Chapter 90 “Return!” (Part 2)

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Days continued to pass in the reincarnation worlds without being affected by what’s happening back at home.

“Papa, hurry and come save Duo Duo. It hurts. It hurts so much. These people are drawing so much blood from me, and they’re forcing me to drink so much bitter medicine. It’s so uncomfortable, it hurt so much…” Chu Yun – who was still in the middle of refining the universe’s avatar inside his core, suddenly shot open his eyes and saw red after hearing this voice.

The echoing voice came from the connection he shared with his daughter due to their blood. Through that, he got a glimpse into what was happening back home.

“I… have a daughter?”

“And you’re in trouble?!”

Chu Yun’s heart churned with a knife twisting it, causing blood to gush out from his throat.

“Aaaah!” He roared and sent the universe trembling under his might.

“Who dares to hurt my daughter?!!!”


The ground under his feet started to crumble, cracking and shattering apart into countless pieces that floated through space. Eventually, even space itself could not withstand his might and began to warp and tear apart from the seams.

This was the power of someone that conquered countless planes of existence. One roar to shatter a world, one spell to tear apart a galaxy, and one punch to destroy a universe. Right now, Chu Yun’s beginning to let his rage control him as he recalled how this came to be.

Four years ago, he narrowly survived a brutal reincarnation world that he entered. Despite completing the mission, his body suffered severe damage and got teleported to the wrong coordinate upon return. That location was the Sunset Dynasty, where he met an elf-like maiden who happened to rescue him on the mountainside road.

Back then, Chu Yun was still the playboy that enjoyed bathing in the pleasures of what the world had to offer. So there’s no way he didn’t get tempted toward a female that’s as captivating as the elf of lore.

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Of course, he tried to hold back, telling himself not to defile such pure goodness with his filthy hands, and his brain did intend to keep that desire buried deep inside. But sadly, the male specie was a breed that worked with their body more than brains, especially when they were injured and weak. Ultimately, the bastard here succumbed to that lust and hurt his savior under the guise of being delirious in his weakened state.

Now, that woman whom he defiled bore his daughter!

Endless anger spewed from his chest, pushing him closer and closer to the edge of madness.

“Papa, they’re going to cut Duo Duo’s finger. I’m scared! Papa save me!”

“Papa, they’re bullying Duo Duo and Mama.”

“Hurry Papa, it hurts so much….”


“Fast, move it you bastard. You must get back home to save them!!!” Chu Yun didn’t even want to imagine the sort of torture his daughter was going through because if he did, he truly would succumb to his own anger.”

“Wahahaha, you’re losing control now. Come on, hurry and give up. Your homeworld is done for, and you’re finished too!”

The shadow of this universe’s will had materialized behind Chu Yun’s figure and began to taunt him with that wild laugh.

In another century, Chu Yun would be able to ultimately refine the avatar inside of him and turn that into energy for consumption – it’s equivalent to ten days back in his universe. However, he obviously couldn’t afford to wait that long. Moreover, a single extra minute here was mental torture knowing his daughter’s life was in peril.

“Boy, DIE!!” Black demonic energy burst out from the man’s body, forming tentacles to engulf him.

“I will destroy anyone who stands in my way!!!” Chu Yun’s eyes turned into a deep, dark red while his voice carried a seething rage that sent shivers down the shadow’s mental fortitude.

Annoyed that it felt fear, the universe’s shadow sneered to hide its own cowardice, “Quit trying to scare people, boy, you’re done for!”

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Yet, in the next second, Chu Yun’s gesture didn’t appear defeated; instead, his hands started to make hand seals with crazy eyes.

“Great Devour Spell! With my body as the furnace, my life as the flame, DEVOUR!!!”


Chu Yun’s entire existence started to fade into a big black hole, instantly devouring everything within the vicinity. This included the shadow’s Qi and lifeforce.

Naturally, such a powerful forbidden spell had its drawbacks. To fuel it, he needs to offer up his lifeforce as energy. But in return, his speed of refining the avatar would increase by leaps and bounds.

The Shadow howled out a high-pitched scream, “Aaaah, no, you crazy bastard, are you trying to drag me down with you?!”

Half an hour later, the shadow disappeared, devoured entirely by the artificial black hole. Now, all that remains in this space sector is Chu Yun sitting in a cross-legged meditative position. He’s no longer the handsome young man he came to be known but a white-haired, withered old prune of someone in their fifties.

That’s the cost he’s willing to pay. Even if the consequences meant seriously injuring himself or being on the verge of death like now, Chu Yun would pay this price any day. After all, that’s his daughter calling for him. It’s worth it!

“Congratulations to the host for passing through the last reincarnation world. Your reward will be the Universe Essence.”

The system’s sound rings out, followed closely by the streams of essence power pouring into the man’s core. This not only had the direct effect of letting him recover from his near-fatal injuries, but it’s also enhancing his strength….


The evolution finally exploded from within, sending Chu Yun’s aura to a new height several times that his former peak self.

“Don’t be afraid, Papa is coming!” With that mutter, he tears apart the fabric of reality and steps into the void, leaving nothing but eerie silence in this lifeless space segment.


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The West Continent on the former Blue Star.

In a dark, damp dungeon, a tiny three-year-old girl was currently caged by herself without company from her captors. It’s a terrible state to be in for any captive. Not only did it stink of foul odor, but the ground was also dirty with the occasional cockroach and rat scurrying about.

In a dreamy murmur. “My papa is a hero, he’s the best man in the world, and he’s going to come and save me.”

“Papa, where are you, I want to see you.”

“Papa, it hurt so much. They’re drawing my blood a lot. I’m scared….”

“Danggg!” Two men violently kicked open the dungeon door and swaggered inside.

Due to the racket, the tiny girl promptly jolted awake from her slumber and curled up into a corner. That face as flustered and afraid as a child could make for being in these situations.

With a timid voice, “Uncle, don’t cut me anymore with that knife, I’m afraid of pain. I promise to be good so please done hurt me anymore.”

The man gave a flat look before sneering, “Alright, we won’t cut your skin anymore. We’ll chop off two of your fingers instead.”

“Don’t chop my fingers, don’t chop my fingers!” The child shuddered at the prospect and curled some more until she was a ball.


The cage door swung open after being unlocked, and the rude one roughly dragged Duo Duo out by the arm.

“Uncle, please don’t chop Duo Duo’s fingers. It will bleed a lot. Please don’t chop my fingers, woohooo….”

The plea fell on deaf ears. One of the men held her down while the second raised a cleaver in preparations of chopping down.

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“My dad is a hero! He’ll come save me!”

“My dad is a hero! He’ll come save me!”


Shutting her eyes down in tears, Duo Duo kept repeating this murmur to keep her sanity intact.

Perhaps the ability to control another human being excited the cleaver holder, but the scum was grinning from ear to ear after hearing that sentence, “Your father died a long time ago so you can forget that hope. He will not come to save you so give up. You will always be our Blood Sect’s slave, and your mother will soon become a toy for our young lord! HAHAHA!”

Duo Duo shook her head desperately in denial, “No, no, no, my papa is not dead. He is the most powerful person in the entire world. He will definitely come back to save me!”

“Ha~” The man with the cleaver grinned menacingly in a cold, sharp line as he readied his arm to swing down.

“Boom!” The dark dungeon shook thunderously at that sudden impact, followed by an alarmingly blue and brilliant bolt of lightning that blew through earth and rock from the ceiling.

Without letting the dust settle, Chu Yun – in his limb-tearing mood – stepped forward and dispersed the particles with his aura to take a clean look at the child

This is my daughter, my daughter….

The loud rumble frightened Duo Duo at first, but upon seeing the face of the intruder, her initial timid expression instantly transformed into a sobbing cry of glee, “PAPA, PAPA!!!”

Chu Yun’s figure dashed forward in a flash, bringing his daughter into his arms for protection.

“Papa, Papa, Papa…” Duo Duo wrapped her little arms around Chu Yun’s neck in a koala fashion. She’s afraid the guy would disappear if she let go for a split second after enduring the nightmarish experience.

Before long, the child had fallen asleep from the sense of security she felt from the kinship, leaving only calm on that happy slumbering face.

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