Chapter 93 “Absolute Death” (Part 1)

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It’s him!

It’s the man!

The man is back!

The old king of the Sunset Dynasty and others stared in awe at the figure calmly strolling over through the rain.

Although the catastrophe had only lasted two months for everyone from the Blue Star, it was nonetheless equivalent to years with no end in sight.

And now, the long-awaited hero, the myth they so long believed in, has returned!

Unlike the rest, Ye Lan didn’t show such intense infatuation with Chu Yun; instead, she eyed the man up with approval for coming at the critical moment.

Could this man be him?!

In one of the palanquins, Zhao Yucheng glared at the interloper for not obeying his order to scram.

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“Fine, you’re asking for it! Kill him!”


Two of the palanquin chauffeurs slightly bent down to release themselves from the weight and drew their blades. However, before they could rush to Chu Yun’s face and swing down, their bodies had directly exploded and turned into a mist of blood that quickly mixed into the pouring rain.

This frightened everyone, especially the other disciples from the Blood Sect, who were still carrying the rides over their shoulders.

Zhao Yucheng’s heart also sank as he questioned the foe: “Who are you?!”

Chu Yun didn’t answer him and instead pointed his finger forward at the group.

Swish Swish Swish!

The rain suddenly turned deadly under Chu Yun’s will, penetrating into the blood disciples until they’ve become pincushions with holes riddled all over their bodies. This left the palanquins free to drop to the ground due to losing their support.

Zhao Yucheng scurried out of the mess right away. Both afraid and irate at the indignation: “What are you trying to do?! I am Zhao Yucheng, the Young Lord of the Blood Sect, and my father is Zhao Yunkong, the current Blood Lord! Are you ready to make enemies of the Blood Sect?!”

Despite the threat, Chu Yun didn’t pay him any heed and directly bypassed the fool for where Dairen was after getting out of the palanquin herself.

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“Shadow Guards! Come out now, come out now!” That said, the scumbag promptly pulled out an item with a tube shape and lit the string at the end – it shot a distress flare into the sky similar to the ones used in a firework.

“I’m sorry for being late. I’ve made you and Duo Duo suffer…” Chu Yun reached over with a hand and helped the elfish lady get a firm footing before helping her clean some of the tears from her cheek.

“Chu Yun, it’s really you…. You’re really back…” Dairen was emotionally unsure of how to take this.

On the one hand, she’s happy to see this man whom she loved to the bone; on the other, she’s worried they would all perish today.

“Don’t worry anymore. See? I’ve rescued Duo Duo already.” After saying that, Chu Yun began the exchange of handing over the baby to the mother.

“Papa, Papa don’t go, don’t leave Duo Duo.”

Just as Dairen was about to take over the burden of carrying their daughter, the little twerp suddenly started struggling and kept flailing about in her sleep.

“Papa won’t go, papa will always be with Duo Duo.” Chu Yun gladly cooed the baby back to sleep in the gentlest of voices.

Finally grasping onto the situation and who this man was, Zhao Yucheng flew into a fury and beamed with murderous intent.

So he’s the one Dairen kept talking about! I will kill him!

Watch out!” Ye Lan exclaims.

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In the midst of the rain, five shadowy figures steps into the scene, their air imposing and sharp as a sword.

Ye Lan immediately struck out to stop these assailants, but the female elder only had two hands. Despite her best effort, three still managed to get through and charged at Chu Yun for the kill.

“Don’t!” Dairen screams, her face pale and a nervous wreck.

“Don’t be afraid, it’s all right.” Chu Yun gently comforted his woman by giving her a pat on the hand.

With only inches away from making contact, the swords that were about to steal away the life of this hero abruptly shattered, scattering and melding into the rain like magic.

The three shadows were shocked by the unexpected result. But they’re trained killers. Even without a weapon, they’re very much still capable of killing. Mobilizing their hands, they intend to hit the guy with a palm strike to rupture his internal organs.

“Scram!” Chu Yun’s stare pinned them in the air before blasting them with a sonic wave so strong that it obliterated their souls. These fools didn’t even know what hit them there.

Ye Lan and her two opponents from the Blood Sect were all horrified by the massive difference in power. The latter was so scared that they fled in the opposite direction right away.

Chu Yun didn’t care if the two fled; instead, he had his sight set on Zhao Yucheng, who was now shivering in one corner.

Stuttering in horror, the scumbag tries to distance himself and the hero, “I am the Blood Sect’s future lord! You cannot hurt me! My father is Zhao Yunkong you hear me? He’s going to kill you if you touch so much as a hair on me, understand? Not even your family will get off either!”

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“Are you threatening my family?” Chu Yun narrowed his eyes into a slit at the scumbag, his killing intent surging forward in a choke hold around the other.

He very much wanted to kill Zhao Yucheng right now, but that’s too easy for someone who’s crossed him. Not to mention there’s still the debt of harming his daughter Duo Duo. That transgression needs to be handled appropriately.

Finding it hard to breathe as the color left his face, Zhao Yucheng fell backward in his panic and started to crawl backward: “Spare me. If you spare me then I promise to forget this ever happened. I can also pay you with spirit stones and elixirs, and woman! I can give you plenty of beautiful women that you’ve never seen before!”

“Chu Yun, don’t be impulsive, he…” Ye Lan wanted to dissuade the guy so he doesn’t do anything rash. Unfortunately, her sentence didn’t even get to finish before one of the scumbag’s arms went flying!



Zhao Yucheng’s entire right arm was blown apart, followed by the left arm, legs, and the fifth leg between the two!


Due to how fast and intense the pain came at him, Zhao Yucheng’s heart-wrenching scream never came, only the distorted green and purple face of someone in trauma. Nevertheless, the absolute hatred in those eyes never once left Chu Yun’s figure. He intends to haunt the man even in death if he can.

Finally, through gritted teeth before fainting, he roared, “You’re finished! My father will never let you go for this! He will avenge me!!!!”

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