Chapter 96 “Chu Yun’s Strength” (Part 2″)

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The blood qi from the attack transformed into a scarlet dragon as it blasted downwards.

Unfazed, Chu Yun raised a hand and flicked at a raindrop that so happened to be in front. Of which rapidly fused in with the other water droplets as it soared upwards, penetrating straight through the raging flame dragon until the water bullet completely pierced through Zhou Tang’s chest.

“Poof!” Crashing to the ground from the lethal injury, Zhou Tang couldn’t close his eyes even in death.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Blood Sect were all blown back from the aftershock of losing the ritual’s controller. Likewise, they also lost their courage in this battle. If someone could defeat their blood chief then what odds do they have? It’s suicidal to stay!

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However, Chu Yun did not intend to give them time and raised his hand again. Unlike the previous spell of creating a water bullet, this time, the rain droplets all turned into miniature bullets and pelleted the disciples closest to him.

“Poof Poof Poof!”

One by one, the blood disciples turned into mincemeat and stained the ground red, leaving the air with an insufferable scent of iron and death.

For everyone else that’s alive, this scene would be unforgettable. They’ve never seen anything like this, this gory and ruthless… But for Chu Yun himself, this was a fountain spring of rejuvenation as he absorbed the life force through his black hole spell.

Soon, the strongest five hundred disciples in charge of the blood rite had died, leaving only the ones at the outskirt of the city alive to flee. They’re not even worth his effort or time to kill.

“You, you, you…” A single blood disciple began stuttering after being deliberately left alive.

“Go back and tell your Blood Lord that I will be bleeding his son like what he’s done to my daughter. If he wants to save him then he can come here himself.”

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Without a second of hesitation, the lucky disciple scrambled to pull himself up after struggling to get up from the crawl. He bolted it out of there as soon as possible without taking flight. The lucky disciple feared flying would be an insult and only dared to run with his legs.

Finally, with everything settled, the old king and his ministers finally regained their senses. They’ve been dropping their jaws into an “O” shape due to how amazed they felt.

“Chu Yun is awesome! All hail Chu Yun!!!” They resorted to the old lines of worship from the livestream.

Truly, they were thrilled at finally having someone as their backbone. Not only did the guy not fail their faith, but the grim outlook of the setting sun was gone, replaced with the hope of a rising sun that once represented their nation until the three scum houses ruined them.

Dairen had then charged out of the bed chamber and slipped herself into Chu Yun’s arm. She’s trembling all over in fear of this not being real still.

“You are actually a Celestial Rank?” Ye Lan followed and questioned the guy with raised eyebrows.

Her skepticism was well warranted. Unlike the other four worlds, the Blue Star had no cultivators before. By that logic, Chu Yun’s strength shouldn’t be on par with them from the cultivation worlds, regardless of his talent.

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Chu Yun shot a mischievous grin, “Guess you can say…”

“But you still shouldn’t have provoked the Blood Sect!” Ye Lan’s tone sounded as serious as she could muster when cutting off the guy, “Do you know that the Blood Lord is at the peak level of the Celestial Rank? If I’m not wrong, you’re only entry-level. I suggest you release Zhao Yucheng before it’s too late. If his father completely loses his temper, not even my sect can save you!”

I’m only an entry level Celestial Rank?

Chu Yun was slightly stunned by this assessment.

His control of power has reached the apex, better than it’s ever been. If not for the sake of recuperating his injury faster, he could easily overwhelm the foes with a flick of a finger. To think his decision to conserve energy has gotten himself into this laughable misunderstanding was to say… unexpected?

Not wanting to explain since it’s a bother, Chu Yun instead shifts the conversation to what he wanted: “So you want to me ignore the fact they abused my daughter and persecuted my woman?”

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“A gentlemen’s revenge is never too late. It’s fine if you want to get hotheaded and get a momentary satisfaction, but what about Dairen and Duo Duo? What will they do if you die?” Ye Lan’s tone was a little bit on the blaming side since she believes the guy was too impulsive and irresponsible.

“Chu Yun, if not, we can let it go….” Dairen’s expression was just as worried. She understands Chu Yun wants to get revenge for herself and Duo Duo, but if the price was the man’s life, she would rather swallow the suffering.

Zhao Yucheng pleaded his case as well, “Yes, let me go and I promise to forget this all happened!”

He watched a blood chief and an army of disciples get destroyed like they were nothing. Forget about revenge, he only wants to live at this point.

Chu Yun promptly shot a cold glance at the scumbag, “You and your father will both die, that’s my promise!”

“Chu Yun, you…”

Directly cutting off the female elder since it’s getting into a habit of being interrupted, “It is useless to persuade me. I will use my strength to prove what I can and can’t do. Duo Duo and Dairen’s suffering will not go unanswered. The Blood Sect will rue the day they cross me!”

Ye Lan became dumbfounded by Chu Yun’s proclamation. But more than shock, she’s more astonished by the level of confidence the guy had.

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