Chapter 95 “Chu Yun’s Strength” (Part 1″)

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Inside the castle bed chamber.

Dairen had just finished snuggling her daughter into bed when she took a spot on the balcony. It’s an open window design so she got the best view of what’s happening outside. But in honest truth, she’s come to partly regret the decision after getting an estimate of the numbers outside.

Five hundred people!

Five hundred warriors with what her eyes could see!

Without exaggeration, this fighting force alone could’ve cleaned out the entire Blue Star if the world didn’t go through the dramatic seismic change.

Take the auras for example. It’s like a furnace right now outside due to the numbers, turning the entire sky a deep dark red from their blood qi’s, a feat not easily achieved unless one’s capable of creating a “Field” with their powers. A power only possible after one reaches the Celestial Rank.

“Shifu, he… can he win this, right?” Dairen asked nervously with a frown.

“Don’t worry, since he’s willing to stay then he must have something up his sleeve. He can’t be this foolish.” Ye Lan tries to reassure her disciple but secretly scolds Chu Yun for being so rash and untrustworthy.

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From the very beginning, they were already at a numbers disadvantage, but now Chu Yun’s demanding they wait for more to arrive. If that’s not an act of suicide then what else?

Dairen reached over and pleaded again: “Shifu, please help him, please do something. Duo Duo is so small, she can’t be without a father.”

Towards that worried face, Ye Lan only had one thing she wanted to say, “You… don’t you hate him?”


Dairen was taken aback by the question and thought for a while.

Hate him?

That night Chu Yun hurt her and left without taking responsibility for leaving her pregnant. Worst of all, the guy’s a playboy, likely leaving behind a trail of debt with other females as well. Then when the great crisis befell the world, she and Duo Duo suffered a lot because of him.

So, how could she not hold a grudge?

However, when Chu Yun finally appeared in front of herself while she fell into despair inside that palanquin, Dairen knew she couldn’t hate this man….

Shaking her head, “No, I don’t hate him. My only hope is for Duo Duo to be safe and grow up healthy.”

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Sighing at her disciple’s hopeless answer, “Aigh, very well, I’ll do my best to protect him.”

Inside the Sunset Dynasty’s castle hall, the old king and its ministers were all trembling in one corner of the throne room while watching the confrontation through a huge window.

“Chu Yun is Chu Yun indeed, even in the face of this frightening situation, he’s still not backing down!” One of the ministers couldn’t take the pressure and cry out.

“With so many warriors, the combat strength is simply unimaginable. Who knows if Chu Yun can win?”

“Yes, definitely, he definitely can!” The old king involuntarily clenched his fists and yelled this out. Although he’s aged, but those old eyes were bursting with expectation.

“Have you all forgotten? Chu Yun will always perform beyond our imagination! He is destined to be at the top. He will definitely win!”

Those trustful words left the ministers all quiet and thinking back to the time from a few months ago.

Back then, the Blue Star was still the Blue Star they knew.

The whole net joined forces to look for Chu Yun’s secret savings, and together they were all shocked wave after wave until their very world views were subverted. During those days, all they did was brush around the livestream to poke fun at the discoveries.

“His Majesty is right, has Chu Yun ever let us down?”

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“No! He never has!”

“I also firmly believe that Chu God will win!”

“That’s right, let’s wait and marvel at what he’s going to show us!”


Why aren’t you moving yet?

Ye Lan’s brow furrowed up due to the lack of action from the man. Hurrying to warn: “Chu Yun, they are trying to set up a Blood Rite with you as the offering, you need to attack now!”

“Hahaha, it’s too late now!” Zhou Tang laughed wildly as he raised his hand, “Activate the ritual!”


A thick blood-colored aura soared into the sky with that signal!

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Of the warriors here, the five hundred at the frontline were all at the level of being able to control their qi’s to the physical limit. Once they all activate their powers, the condensation of blood could rival even those several levels higher than their own!

Above the castle grounds, the clouds had become stained in a crimson red like it’s being burned and churned into a swirling cyclone with Chu Yun being the center eye. If nothing was done now, the blood qi alone would be enough to incinerate the man.

“Despicable! You’ve already outnumbered him. How could you stoop so low as to secretly deploy a blood rite!” Ye Lan sounded terrified as she scolded the other side.

“A rabbit challenging a lion, this is his own doing so he can blame no one but himself! He will die today, and no one will be able to save him!”

Zhou Tang gave Chu Yun a cold, cruel look expecting panic and fear, but what he saw was the blood flame blocked at the man’s feet, unable to inch a single step forward.

“So this is it?” Chu Yun dropped this disappointed remark.

How can it be?

Zhou Tang’s eyes shrank with a sharp chill rising from his back because this wasn’t turning out how he had planned it. The guy’s supposed to burn under the blood qi’s heat, yet nothing’s happening! This shouldn’t be possible when the blood rite could melt rocks!

A Field? He’s a Celestial Rank?!

Zhou Tang’s scalp scrunched up into a wrinkle at the realization. As much as he would like to run, it’s too late. With a loud shout, he mustered up his power and shot a palm strike.


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