My Star Teacher

Chapter 382: 382

Liuchiyan hid in a corner with few people.

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Luminous went to buy a ticket with a mask.

Although it's early in the morning, there are a lot of people in the cinema. Many people like to rush to see the new movie.

There were some people in line, but the speed was very fast. After a while, it was night light's turn.

"Hello, I'd like two tickets for thirty-three days of lovelorn, a couple seat, and a popcorn and cola set meal for two."

"I'm sorry, sir. The tickets for the thirty-three days of lovelorn are sold out."

Luminous one Zheng, "sold out?"

The conductor nodded positively, "well, it's sold out. We used to arrange fewer films for this movie, but we didn't expect it to sell so well. We have temporarily adjusted and added several halls, but it's still not enough. The VIP Hall has been sold out."

Before the night light spoke, a couple behind the night light said, "what! Sold out in 33 days? I don't want to see it. Go to other cinemas. "

The conductor said in a hurry, "Oh, don't go. It's the same with other movies. There are blockbusters, armored robots, imported blockbusters, and domestic blockbusters...

" if you don't watch them, we'll watch love movies! " The cute girl in the little couple said.

Conductor: "there are also love movies, and a butterfly love."

"No look, no look." Meng Mei shook her head decisively. "I'm going to see the thirty-three days of lovelorn. If there are Liu goddess and Liu Tianwang, who will see the butterfly love. Husband, I'm leaving. I'll change my family! "

There are a few couples or young guys and girls talking about it.

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"It's sold out in 33 days."

"It's a pity that it's too late. I've been booking tickets online since I knew it."

"It's all your fault. I have to buy some tickets for the VIP Hall. This time, I don't have to see it."

"It's too late to go now."

"How come it's gone again? I just came from the cinema in front of me. The tickets for the thirty-three days of lovelorn over there have been sold out."

"Let's go, let's go. Come back tomorrow and go back to sleep."


after a while of discussion, half of the team that was originally behind the night light suddenly disappeared.

In the face of this situation, he didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. After being lovelorn for thirty-three days, he was unexpectedly hot. He was very happy. However, so many audiences gave up watching the film because they couldn't buy tickets. Maybe after they left the cinema, they didn't want to watch the film.

"Do you want any more, sir?" The conductor looked at the crowd leaving helplessly and asked the night light.

Night light returned to God, nodded, "buy, give me two butterfly love tickets."

After buying the ticket, luminous holding a big bucket of popcorn, carrying two bottles of drinks, went to the corner to find liuchiyan.

"How do I buy these?" Liu ChiYan pointed to the coke and popcorn in luminous's hand, "it's not good to eat too much of these things."

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"It's OK. It's not easy to eat." The night light smiles, "did not buy the ticket of lovelorn for thirty-three days, bought two tickets of butterfly love."

Liu ChiYan Leng Leng, "didn't buy it?"

Luminous nodded, "well, it's sold out. See those people who just left? They didn't buy tickets and left."

Liuchiyan smiles, "this is a good thing. It shows that our movies are popular."

Luminous: "what? The movie hasn't been broadcast yet. I don't know whether it's popular or not. It only shows that our advertising effect is good, and you and Liu Tianwang have high box office appeal."

Liu ChiYan laughed, "anyway, it's a good thing that the audience is willing to watch. By the way, how did you buy butterfly love? Don't you want to fight Yan Hong? You'll contribute to his box office. "

Luminous: "if I can't buy one or two of my own, I'll go and see him. It's just the right time to find out his way to know himself and his enemy. Er... If you don't want to watch it, I'll go and change it? "

Liu ChiYan shook his head and said, "no, just this. It doesn't matter."

Liu ChiYan originally wanted to see the thirty-three days of lovelorn. This is his first movie with luminous, but he didn't buy a ticket. It doesn't matter what Liu ChiYan saw, as long as the person who accompanied her was luminous.

It's almost time.

Good night, liuchiyan checks in.

They were both wearing masks and standing collar coats, but no one recognized them.

Night light bought a couple seat, in the last row.

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It has to be said that the design of the cinema is more humane. Almost no matter which cinema, the lovers' seats are in the last row. In this way, the audience sitting in the front can't see the lovers who show their love in the back. Otherwise, they have to eat dog food to watch a movie.

The movie begins.

Luminous and Liuchi smoke together, holding a bucket of fried rice lace to eat while looking.

However, just after watching half of the movie, luminous felt regret. What kind of ghost movie is this? In other words, where did Yan Hong have the courage to challenge himself with this kind of movie?Just in the first half of the broadcast, but it's all a mess of dog blood stories. The male and female protagonists meet by accident and feel good for each other. However, the male owner has a girlfriend, and the girlfriend is still the female owner's best friend. The female owner sacrifices herself to make the male owner and her best friend, but they have a relationship with the male owner, and then they get pregnant accidentally. The male and female accompany the female owner to the hospital for abortion, and they happen to be the female owner who comes for physical examination Honey bumps into, the noisy character quarrels.

During this period, some online jokes that Yan Hong thought might be funny were forced to be interspersed, adding some "comic elements" to the film.

I haven't finished watching it, but the night light has lost the heart to watch it. There are still a lot of people in the reflection hall. After sitting for more than half of the time, many audiences have begun to curse.

"Come on, what the hell is that?"

"I told you to change to another movie theater to watch the lovelorn for thirty-three days. It's all your fault. What's the play?"

"Husband, if I knew that, I would accompany you to see the armored robot."

"I don't want to see it, I don't want to see it. What's the play? The story of dog blood."

"Let's go. Go home and go to sleep. There's nothing to see."


in the middle of the movie, one third of the audience actually left. Most of the rest think that they have spent all the money. It's a pity not to watch it.

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Of course, there are exceptions. For example, there is a couple sitting next to the night light. The couple are not watching movies at all. They get tired of it from sitting down.

"You are bad ~"

"I hate you ~"

"there are people, don't touch them ~"


you've heard a lot of similar words. For such a young couple, it doesn't matter what's on the big screen. They have their own small world and play their own small movies.

Night light has no intention to watch it, and also has a reassurance. If such a movie will lose in the challenge arena with him, then he will eat Xiang live!

The couple next to him was so tired and crooked that the sound of kissing was so loud that the night light could be heard clearly. Some of the night light could not sit still. Originally, he wanted to ask Liu ChiYan to go home. When he turned his head, he found that Liu ChiYan had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Looking at Liu ChiYan sleeping soundly, the night light can't bear to wake her up, so she has to continue to watch the movie. Even if the movie is rotten, it can at least distract the attention of the couple nearby, can't it?

If you are a single dog, you can't be sure that when you eat dog food, and your blood is stimulated, you will go and beat the man of that greasy little couple.

Why hit a man?

Pure men, don't beat women! If you want to, of course, you have to. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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