My Star Teacher

Chapter 381: 381

"Are we really good? Leave Yiyi in my parents' house. " Liu ChiYan some tangled asked.

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Luminous holding her small hand said, "is some... Cough, the first time to take you to the cinema, it's not easy to make an appointment with you, Yiyi will understand, next time to take her."

Liu ChiYan: "where shall we go? We haven't even driven. Shall we go back and drive? "

Luminous looked around and pointed to the East, "over there, I remember there is a cinema there. It's not far away. Let's go. I'm not in a hurry anyway."

It's still early. It's less than 11 o'clock. It's still a little early in the morning.

Liu ChiYan nodded, "well, then go over."

To tell you the truth, Liu ChiYan didn't want to drive, so he finally went out with the night light to watch a movie. Driving was too bad for the atmosphere, so it was good for them to walk hand in hand under the street lights.

"Cold?" Noctiluca asked.

It's still very cold in December, especially in the evening when a gust of wind blows and the pit is cold to the bone.

The humidity in the south is heavy. Sometimes the temperature is not very low, but it makes people feel very cold. Sometimes clothes can't resist the cold. The cold resistance in the south depends on shaking, and there is no heating. It's almost the same inside and outside.

There is a kind of cold, called nowhere to escape!

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There is a saying used to describe the cold South, a wolf from the north, frozen into a dog in the south.

"Not bad." Liu ChiYan said with a smile, "I always thought that the winter in the South was warmer than that in the north, but now I know that the south is also so cold."

Luminous smile, "the North indoor and outdoor is two worlds."

Liu ChiYan nodded, "yes, this time last year, I still ate ice cream at home."

Speaking, a cold wind blowing over, waving a few strands of Liu ChiYan hair, Liu ChiYan subconsciously tight clothes.

Seeing this, he took off his overcoat and put it on Liu ChiYan

Liu ChiYan quickly shook his head, pushed her away and put her clothes on the luminous body. "What are you doing? What are you doing with my clothes? Put them on yourself. Don't catch a cold."

Luminous: "I'm not cold. I'm in good health. You can wear it."

Liu ChiYan glared at the light of night. The light of night didn't speak. He helped the light of night to dress. Liu ChiYan said, "no matter how good you are, you can't toss. In such cold weather, your iron body will be damaged. Put it on quickly. It's better for two people to be cold together than for one person to catch a cold."

Dressed for the night light, Liu ChiYan seemed to be afraid that the night light might catch cold, so he buttoned up all his coat buttons.

The night light looks at the white air in front of the body, gentle as water, beautiful and moving Willow Pond smoke, under the dim yellow street lamp, against the light, it seems that it is so beautiful.

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As soon as the night light put Liu ChiYan in his arms, Liu ChiYan was a little panicked and said, "Oh, you...

Liu ChiYan began to speak more, and the cherry's mouth was kissed by the night light.

On the quiet path, under the dim street lights, a man and a woman embrace and kiss each other, adding some different temperatures to this cold night.

"I'll carry it on my back." Let go of Liu ChiYan, night light says with a smile.

Liu ChiYan's face was still flushed, and he was kissing with the night light on the road. This feeling was really different, "carry me?"

Luminous nodded, "well, I carry you, you are on my back, it's not so cold."

Liu ChiYan smiles, looks at the night light and nods heavily.

Liuchiyan is not heavy, but it's not light. Fortunately, luminous still has some strength. It's not a problem to carry liuchiyan for a while. Luminous carries liuchiyan and walks along the sidewalk with a smile.

A couple of lovers came across the sidewalk across the road. They couldn't help looking at the night light and Liu ChiYan.

In the evening, the street lights were dim, but they didn't recognize liuchiyan and the night light. Of course, they didn't see the night light and liuchiyan because of this.

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"Husband, I want you to carry me too."

The man in the couple stopped walking, looked back at the night light and Liu ChiYan, who were walking away slowly, and then looked at his female companion who couldn't beat 150 kg, and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Winter is an unpleasant season. There are many reasons to hate this season, but there is only one reason for luminous to hate this season. He wears too many clothes in winter.

Liu ChiYan is lying on his back. Rao is proud of Liu ChiYan's figure, because there are two people's thick clothes, and there is no feeling on his back... Cough.

Winter of all evils.

I don't know how long I've been walking. Liu ChiYan asked, "haven't you arrived yet? If you are tired after walking so far, let me down. "

The night light held on, looked around, and then said awkwardly, "er... Don't laugh when you say it. I seem to have taken the wrong road."

Liu ChiYan was stunned, then puffed a smile, "fool."Luminous embarrassed smile, and then said, "because of carrying you, I will go forward, forget to turn."

Recently, Noctiluca's EQ has grown. This kind of sweet talk can come with open mouth. Liu ChiYan is very happy when he hears it, but he says, "turn around quickly, fool."

Luminous vomited a white gas, said, "I really want to carry you on my back."

The corner of Liu ChiYan's mouth can ooze honey. He hugged the luminous hand tightly, and put his head on the luminous shoulder. He said in a delicate voice, "pretend to be affectionate... Let's go." With that, Liu ChiYan thought of something, and then said, "you put me down, carry me for so long, I come down and go by myself."

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Noctiluca walked and said, "no, I'm not tired. I'll recite for a while."

Love can be subtle so, I carry you, you care about me tired or not, and I, carrying is not put down the happiness, no matter tired or not, will forge ahead.

When I got to the cinema, it was already 11:20, and there was not much time in the early morning.

After 12 o'clock, the new year is coming. There are several films released at the same time on New Year's day. One of them is luminous's thirty three days of lovelorn. There are also two domestic films and an imported blockbuster. A total of four films are released at the same time.

The other two domestic films are Yan Hong's "Butterfly Love" and an ancient costume drama "general".

"General" is also a work directed by Chen Ke, a famous domestic director. It is said that the production cost has reached 80 million yuan. According to the current domestic film market, the production cost of 80 million yuan can be regarded as a domestic blockbuster.

At the same time, there is an imported popcorn movie, named "robot in iron armor", with an investment of 80 million US dollars. This movie is undoubtedly a blockbuster, and it's coming fiercely. When it's released on New Year's day, it's aimed at this year's box office champion. Even many netizens have been predicting that this movie is likely to become a new box office blockbuster in China One of the top five.

And we think that there are still some abilities similar to this armored robot, that is, the general of director Chen Ke. As for the love films directed by luminous and Yan Hong, they are not in the public's consideration.

In the audience's cognition, compared with the blockbusters, the small production love movies released at the same time can only be regarded as the foil.

Even Yan Hong, the director of the film released at the same time, thinks so. He has no idea to compare with the two films at all. They just fight in the front and drink soup in the back.

However, the night light has some wild prospects. In the dream world, it is a miracle after being lovelorn for thirty-three days. I don't know if the miracle can continue in this world? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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