My Star Teacher

Chapter 467: 467

Time flies.

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Blink of an eye, two months passed.

Thunderstorm made a comprehensive report on the two month training period of luminous. The report was boring and uniform - excellent.

This report was handed over to captain Xu Suyan by thunderstorm, and then captain Xu handed it over to Wu Shuhe and the old man. The old man was very pleased, and the military training career of luminous came to an end.

On the day of departure, thunderstorm privately looked for luminous.

"Nice to meet you, sheep. You're the strongest sheep I've ever seen." Thunderstorm changed the usual style of iron and resolute, warm smile.

Luminous said with a smile, "nice to meet you, too, Lei Bao."

Thunderstorm, "don't you think about staying? I think you are very suitable for the army. It's really a pity that you don't fight to serve the motherland and become a director. "

Luminous smile, said, "I don't belong here, the army is not suitable for me, I'm a loose character, not much discipline, a period of time is good, time is long, must make the army can make discipline again."

Thunderstorm, "it's OK, if it's you, I don't see the small rules and small moments."

The night light sprinkles a smile to say, "thunder Squadron, you don't say, say again go on, my brain a heat, really stay, really want you headache."

Thunderstorm grinned, reached out his hand and hammered the shoulder of luminous, "it's a pity that I can't keep you, who can serve our country on the battlefield."

Luminous waved his hand, "you don't have to go to the battlefield to serve your country. Special forces have special forces battlefield. In the battlefield of special forces, snow leopard commandos are invincible. I also have my own battlefield. In my battlefield, I will play the biggest role."

Thunderstorm a Zheng, "Oh? Your battlefield? "

"Of course, my battlefield, the battlefield of entertainment culture, and team Lei don't want your children to watch foreign movies and worship heroes in foreign movies and TV works in the future, do they? Over the years, we have been at a disadvantage in the war of entertainment culture. Now the top five domestic box offices are still imported films. "

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Thunderstorm doesn't pay attention to the entertainment industry or movies, so he doesn't know the highlight of the night light before. However, thunderstorm also understands what the night light said. It's true that their special forces went to the battlefield, but when the night light left the snow leopard commandos, he also went to the battlefield. It's just a war without gunpowder and culture It's a war of war.

However, this war is particularly important!

Thunderstorm, "then I wish you victory!"

"Thank you, I will."

Thunderstorm laughed, stretched out an arm and whispered, "goodbye, come back when you have time."

Luminous also stretched out an arm, and thunderstorm's arm cross fist touch, this is the Snow Leopard Commando greetings, "will come, goodbye."


this day.

A member of the snow leopard commando team who does not belong to the army's establishment left the team, but the official establishment, in addition to the attendance personnel, all the members arrived and formed a line to see them off.

Night light's clothes, training clothes, combat clothes, regular clothes and so on in the army were originally not part of the establishment and were not allowed to be taken away. When he left the team, he needed to return them, but night light didn't give up. So Captain Xu gave special approval and asked night light to take them back for memory.

At this time, the night light, like a veteran, wearing a regular uniform without military rank, solemnly stood at attention to the soldiers who lined up to see him off.

Goodbye, troops.

Goodbye, special forces.

Goodbye, snow leopards.

Goodbye, dear comrades in arms.

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"All of them!"



All the soldiers saluted the night light.


left the snow leopard.

To tell you the truth, luminous can't say how much he didn't give up. After all, he didn't stay long, and he knew from beginning to end that he didn't belong there.

Just, this really want to leave, in the heart head some strange, some sour.

It's a long way to go. After several turns, the night light didn't get home until more than eight in the evening.

It's worth mentioning that when luminous returned to Nanchang and took the bus home, it was a very common thing to give an old man a seat in the bus, but today's feeling made luminous feel a little different.

After the old man sat down, he began to talk with luminous happily.

"Thank you, comrade of the people's Liberation Army."

"the people's Liberation Army are all good comrades. They protect their families and defend their country. They go to battle to kill the enemy. If there is any flood or snow disaster, you are the ones who come forward to help the common people tide over the difficulties."

"Well, with you, we common people can live and work in peace and contentment."

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"My grandson is almost 18 years old. When he comes of age, I'll let him serve as a soldier. How nice it is to serve as a soldier, to protect our country and honor our ancestors."

"Comrades of the people's Liberation Army, you are great!"Luminous is not a soldier in the true sense, but at this time, wearing this uniform, listening to the old man's words, you can't help pouring pride and pride from your heart.

At the same time, night light also decided that he would not take out his uniform casually. He was afraid that after he left the army and became loose again, he would put on his uniform, and his words and deeds would be improper, which would pollute his sacred uniform.

It's already July, and it's another summer vacation. Before night light comes back, I've already talked to Liu ChiYan on the phone. It's said that my parents took Yiyi to travel, but Liu ChiYan didn't go with them. I know that night light may come back these days, so I've been waiting at home.


Luminous takes the key to open the door.

Liu ChiYan is watching TV in the living room. On the tea table, he is a pile of fried rice with eggs that he has just eaten a few mouthfuls.

Hearing the opening of the door, Liu ChiYan went to see the night light.

"Ah Liu ChiYan exclaimed, his eyes brightened, and the night light in his military uniform made him look really different.

It's not that Liu ChiYan hasn't seen Noctiluca wear military uniform before. In previous TV series, Noctiluca's costume was also military uniform. However, at that time, it was really different from looking at it. How to say, it just felt different.

I haven't seen you for two months. During that time, I made a phone call. Liu ChiYan missed the night light very much. He came over with joy and said, "you're back."

Liu ChiYan said, looking at the night light repeatedly, looked at it several times, straightened the collar of the night light, and said with a smile, "it's really handsome."

Liu ChiYan's praise made the light of night drift away in an instant. He said, "that's your husband, my face, my figure. What's not handsome?"

"Desser." Liu ChiYan looked at him with a smile.

Pulling the luggage into the room, night light saw the fried rice on the tea table, pointed and asked, "I'm not here, do you eat this at night?"

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Liu ChiYan, "Yiyi and my parents went to play, I'm alone, no appetite, also don't want to do, so easy." Then Liu ChiYan said, "by the way, have you eaten yet? Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat. " Don't wait for the night light to reply, Liu ChiYan is ready to enter the kitchen.

I don't know why. When her husband comes back, the women in the family always like to ask if he is hungry.

But in this world, maybe there are only two people who care so much about your stomach and whether you are hungry. One is your wife, the other is your mother.

This is not a simple and repeated talk about trivial things in life, it is love engraved in the heart, naturally revealed in the most simple way.

The night light pulled Liu ChiYan and said, "don't be busy. Let's have a rest. I've eaten it, but it's you who only eat so many mouthfuls of egg fried rice. If you're satisfied, go and order again."

Liu ChiYan Dudu mouth, "do not want to eat."

Night light pulled her to the living room, and said, "eat more, you say you are so big, you can't eat well, Yiyi is more active than you."

This said, depending on this natural food, can you not eat actively?

If you want to say that eating is the most active, I said to the little princess Yiyi, I dare to recognize the second, which one does not have eyes dare to recognize the first?

"I don't want to eat any more." Liu ChiYan said.

The night light pulls Liu ChiYan to sit down on the sofa, "darling, come here, do you want me to feed you?"

"Oh." Liu ChiYan let out a sound, but he didn't reach for the spoon for a long time.

Noctilucent, "eat."

Liu ChiYan looked at the night light plaintively, and said in a coquettish voice, "you didn't say you fed me."

Luminous a Zheng, and then sprinkle ran a smile, "OK, I feed you, my princess." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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