My Star Teacher

Chapter 365: 365

Almost no one would believe that luminous could speak 50 different languages.

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It's true that there are people with language talent in the world. Once, New Scientist reported that someone can speak 76 languages, and almost all of his family have language talent. It is said that an old man in this family once learned 100 languages in his life.

But how old is luminous? How many different languages does he have? How is it possible to speak 50 different languages? What's more, he is proficient!

Mastery and understanding are very different concepts.

Many of the guests at the meeting began to question.

"My God, I must have heard the biggest joke of the year."

"It's impossible to be proficient in 50 languages."

"Absolutely impossible. This yellow man is absolutely crazy."


a voice of doubt sounded, and Tang Tao and Liu Cheng were also surprised and puzzled.

In principle, they are in the same camp as luminous, so they should believe luminous, but they can't believe that.

In the face of people's doubts, luminous is quite calm, holding the microphone said, "sorry, please be quiet, please be quiet."

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The scene gradually quieted down and everyone was watching him.

Luminous: "I know that you have doubts, do not believe what I said." The light of night stopped and looked at the crowd.

Would you please take out the words you don't believe in? People just don't believe it! If you believe it, there will be a ghost!

Luminous: "but I have a way to prove that I didn't lie. Today, many of the ladies and gentlemen here are from all over the world. They speak different languages and have different nationalities. You can try to communicate with me in your mother tongue. I'll let you know if it's natural."

Many people nodded in favor of luminous's proposal. It's a mule or a horse. If you try, you'll know whether it's true or not.

Night light said so confidently, this confidence full appearance, also let originally in the heart how all don't believe of guest at this time also puzzled.

Liu Cheng and Tang Tao are also particularly surprised to see the night light. Night light is one of their own people, and there are some psychological differences between them and other people. Liu Cheng and Tang Tao think that if night light is not crazy, then he may not be bragging just now

However, it is almost impossible for Liu Cheng and Tang Tao to believe it.

Wilson was the first to say, "I can speak Spanish, so I'll try you first."

With that, Wilson switched to Spanish and said, "there are ten apples on the tree, eight of them have been picked, and a few are left." Then Wilson said in English, "please answer this question in Spanish and translate the original words into English."

"The answer is that there are two apples left, Mr. Wilson. Your question is too simple. Next time, please change to a more difficult one."

Luminous not only answered, but also added a paragraph in Spanish.

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After the answer, luminous immediately translated it into English: "Mr. Wilson gave me a question. The question is that there are ten apples on the tree, eight of them are picked, and how many apples are left."

There should be some people who can speak Spanish. Of course, you can recognize that what luminous just said is pure Spanish, and there is no deviation in the translation. It is true that you can speak Spanish.

However, this is the first one. The guests are not surprised. There are not a few people who can speak two or three languages. Maybe night light just happens to know Spanish.

Wilson took the lead, and guests and journalists from all over the world could not sit down.

"I'm from Portugal. Please translate this sentence into Portuguese." A reporter from Portugal stood up and said, "environment and life coexist, environmental protection and health coexist."

Today is the press conference of the appointment ceremony of Environmental Protection Ambassador. This reporter from Portugal called out a slogan about environmental protection.

Luminous smile immediately translated into Portuguese: "environment and life coexist, environmental protection and health coexist."

The guests who didn't know Portuguese all looked at the reporter who asked the question. The Portuguese reporter nodded to the reporter, indicating that the translation of luminous was correct, and then said "thank you." He sat down.

Another reporter quickly stood up again, "Hello, Mr. night, I'm from Italy, please translate that sentence in Italian."

Noctiluca did not hesitate at all, but opened his mouth and said, "environment and life coexist, environmental protection and health coexist."

It's Italian. It's perfect.

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Italian reporter also nodded, said thank you, sat down.

"Hello, Mr. night, please translate the previous sentence in Russian." Another guest from Russia stood up.

"Environment and life coexist, environmental protection and health coexist." Luminous was translated into Russian immediately.

At this time, many people have been surprised to see luminous. Luminous now shows five languages, including English, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, and his mother tongue, Chinese. It's amazing to know only five languages without saying whether luminous can speak other languages.Then, one by one, the guests and reporters stood up and asked luminous to translate the sentence in their national language: environment and life coexist, environmental protection and health coexist.







guests and journalists from all over the world, from different nationalities and languages, stood up one after another as long as they were not asked about the languages.

Luminous on stage at this time quite high spirited, constantly in different languages, repeating the same words: environment and life coexist, environmental protection and health coexist.

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There are also a number of small languages encountered, luminous has not yet had time to learn, can not answer up, will also say frankly, "sorry, your country's language I have not had time to learn, this time after returning home will go to learn your country's voice, I am very interested in your country's language."

No, but no one has questioned him any more. Before, luminous answers were fluent, and there were more than 40 languages translated out. This data is enough to convince all the people present.

No one has stood up to ask luminous to continue to translate, even those guests and journalists whose mother tongue has not been translated will no longer stand up.

That's enough.

In the end, Liu Cheng got together and stood up. He said in English, "I believe everyone has had a good time. I'll finish it. Please translate it in Chinese. Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world."

Luminous looked at him with a smile, looked around the audience for a week, held up the microphone and said in a loud voice:

"Chinese is the most beautiful language in the world!"

There was thunderous applause.

Applause, it doesn't mean that everyone agrees with his words. How many people may scoff at him with their nostrils? But no one will argue with him any more. If a master of more than 50 languages speaks such words, how can he argue with such authority?

Prolonged applause.

These applause, more simply to night light, he impressed everyone present, let everyone see an impossible language miracle! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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