Chapter 88 “Chu Yun’s Diary” (Part 2)

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Fang Guofeng picked up a piece of rubble and examined it closely in his hand. To his surprise, the tiny piece the size of his palm weighed over a hundred pounds!

After a moment more, the surprise on his face grew even deeper after recognizing the material. “This metal is the same alloy used by the three houses to create those metal lizards!”

The blood in Li Tianlong’s body surged as his eyes burned with fire: “If the three houses can do that much with only the remnants, imagine what we can do with this small mountain here? How many next generational weapons can our country produce?!”




With these metals, what terrifying level would Dahan reach?!

He suddenly developed an inexplicable self-confidence on their ability to fight.

National Security Bureau.

The Grand Elder said in a complicated voice, “It turns out that Chu Yun not only saved humanity twice, he also saved our country countless times. He is a saint, a true saint of our Blue Star!”

The Second Elder sighed and frowned, “Grand Elder, although Chu Yun is very strong and beyond imagination, but he’s been gone for so long. I fear he might…. We may need to prepare for the worst.”

The so-called fear naturally means Chu Yun could never return.

The five elders thought about things at a higher level than the ordinary folks. If someone that extraordinary would befall an accident and miss an appointment, then there could only be one meaning. Chu Yun, the man recognized as a symbol of invincibility in the eyes of many, had died along with his mission of finding a solution.

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“Chu Yun left the corpses of the alien warriors and alien beasts for us so we can study them. The alien alloy too, they’re all insurance in case he doesn’t return.” The tone of the Third Elder was full of extreme admiration and gratitude, and the old man’s eyes swirled with crystal tears, “He likely thought this through long and hard before departing in case the worst comes to past.”

The Fourth Elder slammed the table and boomed in his loud voice, “I refuse to believe the worst outcome. Chu Yun will definitely come back!”

“I hope he will return too. However, we can’t put all the pressure on his shoulder alone. Take action my brothers. Until the hero returns, we must protect our country and world in the upcoming crisis!”

The Fifth Elder nodded in agreement, “That’s right, but I would like to make another suggestion. Chu Yun’s four maids obviously know abilities unlike anything we have in modern times. Can these abilities or martial arts be taught to others? If that’s the case, we should pursue this route with top priority.”

The Grand Elder nods as well, “When the time comes, let’s go and ask for it together. Since Chu Yun has always been concerned about the Blue Star, we can assume he likely predicted we will ask.”


The three great house’s gathering hall.

Everyone here had been trembling in fear, especially Meinek who’s responsible for this recent mission with the Dark Spy. Crying out in severe panic: “God, turns out Chu Yun is a god! How are we supposed to compete anymore? How are we supposed to fight him? We’ve been courting death the entire time!!!”

Patch’s lip quivered, “It’s over, it’s all over. We are stupid enough to go after Chu Yun’s wife. I will hang myself first if he doesn’t skin us alive!”

As for the remaining members in the hall, they’re reacting even worse, with many having a mental breakdown and such.

This is a god!

The kind that can crush meteorites with one punch.

Fight my ass, I would be better off cutting my own throat to suicide before it’s too late.

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The key issue is that suicide may not necessarily be enough to resolve the matter. The other side is a god. They can pull out the soul and refine us!

Oh, it’s so terrifying.

The only one calm here, unsurprisingly, was Buju.

His expression appeared gloomy as he sneered, “Don’t panic, this world always has more answers than troubles. Let’s ignore whether or not Chu Yun died out there. Even if he isn’t dead, so what?”

Meinek harshly roared back, “Your brain must not be clear because of how scared you are. There’s no way we can deal with someone that insane!”

Buju grinned devilishly, “Oh, not only do I have a plan to break the game, but also a mean to force Chu Yun to kneel before us!”


Make Chu Yun kneel in front of him?!

The crowd stared at the Wittstein head like a fool and thought he must’ve lost his wits from being drowned in fear.

Still, Patch entertained the idea out of curiosity: “What method do you have in mind?”

“Da… Da… Da…”

Drumming his finger on the table, Buju took his time to bait them: “First, the only one who can defeat a god is a god. It’s been some time since we last sent a signal out to the Tianwu world. With abilities like crossing vast stretches of space, I’m sure the other world will send more people over after getting no word from their scouts. This is called pushing a wolf into a tiger’s den. The two forces are bound to face off against each other.”

The hearts of these despicable scums were moved alright to the point where the gloom shrouding their heads had dissipated.

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This plan… it’s feasible!

They are as good as dead anyways so why not take a chance and bet everything on this!

As for the possibility that the Blue Star could be destroyed by their decision, so what?

If we die then the entire planet can go with us!

“And… don’t you all want to be gods?”

Become a god?!

A wild pulsating beat drummed their hearts at the idea. It’s so strong that the blood rushing through had caused their chest to heave heavily at the possibility.

Meinek gulps before speaking, “You mean to say…”

Buju snarled a grin, “Perhaps we can turn this misfortune into an opportunity. If we can line ourselves up with the Tianwu world and lean on a power from that side, cultivating into gods too isn’t a dream anyway. We can be like those immortal fairies from legend!”

“As expected of you Buju! Bravo!”

Patch and Meinek immediately changed their attitude and got all ecstatic.

Who wouldn’t want to be as powerful as Chu Yun?

What’s more, they have all reached the twilight year of their life. Therefore, they don’t have many years left to live anyways. However, if this worked out, they could perhaps prolong their lifespan by becoming cultivators. A win-win situation, no matter how they looked at it.

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As for the consequence of offending Chu Yun, that’s nonsense! The man’s only fit to be their stepping stone.

Meinek gets all expectant in his face, “So what is the alternative plan? I know you have another plan lined up.”

“Haha, you know me too well Meinek.” Buju gets a bit more serious by losing that arrogant attitude, “The second plan I have in mind will force Chu Yun to do our bidding…. That guy, he has a daughter!”


This news struck the crowd thunderously, causing their muscles to go numb with shock.

“Does he really have a daughter? Where is she now?”

“You mean a daughter that’s not born of him and the singer?”

Meinek and Patch immediately grasped onto the key point and got all eager in the face.

Taking a sip from his cup, Buju signals them to calm down with a hand gesture, “His daughter is currently in the Sunset Dynasty. Chu Yun and the country’s national media ambassador had a leg together in the past. I doubt the guy even knows he has a daughter because my informants say it’s only the mother and child.”

Meinek gets a bit nervous, “Is this news reliable though? Where did you get it?”

“The old king of the Sunset Dynasty is a dishonest man and tried to conceal the information. I believe he planned to use the child and mother to gain Chu Yun’s favor. But nothing is ever leakproof. I only needed ten million dollars to buy the information out of a court minister’s mouth.” The tone used by Buju carried so much pride that he could hardly contain himself.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and get Chu Yun’s daughter here! Once she falls into our hands, even Chu Yun will have to bend his knee before us! HAHAHA!!!!” Patch said excitedly.

“We can’t rush this matter.” Buju shakes his head and says darkly, “The Sunset Dynasty is protecting the mother and daughter with everything they have. If we move now, it will only alert the Dahan Dynasty. At that point, trying to retrieve the child will be much more difficult than it has to be. So instead of wasting effort on something that’s not urgent, we should focus on developing a plan to fully utilize that child to our advantage once Chu Yun returns.”

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