029… Kaihei?

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  Su Chen, male, twenty-seven years old, an actor with both beauty and talent in the glamour-loving entertainment circle. His biggest hobby is to post short jokes on Weibo and show off his pudding hamster Wu Huan.

  Xiao Luo called him a pretty boy, and it was actually true. Su Chen looked fair and handsome, smiled warmly, and looked like an idol.

  But in fact, Su Chen debuted at the age of eighteen. He began to hone his acting skills as a small supporting role. After playing small roles for seven full years, he didn’t accumulate a lot of money until the last two years, when he took the crown of best actor.

  Su Chen’s fame experience is like an inspirational life novel, full of miracles. Some people commented that all the good fortune in his life began with the adoption of Wu Huan. In this regard, the young Su Chen smiled without saying a word.

  When Xiao Luo saw Su Chen in person, the first thing he noticed was not how handsome this actor was, but the faint cloud of smoke above the other’s head.

  【Xiao Luo, is that you?】A pudding hamster squatted on Su Chen’s shoulder, looking shy.

  【Oh oh oh, Xiao Miao, you are here! 】Husky, who just said that he wanted to make friends, ran over happily, barking all the way.

  After being released from the cat backpack, the little orange cat meowed. His eyes quickly circled around the place, secretly startled: Wu Huan, Husky, Luo Baibai, and Director Li Wei’s carot-reading macaw all have arrived!

  For the three in front, he doesn’t have to worry about the other party suddenly calling out his name. But the parrot… On the QQ system, the uniform format of the user name is the breed plus the name given by the owner, but Xiao Luo’s is unusual and looks strange. It was his real name.

  ”Little Orange Cat~Little Orange Cat~Ahahaha——”

  The loud voice, coupled with the strange pronunciation, made Xiao Luo’s scalp numb for a while, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief: At any rate, he didn’t directly call his name.

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  ”Meow~” The little orange cat looked up at the colorful macaw, while sending a message in the king’s harem group.

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: @Macaw-Coco, don’t call my name, thank you.

  Macaw-Cocoa: Why?

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: Because my shit shovel officer does not agree with this name.

  Because Ling Su didn’t even know that his Xiao Pang was a human being in cat skin.

  Macaw-Coco: So complicated, little orange cat. Hey, forget it, I’ll call you Little Orange Cat~

  Orange cat-Xiao Luo: Smile. jpg

  Macaw-Coco: Little Orange Cat, your shit shoveling officer is really good-looking, would he want to come to Lao Li’s movie to have a cameo appearance?

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: What movie?

  Macaw-Cocoa: A gay love story, thumping and laughing. jpg

  Xiao Luojiao quickly refused, gay love story? Ling Su can only have a gay love story with him!

  【Little Meow, look at how handsome Su Chenchen is!】Husky definitely didn’t have a turn-off system. He had been fascinated by Su Chen, even his own little sister couldn’t control him. He couldn’t wait to stick to the film Emperor Su. Bai Qingyun was embarrassed and she apologised constantly.

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  Su Chen smiled indifferently. Because of Wu Huan, he was particularly patient and tolerant towards these fluffy little guys.

  【So so.】Xiao Luo still said that. Compared to the appearance of film emperor Su, he was more curious about the origin of the plume of smoke above the other party’s head.

  ”Pang, do you want to go to play with Xiao Er? By the way, meet some new friends. They are all from the LOLO pet shop. They are your old predecessors.” Ling Su touched the orange cat’s head and whispered softly.

  Xiao Luo’s legs almost softened when he heard Ling Su’s voice. After taking a deep breath, he nodded calmly. Anyway, Ling Su knew that he could probably understand human language, and there was no need to act stupid all the time. There were such a large group of clever predecessors. If he kept playing stupid, it would be suspicious.

  ”Go.” Ling Su kissed the little orange cat on the forehead with satisfaction.

  Xiao Luo shook his ears shyly, is it really appropriate to tease him like this in broad daylight?

  Hey, so shameless, he must be spoiled!

  【Xiao Miao, shall we go play a game?】After being hugged by Bai Qingyun, Husky finally calmed down a bit. His butt twisted jovially.

  After the little orange cat meowed coldly, he decided to follow the shovel officer’s wishes to meet “new friends.”

  As a result, as soon as Xiao Luo ran away, he heard Su Chen say to Ling Su: “Mr. Ling, Director Li has been waiting for you in the next meeting room for a long time.”

  He turned his head suspiciously to confirm that he heard it right, and then It suddenly dawned on him: Although my shit shoveler is just the owner of a game studio, isn’t that also very popular?

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  【Kitten? Can I call you the same way? 】Wu Huan ran down from King Su and stood in front of the little orange cat.

  This was a bold hamster, because it is not afraid of cats.

  【Well, yes.】Xiao Luo couldn’t help but stretch out his paw to touch the Pudding hamster’s head. After feeling the instinctive tremor of the other party, Xiao Luo quickly moved his paw away.

  Although the IQ is high, the instinct that rats are destined to be afraid of cats still exists in their bones. But Wu Huan had good self control and he behaved very friendly. Xiao Luo naturally had no reason to bully rats.

  【Little Orange Cat, League of Legends, let’s go?】The macaw flew at low altitude and proposed excitedly.

  Xiao Luo was speechless, five non-human creatures teamed up to Kaihei? 1 .Are you kidding me?

  【Xiao Miao, the game you played last time looks amazing!】Wu Huan looked around and was ready to move.

  Only Husky remained silent, because this was a little husky that could hardly even look at the fruit and was still crawling in the first level after playing for most of the day.

  Xiao Luo looked at the situation, two to two, the same as what Luo Baibai said.

  Unfortunately, Luo Baibai has already turned on the five online computers very actively, standing in front of one of the monitors passionately, and waving to the little orange cat:【Xiao Miao, let’s try the hero you’ve played!】

  Xiao Luo: ……

  Who gave you the courage to think this game will just be an operation of rampantly rolling on the keyboard?

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  Well, it’s probably his fault.

  【Are you sure? Your masters, won’t they doubt your identity when they will come out and see the four of you playing League of Legends?】Xiao Luo reluctantly used four of you to emphasize.

  It is a pity that these cute little things did not receive his good intentions.

  【What identity would he suspect?】Luo Baibai looked confused.【Lao Luo helped me download League of Legends! 】

  【My family’s Chenchen also likes to play League of Legends. I watched it a few times and it was quite interesting. 】

  【My old Li has left me alone now, and he is busy! Change the script, get sponsorship, hey… just doesn’t accompany me. 】
The macaw finally didn’t speak language anymore, and it was like a slip of tongue when he complained.
【I think back then, the sky was still blue, the water was still clear, and Lao Li’s heart was mine. Now, I have become a yellow flower , a grasshopper after autumn! Ah ah ah…】

  Xiao Luo: Worship the great god of melodrama!

  In desperation, Xiao Luo was forced into battle, leaving a message for king when he felt uneasy.

  Orange Cat-Xiao Luo: King, I want to ask for advice: What’s the matter with the blue smoke above your head? P.S. I am about to lead the people to Kaihei, can you give me permission to connect a port to the Internet? Pitiful.jpg1

Kaihei : Kaihei is a game term, which refers to voice or face-to-face communication when playing games. Kaihei is a new term that is popular in various battle games (such as 3C, True Three, DotA, League of Legends, Glory of Kings, etc.). Refers to a group of people in the same game, forming a team to play the game when it is convenient to communicate (such as direct communication in the same Internet cafe or real-time communication through chat tools to exchange information in the game although they are not together)

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