My Star Teacher

Chapter 565: 565

The words of luminous came out.

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In an instant, the crowd was excited.

All the people present were veteran in the industry. How could the three leading teams selected by Jiang Fengxian from various teams in China be said to be at the average level on the first day here in luminous, which is not enough to see?

In other words, it's true that you are a big star, but are we in the same industry as you in animation and special effects? Do you know anything about our industry? Is that all right?

Before, the night light said that gathering them was for training. At that time, some people were uncomfortable.

What kind of training? We are not new people. What are we training?

Later, luminous said that there was a new powerful software, and this doubt was dispelled. As for a new software, we have never used it. It really needs someone who knows how to talk about it to get started as soon as possible. Therefore, many people think luminous is to train them on how to use the new software.

However, why come up directly to a group of ridicule?

Many people glare at luminous. Luminous is their new boss, but even the boss can't question their professionalism.

A little hot temper, but also a few words out of the Yin and Yang.

"I know you're uncomfortable, but I'm sorry. I'm just stating a fact. If you don't believe me, I'll take the original team as a unit and choose the best ones in your team to have a try. Just compare with me."

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The crowd was excited and buzzing below.

"Tao Zi, you go."

"Brother Lei, come on, don't let him look down on us."

"Xudong, let the new boss open his eyes, or he thinks we're here for a mess!"


all of a sudden, the excited people selected five people from the previous teams.

As for what to do up, needless to say, of course, it is to compete with luminous for a technical level.

Although the big guys are surprised that luminous can do animation special effects, but with some anger, no one cares too much about this problem. Now, we want to crush luminous in technology, let him see what is professional, let him know what is high standard!

What's the matter with the boss? Boss how also positive just you!

Just after midnight, I don't know.

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All in all, after more than half an hour.

The fairy night teacher's small class has started.

Noctiluca sits in front of the front multi screen computer, explaining and operating at the same time. The operation picture can be seen by the public through the large screen.

And the members of the Xianqi animation team, one by one, are attentive and attentive to the operation and explanation of luminous, just like the children in grade one or two.

Luminous's professional level is already at the master level, not to mention the professional level is the best, but at least for now, his level is at the top of the industry.

For example, if the current level of luminous is diamond level, then the level of the members of the animation team is still in the silver stage, even worse, only bronze level.

And for luminous, such a level, is not able to support his subsequent series of animation.

Therefore, on the first day of their arrival, the first thing for luminous is not to arrange work for them, but to train them for a period of time.

He wants to raise their standard to the golden level, so that the things they make can meet the requirements of luminous and be more efficient.

These people don't need to talk more about the basic and simple things, or even teach more about the professional things. They all know it.

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Sometimes, the difference between masters and ordinary elites lies not in their professionalism, but in their unique opinions and experiences.

For example, for the same dish of potatoes, a master chef is more delicious than an ordinary chef.

Why? We are all cooks. Do you use potatoes instead of potatoes?

The ingredients are the same, and everyone's cooking methods are basically the same. The difference is that the master is more experienced and better at mastering the fire, or he puts one more spoonful of vinegar and half a spoonful of salt than you.

So simple, a little subtle difference, the final effect will be different.

As for luminous, what he wants to give to the animation team members is not only professional knowledge. Professional knowledge is only secondary, but more importantly, it should be given to them. Luminous, as a master, has some unique operation methods and master's opinions to teach them how to master the fire.

And this is exactly the key point of many industries in terms of hierarchical barriers.


the next three days.

Every day, luminous has a 2-3-hour training for the animation team, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, two every day.And the animation team's progress in recent days is also huge, even leaping, and they are all convinced of luminous.

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Many people also wonder, luminous this goods, clearly is a big star, how to start animation special effects, than we originally think that professional people are powerful on several levels?

Sometimes, people can't be compared.

In the past few days of training, apart from the training time, other time, luminous also gave the animation team some small work, let them try to get started, and several teams can cooperate first, running in and running in the tacit understanding of the team.

On the third day of the training, the newly established Xianqi exclusive animation team has made a leap forward in the quality of the products. The quality of the products can meet the requirements of luminous, but there are still great deficiencies in the speed. This is still based on a software with great hints in efficiency. If the original old method is used, the old method can be used Software, even slower.

In fact, in terms of speed, the speed of youxianqi animation team is not slow. With the new efficient processing software, the speed is still improved compared with the original. But in the eyes of luminous, referring to his own speed, this is slow, very slow.

However, luminous also has no way. Now we are still in the running in period, and the use of new software is not very proficient. The animation that luminous wants to do is very difficult, and we are lack of experience. Therefore, we can't keep up with the speed now. When we do more in the future, we can improve the speed.

After three days of training, luminous didn't teach people any more. He didn't hide what he had to say. The rest was up to the team members' comprehension and digestion ability. If they didn't understand anything, luminous would guide and correct them later.

After a day off, the animation of journey to the West will begin to be produced.

In the past few days, in addition to training the animation team, my work has never stopped. The modeling design of animation characters has been completed, and some original scenes have been drawn. I can officially start animation production at any time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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