Chapter 97 “Papa’s A Great Hero” (Part 1″)

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Next, Chu Yun had Dairen accompany Duo Duo while he went around locating a dog cage to toss the scumbag inside. He didn’t want to drag this out, but apparently, Ye Lan didn’t get the message and pestered him the entire way to let the guy go before it was too late. No matter how patient a person was, having a fly constantly buzzing around his ear would annoy anyone.

“My daughter is only three years old, and she has two hundred and thirty-one scars on her body!” Chu Yun snaps and shoots an intimidating glare at the woman.


The dagger cyclones around Zhao Yucheng’s body, carving hundreds of superficial wounds on his skin. Just enough to make it painful and bleed, but not enough to cause serious physical harm.

“Aaaah! Spare me, spare my life!” The caged scum pleaded with that trembling body, his hand grasping that head in agony.

Ye Lan’s heart trembled, knowing that there was no room for wiggling in this matter. She’s not blind. She could see there’s more to the cuts than the surface level. If the scumbag’s father finds out his son’s being harmed to such an extent at the soul level, he would surely go on a rampage.

Chu Yun continued to speak, “I still hear the echoes of my daughter’s cry in my ear, calling out to me to save her and how not to cut her fingers. I can’t even imagine how desperate Duo Duo must’ve felt in that dark dungeon by herself.”

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As if guessing what Chu Yun was going to do, Zhao Yucheng shuddered and desperately pleaded, “No, don’t! I was wrong. Spare me! I promise the Blood Sect will not get payback on you. I can also compensate you for the trouble, please spare me.”

Chu Yun’s expression didn’t change in the slightest over the plea, but instead, he flatly began the task of cutting off all ten fingers with the knife.


Zhao Yucheng screeched out in the most bitter and vile tone, “My father will not let you go for this! You better kill me now! Kill me now!”

Chu Yun continued to speak in his own world and ignored his target’s words: “In my entire life, I have never owed anyone anything; the only exception is my daughter and her mother.”

At the end of the sentence, he flicked his finger and shot a pill into the fingerless scumbag’s mouth. It’s a medicine to stop the bleeding so he doesn’t die because that would be too easy of a way out.

Ye Lan: “I’m going to take Dairen and Duo Duo to my sect, the Snow Pavilion. Only there will they be safe.”

She could see that Chu Yun was seething and would never let go of the Blood Sect, and in the same way, the Blood Sect would never spare Chu Yun.

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Chu Yun picked up on her intent and nodded: “Alright, I agree.”

Although he alone was enough to protect Duo Duo and Dairen from any danger that might arise, it’s still not good enough. A good father must keep their child from seeing the horrors of this world. If they stayed, they would surely see things that most would never experience in an entire lifetime.

Meanwhile back inside the bedchamber, Duo Duo had just woken up from her nap and squatting next to the window She’s staring out at the rain because she couldn’t find her father. As a helpless child that’s endured so much, her emotions were unstable to say the least. Thus, without the pillar to support it, crying quickly ensues.

Dairen attempts to comfort her daughter with a coo, “Duo Duo, you are going to catch a cold at this rate. Let’s go back inside where it’s warmer.”

“No, I’m going to wait for Papa here!” The little girl stubbornly roots herself to the spot, which surprised the mother.

Chu Yun, you must be a competent father…!

Dairen pleaded inwardly, hoping that powerful many wouldn’t disappoint their daughter’s expectations.

Duo Duo got more miserable after waiting a while longer: “Mama, where did Papa go? Is he not coming back anymore? Does he not want Duo Duo anymore?”

Dairen took the child into her arms, “Papa went to fight the bad guys. They bullied you so Papa is going to avenge for you!”

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Thinking of those bad experiences again, Duo Duo’s shrank and grew timid, “Those bad people are terrible, will Papa be bullied? I don’t want to revenge, I only want Papa.”

Those words could only come from an angel, pure and innocent to a soul.

In an instant, Dairen’s eyes grew moist at her own incompetence and threw herself into a hug with her daughter.

“Of course not. Did you forget? Your papa is a hero, no villain can defeat him.”

“Yes, my papa is a hero, he’s the best!” Only then does Duo Duo feel reassured.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she broke free from Dairen’s arms before dashing out the door.



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Though unsteady in her steps, the baby still manages to stumble her way towards her father’s position.

Not wanting the baby to get wet, Chu Yun immediately raised his hand and stopped the rain from drenching Duo Duo’s body.

Looking at his daughter who was rushing towards him, even when he conquered the reincarnation world, he was not so satisfied.

“Papa, you’re finally back, hehee….” Duo Duo threw herself into Chu Yun’s arms and snuggled up against his neck for a sense of comfort, which directly brought on a new wave of guilt in the man’s heart,

“I’m sorry, Papa went out to do something and didn’t stay with Duo Duo.”

“It’s all right, but Duo Duo is hungry. I want to drink milk.” The girl burrowed herself into that chest and murmured her request.

Feeling the ache at not thinking ahead, Chu Yun started to think back to how his daughter was locked in a cage back in the Blood Sect.

Those people wouldn’t have fed her properly….

“Mmm, papa here will get you some milk powder.”

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