Chapter 91 “Will He Come Save Us?” (Part 1)

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“Don’t be afraid, Papa is coming, Papa won’t let you be hurt anymore!”

Chu Yun forces himself to endure the massive murderous intent inside of him. With a flash step, he reappears next to his daughter and gently pulls Duo Duo into his arms for comfort.

He could see the scars, the knife marks, and the burns on his daughter’s arm. All of this grinded at his sanity, which only got kept intact thanks to the baby’s presence.

She is so cute, so sensible, how can anyone bear to hurt her?!

Die, they must all die for this!!!


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Dark clouds pressed down against the estate, giving the entire area a near suffocating air that left those below feeling uneasy and nervous at the abrupt change in weather.

“Who goes there! How dare you trespass on the grounds of the Blood Sect!” Two unfortunate blood disciples had barged through the dungeon door and glared at the unknown intruder.

“Die! All of you die!” Chu Yun’s voice was rasp with anger as he extended his powers out from within.

The two blood disciples didn’t even know what hit them as they became suspended mid-air. Then without indication, the swords from their hands promptly flew out and swooped around until their bodies became riddled with cuts as payback.

Chu Yun wanted to have them experience what his daughter went through, but instead of only cutting their skin, he deliberately infused part of his powers into those swords so that it sliced their soul as an extra effect.

“Aaaah, we were wrong, please kill us!”

“We were just obeying orders; it is the Blood Lord who wanted your daughter. He’s the one who ordered us to cut her fingers so he can make a breakthrough! So please, give us a quick end!”

“That’s right! There’s also the Blood Lord’s son, Zhao Yucheng. The guy wanted the girl’s mother as a pleasure toy so he’s also a part of this and is on the way to arrest your woman! I still have a family so please spare me!”

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Though he didn’t show it, Chu Yun’s mood grew even more enraged at the news. Without a second of delay, his eyes flickered a gleam and sent the two heads popping like a watermelon. Not done yet, he also activated the black hole spell to absorb the life force of these bastards to recuperate some of the energy he used to warp back to the Blue Star.

After getting a taste of revenge, Chu Yun slowly strode out of the dark dungeon for the outside grounds, where there was still plenty more prey to be had.

By this point, the disciples in charge of this area had become alerted to the intruder. Gathering in force, numerous people in red charged over and surrounded the entrance.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

“Place the child down now and get on your knees!”

“Forget it. Let’s just kill him first and get it over with!”

Chu Yun paid no heed to these extras as he continued to walk forward calmly and steadily. However, as his hands patted Duo Duo’s back in a comforting manner, each pat he did had the added effect of doing the same to these disciples. Head after head, they popped in the same crushed watermelon fashion as the two inside.

This left only the servants and prisoners alive on the premise, which were frightened silly by the countless deaths. Some fled, while some dug a hole to throw their heads inside to pretend they didn’t exist.

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Today, carnage ensued on the satellite grounds of the Blood Sect.


The castle of the former Sunset Dynasty.

Dairen’s face was haggard due to crying so much in the past few days. “Shifu, please save my daughter, beg you!”

On the receiving end was a gorgeous woman wearing palace clothes. With a helpless sigh: “I’m sorry Dairen, it’s not that shifu here doesn’t want to help, but that I can’t.”

Her name was Ye Lan, an elder of the ¬Snow Pavilion Sect. She had taken this elfish student of hers in after discovering how special Dairen’s aptitude was for cultivation. This was a good thing because if not for Ye Lan’s help, both Duo Duo and Dairen would’ve been kidnapped together by the Blood Sect.

Dairen’s face looked bleak and hopeless at the rejection. This was her last and only hope, and now that’s gone too.

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Unable to bear the heavy mood, Ye Lan attempts to change the mood by thinking on the positive: “Don’t be too down. You know Duo Duo’s blood is equivalent to an elixir. As long as she’s like that then the Blood Sect wouldn’t kill her. You can use this time to train and increase your strength to one day rescue Duo Duo.”

“How can I Shifu? You saw it too, what they’ve done to Duo Duo. She’s living in a dog’s cage! Being forced to drink weird potions, and getting bled for her blood day in and day out! It’s killing me inside just staying here doing nothing!”

Ye Lan found herself unable to retort against that. It’s true, she’s seen what those scums did to that poor child of three. But what could she do? Declare war on the Blood Sect? That would mean betting the entire sect on the line, and as an elder, she has no authority to make such a decision.

Sounding guilty, Ye Lan tries to calm her disciple down despite not believing her own words, “Dairen, give me some time, I promise to speak to the Prime Mistress for help. I know we will find a way to save Duo Duo.”

“Blood Sect’s Young Lord Zhao Yucheng enters!”

An unceremonious announcement interrupted the conversation and sent Dairen into terrified white on the face.

Outside the door, a group of twelve had come while carrying two palanquins over their shoulders. In one was a proud-looking youngster wearing a provocative red robe, and once the rides came to a stop, he dismounted and locked his sight on Dairen.

Making a vicious sneer: “Dairen, my father has ordered two of your daughter’s fingers to be decapitated today!”

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