My Star Teacher

Chapter 578: 578

Jiang Xin is held tightly by Jiang Fengxian.

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At first, he was surprised. Then he could not help but smile and put his hands on Jiang Fengxian's waist.

To tell you the truth, Jiang Xin felt at ease when she was held by Jiang Fengxian.

Just like that night when she was surrounded by drunkards and Jiang Fengxian suddenly appeared, she felt very down-to-earth and secure.

The staff are still making a lot of noise.

Yeguang and liuchiyan also go downstairs with Yiyi. As soon as they get out of the elevator, they see Jiang Fengxian holding Jiang Xin.

Noctilucent a "lying trough!" escape one's lips.

"It seems that these two are really good friends." The night light looks at two people to smile to nearby Liu Chi smoke to say.

Liu ChiYan also smile, "Jiang elder sister and Jiang elder brother, very good."

For a long time.

The hall on the first floor is already full of colleagues who are going to get off work. Now there is a lot of excitement. No one wants to go first.

As a woman, Jiang Xin's face should be thinner after all. She gently pushed Jiang Fengxian and said in a soft voice, "please release it. So many people are watching."

Jiang Fengxian was also impulsive before. Now he was looked at by so many people and felt embarrassed. He released Jiang Xin according to his words.

Jiang Fengxian looked at Jiang Xin and said, "I thought you really left. I'll never see you again."

Jiang Xin and Jiang Fengxian looked at each other with a happy smile on their face and said in a soft voice, "I won't go. I can't wait another five years, and I won't let my fate slip away."

Love this thing, very mysterious, it can let people involuntarily, say the sweetest love words.

Faintly, there was a burping in the crowd.

Jiang Fengxian didn't know what to say. After a long time, he said, "thank you, Xin'er."

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Jiang Xin smiles and says, "don't say thank you to me. If you really want to thank me, promise me what I said to you that day."

Jiang Fengxian was puzzled and asked, "what do you promise?"

Jiang Xin, "I told you that night. Later... Let's have dinner together."

"Oh ~"

the onlookers, including luminous, all roared.


"Together! in harness! Together


Jiang Xin's words are very implicit but direct.

You say it implicitly. It's really implicitly. People only say that they have dinner together, but they don't say anything else.

But speaking directly, it's really very direct. When we have dinner together, in the present atmosphere, in this situation, it's just like saying that we are together.

Jiang Fengxian did not answer, but directly expressed his attitude with action.

Jiang Xin was held in his arms again. Jiang Fengxian kisses Jiang Xin's cherry mouth.

In the hall on the first floor, a group of onlookers kept making noises.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin have completed their practice.

Or is it a mountain between men and women, and a yarn between women and men?

Think about how long Lao Jiang has been fond of Jiang Xin. Although he has been more reserved during this period, he has more or less made some moves. However, what's the result? For such a long time, there was no effect at all.

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How long has Jiang Xinzhui been chasing Jiang Feng? After only four days of practice, the two of them have completed their practice.

That's the gap.

official Tucao: how can I not have my little sister to make complaints about me? I don't even need four days to tease. One day is enough for me!

After the kiss.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin were standing side by side, Jiang Xin was holding Jiang Fengxian's arm, and some little birds were standing beside him with a smile.

All the staff with Fairy Spirit and lilac flowers sent their best wishes to Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin.

"General manager Jiang, general manager Jiang, congratulations."

"Mr. Jiang, remember to treat the guests to dinner."

"Mr. Jiang, I wish you happiness."


every employee sent a blessing to Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin, said one or two lucky words, and then went home from work.

Noctiluca and Liu ChiYan led Yiyi to one side. After everyone left, they came over.

"Congratulations, old Jiang and sister Jiang. We're finally together. I've worried about you so much. This time it's complete." Luminous said with a smile.

Jiang Xin smiles and says, "thank you."

Jiang Fengxian also looked at the night light and said, "thank you, Xiao Ye."

Thank you. Jiang Fengxian was sincere. Indeed, in Jiang Fengxian's difficult pursuit of Jiang Xin, luminous directly or indirectly gave many assists.

Liu ChiYan looked at Jiang Xin with a smile. "Congratulations, sister Jiang. You've finally taken off the list. Brother Jiang is very nice. You will be very happy in the future."

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With that, Liu ChiYan looked at Jiang Fengxian and said, "I tell you, you can't bully my sister Jiang in the future. If you let me know that you've wronged her, I'll fire you!"Jiang Feng first smiles bitterly, then looks at Jiang Xin, "Xin'er, in front of Xiaoye and general manager Liu, let them be a witness. I promise you that I will treat you well and make you happy. If I make you wronged, let general manager Liu fire me!"

Jiang Xin took a look at Jiang Fengxian with a smile and joked, "so, are you good to me for fear of being fired?"

Jiang Fengxian was stunned. He waved and shook his head again and again. "No, no, I really like you. I want to be nice to you and give you happiness."

Night light and Liu ChiYan look at each other and smile.

Noctilucent, "tut Tut, I'm tired of it again. OK, we shouldn't be light bulbs. You two are tired of it. Let's go back first."

Said, night light and Liu ChiYan lead Yiyi to go out.

Yiyi looked back at Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin, and then said, "you get married early."

Jiang Fengxian, Jiang Xin, and Liuchi were stunned.

Yiyi added, "so I can have wedding candy early."

All four laughed.


back home.

As usual, night light and Liuchi do their homework.

In the evening, Liu ChiYan still cooks, and Yiyi practices Tai Chi in the living room after finishing her homework, which is her daily entertainment.

I don't know why, this little girl has a kind of inexplicable persistence to Tai Chi. She is totally different from other children. She does everything with three percent enthusiasm.

Practicing Tai Chi every day has become Yiyi's habit, and even her main entertainment to kill her boring time.

Luminous is still painting the original animation,

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in fact, he has saved a lot during this period of time, and the progress of the animation team can't catch up with the progress of his painting.

But luminous thought that if he could draw more, he would draw more. It's all right to let the animation team do it slowly, so that he can do something else.

After dinner.

A family of three is watching TV on the sofa.

There was an ad on TV.

It's a recruitment advertisement for a children's summer camp.

Summer vacation is coming, it is this kind of summer camp hot time, TV as the mainstream media, naturally can not do without their advertising figure.

Yiyi seems to be looking at some moved, looked up at liuchiyan and luminous, and then said to luminous, "luminous, holiday, can you take me out to play?"

The night light smiles and rubs Yiyi's head, "OK, where do you want to play?"

Yiyi shook his head, "I don't know, just go to a fun place."

Noctiluca nodded, "OK, let me see. When you have a holiday, I'll take you to play."

Usually night light and liuchiyan are very busy. When they are not busy, Yiyi has to go to school. So, there is really no chance to take Yiyi to have a good time.

Yiyi wants to go out to play in the summer vacation, this little request, luminous naturally won't refuse her.

However, summer vacation is the peak period of tourism. With the domestic market, there are a lot of people everywhere.

For example, if you want to see a scene, all you see are people. If you want to go to a popular scenic spot or place to play, you have to queue up.

It's really not beautiful.

Therefore, it's really necessary to sum up where to play , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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