My Star Teacher

Chapter 564: 564

I don't know how many drafts have been changed.

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I don't know how much paper it took.

For three consecutive days, almost in addition to eating, drinking and sleeping, all the other time was devoted to the character design. Finally, the biggest difficulty of character design was overcome, and the monkey brother's shape was set.

In fact, in the end, luminous has left three different shapes, which are the best and most in line with his heart after changing the N draft. However, in the three drafts, luminous has some indecision.

Finally, when Yiyi came to call him for dinner, he saw three monkey brothers with different shapes, and then pointed to one of the drawing papers and said, "this is good-looking, I like this."

So the shape of monkey brother was decided.

There are some differences between the monkey brother in the night light and the monkey brother in the dream world. Although he still has a hairy face and a Leigong mouth, his eyebrows are more fierce. The whole character's shape is less skinny and more aggressive and domineering.

After the design of monkey brother, according to this painting style, luminous seems to be inspired, and the design and drawing of a series of main characters are much more smooth.

It took him three days to change the painting, but then he designed more than 50 different characters in four days.

The more you get to the back, the faster your progress will be, because from the beginning, night light is from difficult to simple. First, you design the main characters with more appearances, and finally, you basically design the characters with dragon style. You don't need night light to design this kind of characters. Monkey brother usually consumes a lot of attention.

But when I think of this character, I will naturally come up with a vague image outline in my mind, and then I can move my pen immediately. With the established painting style of monkey brother, and a little modification of the character's characteristic modeling, a character image can jump onto the paper in ten or twenty minutes.

Originally, the working state of luminous still needs to last for a period of time.

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But the good news from Jiang Fengxian stopped the light of night for a while.

All the three animation special effects teams that luminous wanted to buy were discussed by Jiang Fengxian, and according to luminous's instructions, all the members would gather in Nanchang tomorrow afternoon at the latest.


the next afternoon.

The three teams are all here.

Noctiluca didn't delay much in one day. That night, the staff of three teams were gathered in the studio for the first centralized meeting, or training.

The staff were all concentrated in the indoor photography studio on the second floor of Xianqi.

Apart from the second floor, there is no other place to accommodate more than 100 people.

The vacant studio on the second floor has now become like an Internet cafe, with a list of workbenches on which are multi screen computers and other equipment with a strong sense of technology.

These devices are brand-new, and they are a batch of computer devices for animation and special effects that luminous asked Jiang Fengxian to arrange and spend a lot of money on.

Jiang Fengxian was busy talking about buying several teams for yeguang, and there was no delay in buying equipment and other things.

It has to be said that Jiang Fengxian is really a very qualified logistics director. Without him, these messy trivial matters alone would have left night light in a mess.

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It is also because of the presence of Jiang Fengxian that night light is able to do his own work with all his heart except the work itself.

This is where Jiang Fengxian's value lies. It is worth the 2% shares given by luminous to Jiang Fengxian.

At this point.

More than 100 good people from the three teams are sitting in front of row after row of work benches in the second floor studio, looking at the night light standing in front of the big screen.

After enough polite remarks, the night light looked around and said with a smile, "ladies and gentlemen, the new office building is still being renovated. Now the office environment is a little rough. Let's overcome it. In two months, we can move to the new office building."

"Today is the first time to meet with you, and also the first time to gather you together. Today is not to have a meeting with you, but to carry out some training for you."


What kind of training?

Many people are very confused. However, they have a new boss. Although they all know luminous, they are not familiar with the new boss. No one asks questions at this time. They all quietly look at luminous and wait for him to continue talking.

Luminous, "before the training, I would like to say a few words. First of all, I would like to make a point here that all of you are from three different teams. However, from today on, all of you are a team. Therefore, I hope you will be able to cooperate with your original team brothers and other original team brothers in the future Enough sincere cooperation, harmony, because you now have a common team name, Xianqi animation

The crowd clapped in unison.

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Luminous smile, and then said, "OK, no more, let's start today's training. The brother in the back pushes the chair over and comes to the front. The brother in the front moves to make room for the brother in the back."

Hula, the people at the back are moving towards the front. When everyone sits down quietly, the night light comes to the topic."In order to welcome you and meet the needs of our future work, we have invested in the purchase of a number of advanced equipment. We are all veteran in the industry. How about these equipment? Don't I have to say more about it? If you have any special needs and need any special equipment, you can tell me later that I will try my best to equip you. "

"In addition to the device, let's take a look at this software." Say, night light pressed the remote control in the hand once, the big screen volume of the side rises, on the screen is a software of animation edit.

"This software is the main software that we need to use in the future. It has a series of functions, such as animation production, special effects rendering, editing and so on. It can basically meet the needs of your daily work. There are some such software on the market, but this software has greatly improved its applicability, processing speed and production effect, and its function is very powerful."

Many people's eyes are bright. For them, a good software is as important as a good scalpel in a doctor's hand.

Someone couldn't help asking questions.

"Boss, what kind of software is this?"

"Can you tell us about the specific functions?"

"Or what's the difference between the current software and our common software? Can you tell us in detail?"

"Which company developed this software and who developed it?"


the night light smiles, raises his hand slightly, indicates everyone to be quiet, and then says, "as for the usage of this software, it is almost the same as the original software you used. You can understand it as a combination of them, and it has great optimization in function, and it is more simple and convenient in use. I will discuss the details later In the process of training, I told you one by one that as for the developers of this software, I won't say that. " The night light waved his hand with a smile.

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Noctilucent, "I don't want to say more about it. Now we are officially starting the training. Let's ask you a question. What do you think of your technical level?"

Noctiluca's question made everyone look at each other suspiciously, and then someone spoke one after another.

"Not bad."

"I think I should be OK."

"I'm professional."

"I've been in business for eight years, and I think my technical level is pretty good."


all the people said.

The night light waited for them to finish. When no one spoke, the night light looked at the crowd, then curved his mouth and said slowly, "actually, in my eyes, all of you here are, er... Average level, not enough to see."

Night light didn't say spicy chicken directly after all, secretly praised his own quality. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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