Chapter 92 “Will He Come Save Us?” (Part 2)

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Dairen threw herself at the guy in a panic and desperately pleaded by grabbing that leg: “No, please don’t hurt my Duo Duo!”

Zhao Yucheng shot a dirty look at the woman before grinning devilishly: “Humph! If you had listened to me before and followed as told, I could’ve put in a good word to my father. By then, none of this would’ve happened and you and your daughter could’ve had it all at my Blood Sect. But Noooo, you just had to be stubborn and make it difficult for everyone!”

Understanding she’s cornered, Dairen said weakly, “I understand, I will go with you now. I only ask you not hurt my daughter anymore. After that, I will do anything you want.”

“Then what are you waiting for and get inside the palanquin! Don’t you want to see your daughter? We will go now, ahahaha!”

It doesn’t matter to the scumbag if she’s willing or not. Zhao Yucheng had come prepared today and would use force if required. All the preparations are in place for that.

Ye Lan quickly ran out and grabbed her disciple by the arm to stop this: “Dairen, you need to think this over. If you leave with him today then he will just go back on his words if he wants. There are no good people in the Blood Sect!”

“Shifu, I don’t have a choice.” With her heart torn with pain, Dairen pushes the hand away and firmly climbed into the second palanquin.

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“Dairen!” Ye Lan doesn’t want to give up so easily and tries to stop it again, “Didn’t you say Duo Duo’s father is very powerful? Call him, seek him out! Have him come save Duo Duo once he returns!”

A flicker of hope rose in Dairen’s eyes over the mention of Duo Duo’s father, but that flicker died just as fast as it came.

“It was a mistake for me to meet him, and he had no idea I had given birth to a daughter for him so how could he come save us? Besides, he’s no opponent of the Blood Sect…”

Their fate was already bad enough, there’s no reason for her to bring Chu Yun into this mess. After all, they only had that brief encounter together, it’s not something she could reply upon.


“Ye Lan, if you dare spoil my good deed then don’t blame me for not being polite! Or are you planning to declare war with the Blood Sect over a single Blue Star woman?!” Zhao Yucheng angrily interrupted Ye Lan there. He’s not going to let the feast escape him now that it’s in his mouth. He intends to eat it, bone and all!

But just as he got the filthy idea of committing the heinous crime of rape on the palanquin, Dairen was one step ahead of him and pulled out a dagger to hold herself hostage. With the blade against the neck, she doesn’t allow the scumbag to take another step closer.

“I want to see my Duo Duo first!” She shoves the blade closer to her skin until a thin red line could be seen on her neck.

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Amused at the ferocity of this lady, Zhao Yucheng became even more excited at being able to conquer such a wild one later.

“Fine, fine, just get in the palanquin and we’ll go see your daughter, hahaha!”

Without resistance, Dairen slipped into the second palanquin.

“Raise the ride, we’re returning to the sect!”

The twelve men raised the two palanquins over their shoulders and marched out of there, leaving the old king of the Sunset Dynasty and its citizens shaking their heads in pity of this ill-fated fortune.

The most brilliant man of the Blue Star.

The most powerful man they’ve known throughout history.

The so-called savior.

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Could not even save his own daughter and woman….

“AIgh, the Blue Star is too weak, far too weak.” The old king sighed and shook his head, “Even if Chu Yun returns, it will not change the ending.”

One of the ministers beside him nodded deeply, “Yes Sire, we originally being able to transverse through space with one’s body is frightening enough, but it turns out that’s merely the scratch surface.”

Chu Yun killed the outsiders, exploded the meteorite with one punch, and subverted the worldviews of the Blue Star, but in the end, he couldn’t do anything against this great catastrophe.

In the second palanquin.

“Chu Yun, are you still alive? Do you know I bore you a daughter? If you could come back, would you meet Duo Duo? Will you show up to save us?”

She kept murmuring to herself as if praying to the heavens a miracle would happen. However, she quickly shook off that unrealistic fantasy.

Chu Yun didn’t know I gave birth to his daughter so how could he come? Don’t be silly Dairen, there’s no such miracle in this world….

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It’s then when the female was at her lowest, despairing even, the palanquin abruptly jerked to a stop.

“Who dares to stand in the way of the Blood Sect! Hurry and get lost before I lose my patience!” Zhao Yucheng roared, growing more irritated by the repeated interference.

Maybe it’s a woman’s damsel dream, or Darien’s just that desperate, but she had this unknown urging to look outside despite the dire situation. It’s then, only then, that her gaze fell upon that familiar figure standing under drizzling rain.

It’s him?!

He really coming?!

Cusping her mouth in disbelief, Dairen’s heart trembled in shock and happiness. It’s too much for her emotions to handle.


The rain continued to pour down, and the thunder boomed under this terrible weather. However, in the eye of the poor female inside the palanquin, this sight was the brightest picture she could ask for. Why? Because in Chu Yun’s arm was their daughter, protected under a veiled blue barrier from the elements.

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