My Star Teacher

Chapter 579: 579

Life is very peaceful during the period of luminous.

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Every day is to go to work, draw, accompany his wife to pick up the baby.

Jiang Fengxian and Jiang Xin are in a period of love. In the company, they are basically in pairs these days. They are too tired to go out.

These days, the smile on their faces has doubled. Jiang Fengxian is even more happy. He almost turns his face into a chrysanthemum, and then carves the four characters I am very happy.

They also became the birthplace of dog food in the company after the night light and liuchiyan.

Yeguang and liuchiyan are both old wives now, and they seldom give dog food to their employees. In other words, they are immune to them. They are not too kind and can be immune to them.

Liu ChiYan is making a strategy these days.

Play strategy.

I'm going to take Yiyi to have a good time in the summer vacation. I have to do this kind of thing well first.

This day.

Luminous is supervising animation production, the phone rings, is a landline, no caller ID, luminous picked up.

Luminous, "Hello, who?"

On the other end of the phone, "Hello, night teacher, I'm Sun Yu."

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Luminous, "Oh, Mr. Sun, Hello, Mr. Sun, what can I do for you?"

Sun Yu, "night teacher, it's like this. We have carried out the variety show plan you made for us before. We are ready. We are ready to start up in the near future."

Luminous, "that's very good. I wish Mr. Sun a great success."

Sun Yu said, "thank you, Mr. night. According to the number of guests in your plan, we also found an artist who grew up abroad with poor Chinese and met the requirements, but the other two main guests..."

luminous said, "what's the matter? Do you have any questions? Is this not hard to find? "

Sun Yu, "it's not difficult, it's not difficult, it's just... Night teacher, I'll tell you straight, we want to invite you to participate in this program, as one of the main guests, pay you to open!"

"I'll do it?" Luminous a Leng, and then quickly shook his head, "no, no, I recently have no time, and the summer promised the child to take him to play, can't leave."

Sun Yu said, "well, that's too bad. Would you consider it again, night teacher?"

Luminous, "don't think about it. I'm sure I won't come... Wait a minute." Luminous suddenly thought, "I'll think about it and call you back later."

As soon as Sun Yu heard it, he seemed that there was a play. He said happily, "OK, OK, then I'll wait for the good news from you."

Hang up the phone, night light pondered for a while, said to himself, "it seems, take Yiyi to play there, is not bad?"

Luminous originally sold "I'm a special forces" to TT video, with several additional conditions, including making a self-made variety show plan for TT video.

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The variety show planning that luminous later gave TT video is a documentary program of real life service, called yearning life.

The mode of life is very simple. A few guests live in a village called mushroom house.

Three meals a day need to be self-sufficient.

Every program will have guests patronize, mushroom house owners to find ways to entertain them, and meet their eating requirements.

In this program, there are no high-intensity competitive links and character conflicts. Some of them are just picking chrysanthemums to see the tranquility of Nanshan, bringing a fresh feeling to the variety show.

In this program, it shows the most real side of life, with its fresh style, simple natural environment, real and unadorned labor scene, and pure relationship between characters. The program has been conveying a kind of positive energy - to work in exchange for food, according to work. This is one of the highlights of the program. The life we yearn for is not to get something for nothing, but to cultivate our sentiment in the process of work, and self-reliance is the most important thing.

What's more, this program actually has the taste of teaching and entertainment. It's really good for the stars who live in the city and under the aura to go to the countryside and the fields to experience rural life and exchange their own labor for food.

Luminous thought, if you take yourself to bring Yiyi into this program, it is also a very interesting and meaningful experience for Yiyi.

Even for luminous, it's a rare experience.

Noctiluca grew up in the city, although rural pastoral is not completely without contact, but also did not really experience what is pastoral life.

Just thinking about it, the luminous phone rings again.

It's Liu Tianwang calling.

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"Hello, brother Liu, what's the matter?"

Liu Tianwang, "Xiaoye, I just received a call from TT video, saying that I was invited to participate in a variety show that you planned and they made."

"Oh." Noctilucent, "all find you, sure enough, big business, not bad money, how, brother Liu you promised?"

Liu Tianwang laughed and said, "not yet. They said they called you, and 80% of you might go, so I told them that if you go, I'll go and be your company. No, I'll call you to ask you."The night light smiles, "Ho, where did they calculate that 80% of me might go? I haven't decided yet. I'll ask Yiyi at night to see if I can go or not. "

Liu Tianwang some doubts, "ask Yiyi?"

Night light, "well, I promised Yiyi to take her to play in the summer vacation, this program is very good, so I thought, if Yiyi is willing to go, then take Yiyi to go to the program, it will be a very good experience, if she is not willing, then forget it, I will take her to travel."

Liu Tianwang said with a smile, "well, if you have news, tell me. If you go, I'll go too. I've been in the company for a long time, and I haven't done any work yet."

Luminous smile, "brother Liu, in fact, whether I go or not, you can consider this program, this program is very interesting, when to take a vacation, very good."

Liu Tianwang, "is that right? That's what you've said. It's very nice of me to think about it. OK, don't say it. Let me know if you have any news. "


in the evening.

Night light in the meal and liuchiyan and Yiyi talked about it.

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I told Liu ChiYan and Yiyi about the yearning life.

Yiyi has no concept of the so-called pastoral life, but he is attracted by a sentence in the repeated narration of luminous, "making all kinds of delicious food."

Delicious food, this is Yiyi can not resist the temptation.

Yiyi immediately said, "go, I'll go! Luminous, take me

Luminous smile, "really want to go, but we go, your aunt summer vacation is not good to go out to play."

This is also the main factor for luminous to consider besides whether to go or not.

If he and Yiyi go to the program, Liu ChiYan can't travel together. Can't he go to the program with Liu ChiYan? What did that show become? The farm life of the luminous family?

Liu ChiYan laughed and said, "I'm ok. At the same time, there are many things in the company. I'm in the company, so you can go. If you have time, I often go to see you."

After thinking about it, the old man and wife didn't have to be polite to Liu ChiYan. He nodded and said, "OK, then I'll take Yiyi. This program is very good. It's good for Yiyi to experience it."

Liu ChiYan gave a hum and nodded with a smile.

Yiyi is also very happy, according to the night light said, this time to go to the countryside, can play a whole summer vacation, every day can eat different delicious.

Luminous can take her to play a whole summer vacation, this is a very good thing, but also to eat a variety of delicious, that for Yiyi, is the best thing in the world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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