My Star Teacher

Chapter 594: 594

The night light didn't stop Yiyi, on the contrary, it was gratifying.

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Touching Yiyi's head, night light said with a smile, "go, break it back, I'll make delicious food for you in the evening."

Yiyi went to the ground with a bamboo basket on his back.

Liu Tianwang went to luminous side, and together with him, he looked at Yiyi, who was walking away slowly, and said, "seeing Yiyi, I want to have a baby."

Luminous smile, "that's born."

Liu Tianwang said with a smile, "I'm afraid it won't be easy to have a baby. I'm satisfied to have a child that can be half as clever and sensible as I can be."


life has entered a normal state.

Time flies.

In the twinkling of an eye, the program has been recorded for more than a month.

By the end of August, the recording of the program was almost over.

According to the plan, in another week, the whole program will be finished.

Night light can't wait for the end of the show.

He had to leave early.

At the end of August, there was a big event that attracted worldwide attention.

Beijing Olympic Games.

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There is a big deviation between the time of the Olympic Games in this world and that of the dream world. The year is not right and the time is not right.

The opening time of the Olympic Games at this time is set at 8:28 p.m. on August 28.

There are still three days to go before the opening of the Olympic Games.

Luminous also had to go ahead of time to participate in the final athlete training.

In fact, a week ago, the night light should have gone to report, but it's really hard to get away from the program.

There's nothing to say about the training.

Night light in a few days of training, basically adhering to a principle, first track and field team project, and then obey the arrangement.

However, the night light also finally tasted at the beginning of so a pain.

Although other athletes are also training, they only practice one or several sports, which is no different from their daily training.

But what about luminous?

Before the test of the track and field team on this side is over, the basketball team on that side will pull people.

The archery team is pulling people again before the end of the basketball game.

Before the arrow was half shot, the boxing team came again.

All day long, the night light does not stop, all kinds of being tossed.

Although the toss is a little bit, but fortunately, no matter how toss, only three days.

Luminous did not make any mood, has been working with the coaches of each team to test training.

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The day before the countdown to the opening of the games, luminous also received an unexpected news.

The Chinese Olympic Committee has decided to let luminous serve as the flag bearer.

When he learned the news, luminous was surprised.

In the Olympic Games, it's a great honor to be a flag bearer and take the lead.

Luminous really can't figure out why he would be the flag bearer.

In China's athlete groups, there are countless capable people and many of them have made outstanding contributions.

However, it is true that this position falls on the head of luminous.

In fact, it is not the decision of the Olympic Committee to let luminous be the flag bearer.

It was a big man who made a speech and appointed him as the flag bearer.

This big guy is not father Liu. Father Liu will not abuse his private rights so much.

This big guy, who used to be a guest interpreter for Liu's father, once came into contact with the big guy who was bigger than Liu's father.

The Olympic Games are a top priority for the whole country at this time.

Naturally, bigwigs also pay more attention.

Before the opening of the Olympic Games, the Chinese athletes also submitted the final list of participants.

This big guy came here specially to review.

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"These are the good men of our country!" He said as he looked at the list.

The list boss looked very carefully, he was trying to see clearly, and remember the name one by one to the greatest extent.

Each of these people will probably win honor for the country in the international arena of the Olympic Games.

They deserve respect.

After a while, the big man saw the name of luminous in the archery team. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't say anything.

He was very impressed by this name. He remembered that father Liu's son-in-law was luminous. Moreover, when luminous worked as a translator, he chatted a few words later, which left a deep impression on him. But he didn't think much about it. He just thought it was the same name.

Keep looking down.

Track and field team.

Why? So coincidentally, another one named luminous?

The boxing team.

Why is there another one called luminous?

The basketball team.

Oh, my God. So many nightlights?

There is something wrong with the boss. There are so many people with the same name and surname, and they all appear in the athletes list by coincidence.Boss, "what's the matter with this luminous? So many teams have the name luminous? "

The leader of the Committee explained to one side, "it's kind of... Ridiculous."

"Ridiculous?" "What's ridiculous?" he asked suspiciously

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The leader of the committee said, "this night light is actually a person, but a total of seven teams have reported his name. The track and field team reported the main force, while the basketball, shooting, archery, handball, volleyball and boxing teams reported the substitutes."

Big guy, "the same person, so many sports?"

The leader of the Committee nodded, "this is an able man, and the test data of each group are also reflected. No matter which group, the evaluation of him is the gold medal seed."

The big man pondered two, said, "this person information brings me to have a look."

Accompanied by a member of the committee, he quickly found the information of luminous and handed it to the big man.

The boss took a look and said with a smile, "it's really this guy."

"Do you know him?" The leader of the committee said with a smile and then said, "Oh, I forgot that he is still a big star. It's not surprising that you know him."

The boss laughed, "I do know an old friend's family, a very interesting young man. Good, very good." The big guy looked at the data of luminous and nodded.

A little friend of an old friend's family.

This words, the big guy says unintentionally, others listen to intentional.

Who is this big guy? Who is his old friend? Old friends, what does that mean? Isn't it clear enough?

The leader of the committee looked at the big man and said, "he is really a talented person. He is proficient in Decathlon. By the way, the candidate for our flag bearer has not been decided for the Olympic Games. How do you like him?"

The elder browed, looked at the leader of the Committee and said, "well, if it's not settled, let him come. He is a public figure, influential, and suitable for being a flag bearer. Moreover, the child helped us last time, but he didn't get any reward afterwards. The party and the state can't help but show their support. Just take this opportunity Give him the position of the flagman. "

When the leader of the committee heard this, he let out a cry in his heart. It seems that this is not only a child of an old friend's family, but it has a lot to do with it.

Immediately the head of the Committee nodded, "OK! That's settled! I'll arrange it later. "

The old man nodded, looked at the luminous materials on his hand, laughed, and said to himself, "old Liu is very lucky. He picked up a unicorn." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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