028 Love rival? KO!

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  Xiao Luo did something quite inferior in extreme grief and anger: Squatting down and peeing.

  It happened to pee on the little yellow picture.

  Throughout the process, swift as a white horse passing through a gap.

  It’s just a small soak of urine, which is similar to the effect of a few drops of water on white paper. But the white paper is ultimately different from this small yellow picture with special meaning.

  ”Xiao Pang!” Ling Su’s voice increased by several decibels.

  Xiao Luo turned around dissatisfied and jumped directly from the desk. It scared Ling Su so much that he quickly stepped forward to intercept. The height of this desk was a piece of cake for an adult cat. But for a little milk cat who had only been more than a month old, it was a bit dangerous. It would be quite troublesome if he had a fracture accidentally.

  ”I haven’t taught you a lesson here yet, so you are showing your temper first. I don’t know who is accustomed to it!”

  ”Meow–” The little orange cat struggled restlessly . No matter how badly he twisted his body, he couldn’t escape. He didn’t want to give up after all, so he stretched out his paw to scratch people.

  ”Fine, my fault, stop making trouble.” Ling Su kept rubbing his fur smoothly, glanced back at the mess on the desk, and had to admit his fate. This “son” was really not so easy to raise.

  ”Meow?” Xiao Luo turned his head, as if asking if he knew what was wrong with him?

  It’s a pity that the two people have different ideas, and they can’t communicate smoothly.

  ”I’ll take you to play with Xiao Er and Luo Baibai in the afternoon, are you happy? Do you know who Luo Baibai is? It’s the guinea pig raised by our deputy director of W University…” The shoveling officer lights up his skills and begins to disperse the attention of the little orange cat.

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  Ling Su remembered that the last time Xiaopang peed anywhere, he went to the group of the company’s R&D team to ask, and the answer was: the cat is too young to learn to use cat litter.

  In the past few days, the little orange cat has always been well-behaved and sensible, and rarely caused him trouble.

  Until just now-

  Did he not want Mama?

  ”Meow~” Xiao Luo replied and thought: It is not the weekend yet. Do we have to rehearse in advance when we meet at this time? Wow, wouldn’t he be able to meet the living international celebrity director and actor? Uh, that’s not right, Ling Su didn’t seem to mention Coco and Wu Huan just now.

  ”Xiao Pang, don’t you want Ma Ma?” Is this the cat’s possessiveness at work?

  Ling Su was not sure, staring at the little orange cat intently. Other pets might not understand it, but he knew that his Xiao Pang was very smart, and he must have understood it.

  Xiao Luo understood. He was hesitating whether to nod or shake his head. Suddenly he remembered the law that King said before: Act like a baby, be cute, resist, and refuse to admit it!

  So, the little orange cat tilted his head and meowed in a naïve way.

  The person with great imagination automatically completed the interpretation: My Xiao Pang is really possessive. In order to monopolize his father, he actually didn’t want Mama at all and is willing to fight against it till the end.

  Xiao Luo looked at the other party’s face intently, and concluded: My shit shoveling officer must have thought of something crooked again. But this is fine. At least no little fairies will come to snatch someone from him!

  But he didn’t know what hidden dangers his “fighting till the end” has left for his future today.

  After reaching a unified consensus, one person, one cat returned to a state of harmony. The biggest gain for Xiao Luo was that finally, he didn’t have to deal with the fact that his consciousness got out of control when looking at the shit shovel officer and he had to run away.

  If he can’t solve the problem even by acting like a baby or being cute, then he will resort to resistance! Anyway, he is now a cat, with a furry face, normal people can’t see through his mind.

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  But this was not a solution.

  He could drive away the little fairy once, but it was impossible to guarantee that he would be able to do it a second time!

  The more Xiao Luo thought about it, the more he felt that this matter couldn’t be delayed. He had to find a way to get rid of the little fairy as soon as possible, so that the shit shovel officer could surrender to his beauty!

  While thinking about it, he re-clicked the system mall and moved his sight to… the directional transformation card.

  The limited-time transformation card was cheap and easy to use, but the gender was random. According to his seventh sense: this random transformation person may be a prototype of a real person. Just like when he was in Ling’s house before. He became a muscular male , Xiong Er with his front foot and got into trouble with his back foot. If it weren’t for his luck, being exposed would be a matter of minutes.

  The most important thing is that Xiao Luo wants to use his face to “seduce” the shit shoveling officer in an upright manner.

  But the biggest problem is: he couldn’t shape his face.

  After the master found that his talent in painting was so stale that he could paint a rose into a stone, he completely gave up developing his talent in this area.

  It is said that God is fair. While giving you a skill, He will definitely reclaim your other talents. This is what the so-called man is imperfect.

  Xiao Luo expressed deep regret for being unable to be a perfect person. After concentrating on squeezing his face for a long time, he found that the ugly face was completely unlike humans, so he decided to take a shortcut.

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: King, can you ask my master to send a photo of me?

  King didn’t reply, his profile picture was grey.

  Xiao Luo scratched his chin in surprise, puzzled.

  ”Xiao Pang, dinner.” His shit shovel officer brought the prepared lunch over. A small dish of softened milk cake and half a bottle of milk powder were served.

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  ”Meow~” The little orange cat came back to his senses and kept selling cute.

  After finally knocking out the “rival of love”, he had to give the man some benefits, right?

  Xiao Luo took it for granted, and Ling Su didn’t care about the ruined little yellow picture. How could a person of whom he didn’t even see the face clearly or even didn’t know whether it existed in reality could be comparable to his chubby boy.

  ”Meow~meow~meow~” The little orange cat happily ate the milk cake, put his short legs on the edge of the plate. The moment he looked down, his brain flashed: Has he become fat recently?

  ”What’s wrong, Xiao Pang?” Ling Su asked in a low voice when the little orange cat suddenly stopped.

  ”Meow~” It’s okay, you can withdraw now.

  Xiao Luo shook his paw, implying that it must be an illusion. It had only been a few days now!

  Ling Su patted the cat’s head and turned around to pack his things. What he didn’t tell Xiao Pang was that in the afternoon, besides Bai Qingyun and Luo Qingqiu, there would be two other well-known public figures who were coming to W University. It was not his arrangement this time. He simply took a seat at the invitation of Vice President Luo.

  The script that Li Wei had recently started to prepare was attracting investment. Because it was a literary and artistic film involving forbidden themes, and it was very different from his previous style, which was not attractive in the industry. Even if it was a famous director who has already won the international award, it was risky to be so capricious.

  Ling Su’s industry and investment were basically not related to the entertainment industry. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Li Wei to find someone like that to invest in him. It just so happened, because they all have a small cute pet from LOLO’s pet shop.

  After Xiao Luo ate the milk cake, he drank the milk powder again, holding his round belly listlessly. Even when he was stuffed into the cat backpack by the shovel officer, he didn’t resist.

  It’s one thing to eat and drink, and it’s another to be satisfied. Especially after begging the great king and only receiving a photo sticker, Xiao, a genius hacker boy, Luo, who successfully found a shortcut, quickly completed shaping the face. After completing the squeezing of the face, he saved it. It would be used when the time was right .

  ”Didi di—-” The message prompt sounded.

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  Husky-Xiao Er: Xiao Miao, I have seen Su Chenchen, so handsome!

  Xiao Luo glanced lazily, and hummed in his heart: Can he be more handsome than Ling Su?

  Husky-Xiao Er: Picture.jpg

  Husky-Xiao Er: Picture.jpg

  Xiao Luo hiccuped, and when he saw the two high-definition photos of Su Chen, he quickly stopped the other party. He understood: Husky is just a face dog.

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: I hate it.jpg* Looks so-so. My shit shovel officer is more handsome.

  Husky-Xiao Er: Xiao Miao, you have a problem with your aesthetics!

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Can Su Chen, who looks like a little custard, compare to my Ling Xiao Su? Believe it or not, if you keep talking, I will hack your system in minutes!

  Huskie-Xiao Er: Huh, huh…unfair.jpg*

      Xiao Luo snorted, started  continuously shooting pictures of Ling Su. He secretly took a large number of superb photos, and then quietly posted them to his private photo album.

The author has something to say:
King: Simple problems are made complicated, the typical representative of the best negative textbook of the year- Xiao Luo!

#I have prosperous beauty, why does he ignore it#

#For my son, stepmother is rejected#

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