My Star Teacher

Chapter 577: 577

On this day, Jiang Fengxian didn't know how to come here.

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He's not online today.

In the morning, I was irritable and anxious. After noon, I began to be out of my mind. In a word, I was not in my state.

Because he hasn't eaten anything from morning till now, Jiang Fengxian's stomach began to scream in the afternoon,

the prepared bread in the drawer happened to be finished, so Jiang Fengxian went out to buy some dry food to satisfy his hunger at the convenience store nearby.

Out of the office, passing by the staff's office area.

A group of employees get together to brag and fart.

"Or relatives."

"That's to say, sister Jiang is naturally beautiful, and her family's genes are not bad, so her sister is also beautiful."

"That girl is really good-looking."

"Ha ha, then hurry to make up with sister Jiang. Maybe she will introduce her to you."

"Cut, he just got it. Can sister Yang like him? I don't believe it. "

"Hey, why can't you take a fancy to me? Maybe Yang Yang just likes the uglier one? "

"Then it's not your turn."


a group of boring single men are chatting happily.

Jiang Fengxian's steps stopped and his mind was shocked. Then he walked quickly towards the crowd.

"President Jiang."

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"Mr. Jiang is good."


the employees greet Jiang Fengxian.

Jiang Fengxian did not respond, but could not wait to ask, "you are talking about Yang Yang, what Yang Yang?"

One of the employees replied, "Mr. Jiang, it's like this. Sister Jiang brought her cousin to the company this morning. Her name is Yangyang. She's very beautiful."

Jiang Fengxian was stunned.

Yang Yang?

Jiang Xin's cousin?

So, this Yang Yang is not that Xu Yang?

So, what Jiang Xin said is true. He has nothing to do with Xu Yang?

So, these days, Jiang Xin really...

so, today, his attitude, tone and sentence towards Jiang Xin...

at this time, if there are regret drugs sold in the world, Jiang Fengxian will buy a bottle at all cost.

Originally, he wanted to go shopping at the convenience store, but what else do he want to buy now? Jiang Fengxian's feet seemed to be greased and ran away quickly.

"What is President Jiang doing? In such a hurry. "

What are you doing?

Find Jiang Xin to apologize!

However, it's a pity that Jiang Fengxian didn't find Jiang Xin in Jiang Xin's office.

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Jiang Fengxian looked downstairs for a circle, but did not find the figure of Jiang Xin.

He also asked the staff, but they all said that they didn't see Jiang Xin in the afternoon.

Jiang Fengxian was in a bit of a hurry.

Suddenly thought of Jiang Xin and Liu ChiYan usually best relationship, so, hurriedly to find Liu ChiYan asked the situation.

"Mr. Liu, have you seen Jiang Xin?"

Jiang Fengxian forgot to knock at the door. He went straight into Liu ChiYan's office and asked.

Liu ChiYan used to watch TV series with his tablet. When he saw Jiang Fengxian come in, he put down his tablet.

Luminous is not in the office. He is supervising the production of cartoons by the animation team on the second floor.

Glancing at Jiang Fengxian, Liu ChiYan said, "what's the matter with you two? For a while, this weeping one, for a while... Forget it, I won't say more about your own affairs. You can find a chance to have a good talk. "

At noon, Jiang Xin was wronged and cried. She was caught by Liu ChiYan who came to find her, so she poured out a little.

Jiang Feng was silent for a moment, and then asked anxiously, "Mr. Liu, tell me quickly, where is Jiang Xin? You know what? "

"Now you know how to worry?" Liu ChiYan white, Jiang Feng first glance, and then said, "she left, went to the airport."

"Airport!" Jiang Fengxian was surprised and stepped forward to Liu ChiYan's desk.

Before Liu ChiYan spoke, Jiang Fengxian's eyes suddenly burst. He saw a document on Liu ChiYan's desk, which was pressed by a lithographic computer.

Most of the content in the middle of the file is covered by the tablet.

Jiang Fengxian only saw the title at the top - resignation letter.

And Jiang Xin's signature on the tail.

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No matter what Liu ChiYan continued to say, Jiang Fengxian was crazy and generally ran out.

Liu ChiYan said, "Oh... What are you doing? I'm in a hurry. I haven't finished my words yet."

Originally, Liu ChiYan wanted to tell him that Jiang Xin had gone to the airport to see his cousin off, and he would come back soon...

with a shrug, Liu ChiYan picked up his tablet and continued to watch TV dramas.

And the resignation letter on the desk also showed the whole picture.It says, dear leader, I, Zhou Chao, please resign because of.

Jiang Xin does have her signature on this resignation letter, but her signature is at the end of the column of the examiner.

At present, Jiang Xin is mainly responsible for the personnel work of youxianqi. Therefore, it's not surprising that the employee resigns with her signature.

Jiang Fengxian was also too anxious, and because Liu ChiYan said before, "she left and went to the airport," he subconsciously thought that Jiang Xin had resigned, and then went to the airport, and never came back...

life is always like this.

Most of the time, God just likes to play tricks on you.

Originally, there was nothing wrong, so you had to make one small misunderstanding after another, which made you want to cry without tears, and you could not laugh or cry.

But in fact, life is just because of such misunderstandings and all kinds of twists and turns, it will become plump and full of color.

Maybe it will make you regret, or maybe it will make you recollect and smile after a few years.

Fortunately, there is only one civil airport in Nanchang. Jiang Fengxian can just kill him at the airport. He doesn't have to worry about running to the wrong place.

Otherwise, if it's in Mordor, Jiang Fengxian is afraid that he will be forced to go to two airports in Pudong Hongqiao, one in the East and one in the north?

Find someone at the airport.

This is the bridge of a lot of dog blood movies and TV.

The hero ran to the airport, had a deep dialogue, and then held on to his sister, who was going to fly to a foreign country.

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But I'm sorry.

It's not a movie or TV about dog blood.

Jiang Fengxian is not the protagonist.

Jiang Fengxian was like a headless fly at the airport, shouting Jiang Xin's name as he ran. He was panting and sweating. He was exhausted and hoarse. He was almost not caught by the police uncle at the airport to obstruct public order, and finally he didn't find Jiang Xin.

Drag the body of dispirited exhaustion to return to the company.

At this point, it's time to get off work.

The staff packed up for work.

Luminous also went to pick up Yiyi after school, and then came to the company to pick up Liu ChiYan, ready to go home from work together.

Jiang Fengxian dejected into the door of immortality, and then in front of a let him unbelievable figure.

Jiang Xin, who is going home from work, is standing in front of him with a bag on her back.

"Jiang Xin..." Jiang Fengxian said.

Then he ran forward and held Jiang Xin in his arms.

"Oh ~"

all around are the staff going downstairs to go home. Seeing this, they can't help shouting.

Jiang Xin was also a little surprised.

What's this... What's this?

She was afraid that she did not know what kind of complicated mental journey Jiang Fengxian had gone through today.

Hold her this time, I'll never let go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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