My Star Teacher

Chapter 364: 364

The night light is on the stage. He took the lead in holding out his hand to Leon and said, "Hello, I'm luminous."

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Luminous is in Chinese.

Leon was a little surprised. He could understand and speak Chinese. However, on this occasion, people from many countries all over the world gathered. Although there is no rule that English must be spoken, English is an international common language. Speaking English on this occasion is a common rule.

The audience at the bottom didn't understand what he said. Leon didn't say much. He shook hands with luminous politely with a smile and said in English, "welcome, night."

In fact, luminous was just sober and a little confused. When he said hello to Leon, he naturally jumped out of Chinese. Otherwise, he was ready to communicate in English.

The words have been spoken out and can't be taken back.

On the contrary, it's night light. After a sentence of Chinese pops up, I think of the English speech in my mind. I feel a little irritable for no reason. Why do you let me adapt to your English when I'm Chinese?

After this idea flashed out in the night light mind, how also can't go away.

The emcee brought up luminous's letter of appointment, seals and medals.

After signing the letter of appointment and following the procedures of honoring and seal granting, Leon asked luminous to deliver a speech.

Luminous took the microphone, facing the reporters and the audience, with a smile on his face, but he made up his mind.

Luminous: "Hello everyone, I'm luminous."

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As soon as I opened my mouth, the audience and reporters were stunned.

How to speak Chinese?

Although there is no regulation, subconsciously, everyone thinks that the international lingua franca should be spoken in this kind of occasion.

Liu Cheng and Tang Tao's eyes are also a little strange. Before Ming Ming told him that he wanted to speak English, how could this mouth jump out of Chinese?

However, people just feel a little surprised. In fact, it doesn't matter what language they speak. Maybe they don't speak English. Some people speculate.

Luminous ignored what they thought and said, "it's a great honor to be appointed as the Global Environmental Protection Ambassador today. The environmental protection issue is that the whole world needs to work together... I will... Wish the world... Thank you."

He didn't adjust his speech by himself. He translated it into Chinese according to the content on the card Tang Tao gave him.

At the end of the speech, a burst of polite applause came to mind.

Next, the reporter and the audience can ask a simple question about luminous.

A group of reporters raised their hands, and many guests also joined the crowd and raised their hands high.

Ryan looked at the crowd and saw that Wilson, who was on the stage at the beginning, also raised his hand, so he said, "the first question is for Wilson, who is also an Environmental Protection Ambassador."

A staff member sent Wilson a microphone.

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Wilson said in pure English, "Mr. night, Hello, I'm Wilson. You just spoke Chinese in your speech. I want to ask you whether you can't speak English or don't speak English on purpose?"

This question was not only puzzled by Wilson, but also by many people present. Wilson took the lead in asking it.

Before the light of night answered, Wilson continued, "can you understand me when I speak English? Do you need a translator? "

This sentence caused many guests and reporters to laugh.

Tang Tao's brows wrinkled. It's nothing to speak Chinese in luminous speech. Although it's rare to speak mother tongue on such an international occasion, it's not uncommon and there's nothing to make a fuss about.

However, with Wilson's casual but practical and sharp problem, Tang Tao worries that luminous will say something wrong.

Luminous looked at Wilson with the microphone and said, "thank you for your kindness, Mr. Wilson."

At this time, what luminous spits out from his mouth is extremely accurate pronunciation of English. The question whether luminous can speak English no longer needs to be answered.

Luminous said with a smile in English: "in fact, I still want to use my mother tongue Chinese, but in order to let you understand what I mean, I'd better explain it in English."

Luminous smile, continued, "today, is a beautiful day, so I want to use the world's best language to express my good mood. Mr. Wilson, are you satisfied with this explanation? "

Wilson looked at the night light and said, "Mr. night, you have a good reason, but why do you say that Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world? Is it just because you are Chinese and Chinese is your mother tongue? If a professional linguist said that today, I may not doubt it. However, you don't know other languages and cultures, so you come to such a conclusion. Mr. night, I think you don't respect other languages. "

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As soon as Wilson's words came out, a lot of people at the scene were excited, and their eyes became warm. Is this to do something?Journalists are even more eye-catching. It's possible to catch the rhythm of big news.

Tang Tao and several ambassadors of the Chinese delegation are not looking well. If Wilson can't answer this question well, tomorrow's international news will be full of negative news about China.

News with titles like "Global Environmental Ambassadors discriminate against other countries' languages and cultures.".

Liu Cheng is also frowning at this time. In his opinion, luminous is almost approaching a dead end. Wilson's words are very sharp. Liu Cheng feels that no matter how luminous answers, it is not appropriate.

If yeguang said, yes, I just think Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world, then it will be criticized for not respecting other countries' language and culture and being arrogant.

However, if night light now changes his words to admit that he is not good at Chinese, he will be able to live well on the spot, but he will soon become a laughing stock, and even some good people will force their hats off, directly extending to the topic that night light admits that Chinese is not good.

No matter how you answer, it seems that the situation is not good for luminous.

Liu Cheng secretly pinched a sweat for him. He also complained about why he didn't follow the established path and just speak English honestly. Why didn't he speak Chinese at this time.

The light of the night seemed calm and didn't seem to realize the hole in Wilson's words, but Tang Tao and Liu Cheng were more worried.

Luminous said with a smile, "Mr. Wilson, you may not know our Chinese very well. My country, with a long history of 5000 years, is the most complete ancient civilization and culture preserved in the world so far. So is our language. I know our culture and our language. That's why I know the greatness and beauty of this language. "

Wilson continued to argue: "but what you know is only the language of your country, which doesn't mean that Chinese is the best pronunciation in the world. How can you say that if you don't know other languages?"

Luminous looked at Wilson with a smile and asked, "Mr. Wilson, how do you know I don't know other languages?"

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"Mr. Wilson, you said before that if a master of linguistics said that Chinese was the best language, you would not doubt it. Now I tell you that I should be a master of language." Luminous said this with confidence.

Wilson was stunned. Without waiting for him to speak, he continued, "I can tell you that so far, I am proficient in the top 50 official languages in the world according to the scope of application and the number of users. This number is increasing with my study. And it's because I know so many phonetics, after comparison, that I dare to say that Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world. "

As soon as the words of luminous came out, the audience was silent for a few seconds, and the reporters forgot to press the shutter.

Proficient in 50 different languages? Are you playing? To whom?

Everyone's first reaction was that luminous was bragging.

"No way!" I don't know who called.

"How can anyone speak 50 languages? And I'm still proficient! "


The scene suddenly became noisy.

Many guests and reporters at the meeting yelled.

The cameras on the scene also clattered, and the frequency of the flash was so high that it made people dizzy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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