My Star Teacher

Chapter 593: 593

Luminous and others came out after breakfast.

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By the time the night light and Yiyi, together with the elder brother of the photographer, who was already panting and nearly paralyzed, came back, it was almost past meal time.

Liu Tianwang didn't wait for the night light to come back to cook, so he cooked two small dishes casually. He also kept the share of the night light and Yiyi, so they could eat when they came back.

Luminous and Yiyi walk back, waiting for luminous to come back to cook, which is too inappropriate.

Liu Tianwang's cooking skills have improved a lot these days, because last time he left at night, he realized how important it is to have cooking skills.

Therefore, these days, Liu Tianwang has learned to cook with luminous.

In the afternoon, Yiyi began to break corn to pay off the debt with her small basket on her back.

Two thousand corn, not a small number.

For Yiyi, the punishment is very difficult.

Night light didn't go with him, but there was a camera brother and two crew members who followed Yiyi, and nothing would happen.

Yiyi also really knows that he is wrong, and admits punishment very simply.

Seriously break corn, not lazy at all.

However, 200 corn may not be difficult for Yiyi, but 2000 corn is really a bit more.

No matter how well Yiyi practises Taiji, he is still a child of half age and can't keep up with his physical strength.

So I often break for a while and have a rest.

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However, the whole afternoon, until the sun sets, night light side has been making dinner, Yiyi just exhausted from the ground back.

I didn't come back to have a rest in the middle. When I was tired, I took a rest in the shade of the tree beside the field, drank some water, prepared some cold steamed bread for her by night light, and then got up to work.

At the end of the day, Yiyi was so tired that her legs and stomach were shaking, and there were many scratches on her two little hands, all of which were scratched by corn leaves.

But after Yiyi came back from the corn field, he didn't shout a word of fatigue or pain.

It's just a meal. It's a crazy meal.

Physical consumption is more, eat more than usual.

The amount of food prepared by night light is the same as usual, so in order to make Yiyi have enough to eat, that night, in addition to Yiyi, night light, Liu Tianwang and Xia Yu only ate half full, and all consciously left the food for Yiyi.

After dinner, Yiyi didn't take a bath and fell asleep.

This day, this little girl is really tired.

In the evening, the night light collects the housework, after washing, prepares to rest.

Looking at Yiyi lying on the bed, holding her little hand, looking at Yiyi's hand full of scratches, some distressed frowned.

The night light sighed and said to Liu Tianwang, who had not gone to sleep, "brother, am I too strict with her? She is still a child."

Liu Tianwang looked at the night light and the sleeping Yiyi, and said, "you are doing your duty as a father. You are doing well. Yiyi is also very sensible and strong."

Luminous hum a, and then got up to take his own bag, inside search up.

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What are you looking for

Luminous, "find some medicine to wipe her, or tomorrow she will have pain."

It's said to be looking for medicine, but in fact, there's no medicine in the luminous bag. It's just a cover up to search through the bag. In fact, a bottle of Jinchuang medicine (real) is exchanged in the system.

Jinchuang medicine (Zhen), which costs 3 million yuan, can effectively treat external trauma after use (effective for all living bodies).

It costs ten times more to exchange for a Jinchuang medicine that can be used by others than the Jinchuang medicine that can only be used by luminous. But luminous's reputation is not bad now. Besides, what's the importance of reputation?

It's really easy to use. It's not the first time that luminous has been used. Before that, Yiyi, a child of this age, often accidentally fell and rubbed to get a little hurt.

Or sometimes liuchiyan is not careful and gets burned when cooking.

However, as long as you rub a little bit of this medicine, trauma or something, as long as it's not particularly serious, you'll be fine all night.

I don't know if it's a serious injury. He hasn't touched it yet.

Night light wiped some medicine on both hands of Yiyi.

Then did not immediately rest, began in Yiyi's arms, legs, gently knead up.

This girl is overloaded and tired all day today. Her arms and legs are already tired. Give her a press and relax. It won't hurt when you wake up tomorrow.

Liu Tianwang lay looking at the night light and said with a smile, "do you know that you are distressed now? Who let you punish so hard. "

Noctiluca chuckled.

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How can our children not be distressed?

But sometimes, as a parent, you have to be hard hearted.

Some things can be forgiven directly. Some things can be criticized and educated orally. However, some things, as parents, must be determined to let their children be punished.Children's correct world outlook and values have not yet been fully established. Sometimes, they can't tell what is good from what is bad, so it's hard to avoid making mistakes.

However, at this time, it is necessary for parents to correct and educate their children, which is the most responsible thing for their children.

One's indulgence is not to love children, but to harm them. It's to use one's own weakness and indulgence to make children deviate from their original bright life.


the next day.

Yiyi got up and practiced Taijiquan several times before breakfast.

After breakfast, I didn't have to go to the corn field to pay off the debt.

Then, it was the whole morning, Yiyi had been breaking corn in the field until lunch time.

When the two crew members came back with Yiyi, they happily reported to the night light, "teacher ye, that's enough, Yiyi has broken enough corn, a total of two thousand four hundred, that's enough, there are four hundred more, Yiyi is really great!"

The night light laughed and nodded, "Yeah, Yiyi is really great. He broke more than 2000 corn."

Night light praised Yi Yi, Yi Yi didn't pay attention to him, looking for something to eat.

I don't want to pay any attention to you. You didn't ask me to break two thousand corns. Hum! Ignore you for five minutes!

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After lunch, Yiyi slept for a while, and then, with a bamboo basket on his back, he had to go down to break corn.

Luminous, "isn't that enough? What else are you doing? Are you addicted? "

Yiyi looked at the night light, and then said, "it's not enough. I counted it myself. There are 600 more. The elder brother and the elder sister broke it off." Yiyi said, pointing to his work with her a man and a woman two crew members.

Yiyi was working in the field and was very tired. The staff looked at Yiyi and felt sorry for her, so they secretly helped Yiyi break a lot.

But they didn't expect that Yiyi actually counted by himself, and he didn't break enough, and he honestly wanted to break enough.

This is...

in fact, Yiyi can't count clearly. According to her current knowledge, she can't count more than 2000 corn.

However, Yiyi is also smart. He doesn't count them one by one. He pours 25 corn into the box every time according to the number of times. He pours 100 corn four times. For every 100 corn, Yiyi puts a small stone in his resting place.

If you gather 20 pebbles, you can summon... Er, no, even if it's enough.

Now Yiyi has 14 stones, six less, so she knows she still has 600 corn to break.

Yiyi doesn't want to break so much corn. She is not lazy, but no matter how lazy she is, she doesn't like to be a dog?

However, Yiyi has its own persistence.

She has done something wrong, so she is willing to admit punishment, she will do a good job in punishing her, not to cheat.

This is Yiyi's insistence, and it is also a kind of pride of this little public examination. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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