My Star Teacher

Chapter 468: 468

In a word, liuchiyan is really a thorough emotional creature.

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I haven't seen the night light for two months. Naturally, Liu ChiYan misses the night light very much. When the night light comes back, this kind of missing also emerges in an instant. The way of expression is coquetry.

Coquetry is a woman's natural skill. Mastering this skill skillfully can make a woman get the biggest response when facing a man.

Similarly, the wife is coquettish to her husband, but also hope to get the other side's love response.

Similarly, in addition to coquetry, there are many ways to go the same way. Another common way is called coquetry.

For example, in the middle of the night, they said they would drink milk tea and eat strawberries.

For example, you have to go all the way to a store to buy something that you can buy in any block.

All of these, in fact, are the expression of hope to be loved in response to love.

It seems that no matter who it is, even Tianhou liuchiyan, when facing his lover, it is the same.

She can be cute and coquettish.

In the evening.

The couple who haven't seen each other for a long time naturally have to do something between them.

After a cloud harvest and rain break, Liu ChiYan collapsed on the bed, his face was pink, and he looked at the light of the night, and said, "Why are you getting worse and worse, like a cow, not satisfied."

Night light ha ha a smile, say, "this period of time everyday training, the body has become better."

Liu Chi said, "you'd better not exercise in the future."

"Why?" he asked

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Liu ChiYan was a little shy and said, "I can't stand you any more."

On hearing this, the glow of the night is even more impressive, and it seems that it has won great praise. For any man, this sentence is just like the glory and praise of a special merit.


after training in the army, the shooting of TV series will be put on the agenda again.

However, yeguang and Liu ChiYan are not so anxious. The so-called long goodbye is better than newlyweds. Since they got married, they have not been separated for such a long time, and they still have to stay at home for a few days.

Don't get me wrong, this shame is not a wrong word, this shame is not that rest, as for what it means, I don't explain much, pure as I, never drive.

Liu Tianwang, Xu Chen and other leading actors also finished their training from the army recently.

Jiang Xin and Jiang Fengxian started to reorganize the production group ten days ahead of time before the military training was over.

This time, we are fully prepared, and the TV series should be well developed.

Although the delay of two months, but, for the sake of the quality of TV series, delay time, it is nothing.

Works relying on traffic and fan effect are short-lived after all. This is not what luminous wants to see. What he wants is to create classics and make the works last forever on the screen.

This is the main reason why the night light is not shooting well and insists on asking you to go to military training.

That's the so-called "rather lack than abuse".

Noctiluca is not a perfectionist, but he has his own benchmark and bottom line in his heart. Once he exceeds his bottom line, he would rather not shoot it than make do with it.

July 15.

The production team was reorganized and officially started.

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Most of the cast members are still the original ones, and some of them are new recruits.

This time, it's very smooth.

After two months of hard military training, Xu Chen, he Xing and other leading actors started this military drama. It was a very handy and decent one.

There will no longer be a crowd of actors, shooting soldiers like soldiers, plus their acting skills online, showing soldiers' heroic posture incisively and vividly.

The shooting was really smooth. The actors' acting skills were online, and ng was rarely used. Many times, it was night light who asked to stay in Baoyi. The crew did a good job in preparation, and there was no mistake. The original shooting plan for one day was finished at more than 3 pm, but it didn't end there. The crew filmed until 9 pm, and finished the workload of two days at the end of the day .

What do you mean to get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, everything should be well prepared. Only when the preparatory work is well done, can we be handy.

In the first time, because the preparation work was not good enough, it was unable to shoot, and the crew had to be disbanded one day after it was turned on.

In the evening.

Although we have been busy all day, we haven't had such an early rest.

Xu Chen, he Xing, Lan Bao, Liu Tianwang, and Zhong Jing all came to talk with Liu ChiYan at night.

Liu ChiYan prepared a few small dishes for supper, and let the brothers chat while eating.

Lanbao, "Xiaoye, I haven't seen you for two months. How do you feel that your military training is a little different."

Xu Chen should and way, "well, I also have this kind of feeling."Zhong Jing seconded, "it's different."

The night light smiles and says, "what's different? What's different? And I think you're different. "

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Liu Tianwang, "what's the difference between us?"

"It's all strong." Luminous said with a smile, "and it's all black."

No, it's strange that we don't get sunburned after two months of military training.

He Xing said, "don't be garrulous. Let's be serious. You really feel different from the original. How to describe it..."

Liu Tianwang said, "it's temperament. Temperament is different. Xiaoye, you feel like we are in the army and facing our monitor."

He Xing, "yes, yes, that's the feeling!"

Xu Chen, "soldier's feeling!"

Liu ChiYan sat next to the night light, holding off work, listening to a few friends chatting, looked at the night light, also nodded, said, "it's a bit."

Luminous smile, "just came out of the army, you are not the same."

Liu Tianwang waved his hand, "it's different. It's different. We haven't changed much. Military training in the army is military training. We haven't trained any special temperament of soldiers. But you're different. You're like a real soldier. When I was filming today, you dressed in military uniform, which made me feel like a real soldier. It's totally different from our acting feeling "Like."

Luminous, "well, I'll take it as a compliment. Wow, ha ha."

Well, give me a little sunshine.

However, there is nothing wrong with the feelings of several brothers.

After two months of training in the snow leopard commando team, luminous really has some military temperament. For one thing, except for the first week in the army, he is basically out of the recruit period. Like other veterans, he has the same work and rest, the same training subjects. Anyway, he is just like the veterans, and he is even better than the veterans.

Therefore, compared with Liu Tianwang and Xu Chen who only went to the army for military training and learning military posture and movements, they are totally different.

In addition, night light can be regarded as having been on the battlefield, on the front line, carried out missions, and killed people with live ammunition.

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The brothers separated for two months and got together again. There were endless topics to talk about. After all the dishes Liu ChiYan cooked, they didn't enjoy themselves. One person had a glass of boiled water and sat chatting. According to this momentum, they could chat all night.

Liu ChiYan can't help feeling, between men and men, so many words?

Finally, Liu ChiYan can't stand it any more. If he doesn't sleep any more, he won't be filming tomorrow?

So Liu ChiYan began to drive people.

"Well, well, don't talk. We all go back and have a rest. We're still filming tomorrow. Can we get up tomorrow if we don't sleep?" With that, Liu ChiYan turned to the night light and said, "and you, hurry to take a bath. After a day's play, you sweat all over and stink to death. If you don't take a bath, don't go to bed tonight. Lie down on the table and sleep."

See Liu ChiYan discipline night light, a few brothers is to see fun, one by one holding a smile.

Zhong Jing joked, "Xiao Ye, I regret marrying such a powerful wife. It's better for Luo Yu in our family to be obedient to me."

Lanbao also said, "our Xinlan family is also depending on me, that is a gentle."

Xinlan and lanbao's relationship, after they found out, they didn't find out, but lanbao didn't hide it all the time. After finding a suitable opportunity, they took the initiative to take Xinlan to meet and confess.

When Zhong Jing and Lan Bao interrupt, Xu Chen, he Xing and Liu Tianwang look at each other and get up one after another.

"Go, go, no fun." Liu Tianwang waved his hand.

"Eat a mouthful of dog food, support, go back to sleep to digest." He Xing sighs.

"I think it's really time to go and tell Wan Hua that I can't prevent this dog food." Xu Chen is angry.

He Xing and Lan Bao look at each other and laugh.

In other words, it's really a happy thing to sprinkle dog food. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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