level of breaking through the void. That’s how they were able to arrive at our star system by creating a wormhole through space.”

“From then on, I felt a hint of urgency that my home planet is too weak!”

“After some more back and forth, I soon learned of how they knew where to look. According to their own explanation, they came here because they had picked up on a signal sent from the Blue Star. Ugghh, I knew it would be a bad idea when the countries sent out a signal into outer space. Fortunately, I am here so there’s nothing to worry about.”


Everyone’s brain exploded instantly, sending their minds into a blank slate!

Without question, it’s a diary, and the content was something straight out of a fantasy! In light of this, nobody wanted to make fun of this novel despite its outlandish claims.


Simple, it’s because the one who wrote this belonged to Chu Yun, and the subjects themselves are currently floating inside these preservation tubes!

No one spoke then as they took the time to digest this astonishing news. While some stood around to mule over the authenticity of the details, the stronger-willed like Fang Guofeng took the time to read the other inscriptions placed around the rubbles.

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“2021, Summer.”

“I felt a powerful force heading towards the Blue Star again.”

“It was an asteroid made of a special alloy. Although it was not large, the density was a hundred times denser than that of gold. If such a thing were to contact the planet, surely the end of civilization as we know it is over.”

“Of course, I can’t stand idly by and watch it drop like this. I flew up there and smashed it with one punch. There were a lot of pieces that scattered, but I gathered most of them in the end. The few that I missed ended up dropping down to the planet. Since they were so small, I didn’t bother to retrieve the rest.”

“Haha, if someone somehow gets their hands on it, I bet they will be so amazed that they faint.”


Diary again!

With only these two diaries, written in plain simple text, have revealed a hidden truth so big that the majority of the world’s population could not even begin to comprehend.

What oil field? What super life element? What dinosaur? They’re all worthless!

No wonder Chu Yun’s standard was so high! No wonder everything was worthless in his eye!

For a long time, the comments in the livestream were silent; only gradually did they return with increased vigor after someone typed some random word on the screen.

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“I’m crying. Turns out Chu God has been silently watching over us and guarding us!”

“They all said 2012 is the end of the world back then. I thought it was a joke after the new year, but it was Chu Yun who saved us!”

“The transmission signal attracted the invaders. If I remember correctly, the three houses were the ones insisted on launching the message, was it not? Dammit, get out here you three scum houses! I will personally beat the crap out of you lot!”

“I remember the meteor incident. All countries detected the asteroid months ahead of time, but the experts said there was nothing we could do after holding an emergency meeting. Then out of the blue, a satellite captured an image of a blurry silhouette before the rock exploded. So the blurry silhouette is actually Chu Yun flying out to destroy the rock!”

“I remember that incident. It was only a few years ago. They said even nukes are useless against the asteroid.”

“Chu Yun is a real god. He can smash apart an asteroid with a punch!”

“If that’s the case, doesn’t that mean the theory of the world’s destruction being imminent is true as well?”

“It’s over, it’s over. If someone as powerful as Chu Yun is forced to leave in search of a solution, what chances do we have if he doesn’t return?!”

“Chu Yun has been silently saving the world. He can in fact leave on his own and abandon us, but he didn’t. I’m going to worship him forever!”

“What the hell is the great catastrophe? Chu Yun, please come back soon, I can’t live without you!”

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