My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 100

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Quinn felt that Cassandra wasn't moving anymore. He checks her out and saw, she truly did sleeping. He stared at the trees above them, the gentle sway of its leaves makes him sleepy. Ah… he has no sleep since last night. Quinn did not notice, he also fall asleep.

He wasn't sure how long did he fall asleep but he could still feel Cassandra's arms hugging him. He glances at his wristwatch and it's almost 11:00 in the morning.

He wonders if the Young couple came back already. He wanted to check out and talk to Landon alone but he doesn't want to make a sudden move and disturb Cassandra's sleep.

Did she have no sleep all night, too? Is the weather still bothering her? Ah, he has so many questions. He wants to know everything about her since they parted.

Quinn gently combs her hair when Cassandra made a light move and lying on her back this time. He watches her sleeping. He was tempted to draw a line on her nose, like the usual he did when she was a baby. She may feel a tickle because she buried her face on his upper arm below the shoulder. He smiled.

Quinn waited for her to wake. And when she does, he invited her to have lunch in the resort's restaurant. He asks her what food she likes.

Cassandra ordered some steak, French fries, pasta, some macaroni salad with eggs and fruit juice. Quinn can't help to laugh. This girl actually eats this much with that slender body. After giving his order, he began asking her some random questions like about the man-made forest and other stuff.

Cassandra talks about the villa and the wildlife of the forests. She said, a lot of animals moves in the manmade forest and make it their home. Quinn let her talks and he asks frequently. They finish their lunch for two hours and it feels just happens in a minute.

They went back to the cottage they'd stayed in and continue talks until Cassandra's parent came back. They bought some party decorations and decided to decorate the living room of that cottage.

Quinn helps to put up the decorations and Cassandra happily passes to him the balloons. After they're done, the food Hannah ordered now arrives. This is not only about Cassandra's birthday but also they want to celebrate Quinn's welcoming home.

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Just the four of them, but the Young family were so happy tonight. Quinn put a pretty pink party hat on Cassandra's head and she handed him another party hat. Quinn froze, Cassandra wanted him to wear it but it was pink. Well, there is no other choices.

He takes it and wore it. Cassandra giggles and he laughs while staring at her. Over dinner, Landon asks about his study and he answered everything is pretty well. He was glad the couple avoid to asked about his medication. Both of them doesn't want to mention this in front of Cassandra.

He was also asked if when he will go back to New York. Cassandra looked at him with questioning gazes. He stayed silent. He doesn't know how to explain it to her, he wasn't prepared. But he understands why Landon have to bring it up. He wanted her daughter to be aware that he would leave soon, again.

Cassandra stands up and runs towards her room.

"Cassandra!?" both of her parents calling out her.

"I will talk to her," Quinn stated. He sat up and match towards Cassandra's bedroom then knocks.

"Cassandra, can I go in? Please open this door. Let us talk, okay?" He heard no response from her but her faint cries. She was crying.

For ten years of his medication, never recorded his heart has been complicating… but why does now? He can't breathe like something is piercing his heart inside.

"Cassandra? Please let us talk…" he did not give up. He heard light movement inside then the door opens. When Cassandra hits him, he just let her be. Her tears continue flowing down from her eyes.

She now stops hitting him but just continues crying. "You are a liar. You just keep leaving me."

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A pain pinching his heart. He pulls her and hugs her tight. "That never true. I never left you." He said.

"Then why you left us for 10 years and never came back home?"

Her questions are like a knife slicing his chest inside. He heaved a deep sighed to breath. "Someday, I will tell you everything, okay?"

She looks up at him then asked, "And when that would be?"

"When you are old enough."

"When that would be?" she asked him again.

"Okay, let us see? Maybe when you are 18 years old."

"18? That long? You will leave again that long?"

"No. I promise I'll come back sooner. I have to settle a lot of things first," he told her.

"In New York?"

Quinn keeps silent for a moment. "Yes, in New York." He watches Cassandra's face twitches.

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"That was very far away. And 18 is too long."

He was amused at her. He let out his laugh. "Alright, come. Let us take a sit here." Quinn pulls her toward the bed and they seated.

"Could you promised me?" Cassandra asked him.

He gazes at her cute face, she really is pretty cute. She will become quite beautiful in a few years and she would have a lot of suitors by then. He wishes he was there to drive them out away.

Quinn pushes back the strands of her hair and tucks it in behind her ears.

"Would you promised you will come home on the island and live with us together?" she asked him cutely. Her eyes is hopeful.

"Yes. I promised. No matter what happens, I'll come back home."

* * *

Shun felt a soft warm hand caressing his face, like wiping his eyes. Has he cried?

He slowly opens his eyes and he saw Cassandra's worried face. Did it make her worry?

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It makes his heart skip a beat when she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Is that all of my good mornings kiss?" he teases her. He watches her cheeks flushed. He let out his sexy laughs.

He gently grabs her hand and kisses it. "Did you want to come with me to the hotel?"

Cassandra's eyes grew bigger and staring at him surprisingly.

"Really!?" she suddenly sits up forgetting she was bare. And when she realized, she quickly grabs the blanket.

"You don't need to cover them, I've seen it all already." He teases her again. He saw how her cheeks getting red a lot more.

She grabs a pillow and covered his face with it. He laughs underneath. He embraces her and told how much he loves her. He pulls the pillow to see her face to gives her that passionate kiss until both of them catches their breath.

"I'll go prepare our clothes," Cassandra said then step out of the bed with the blanket wrapped her bare body.

"Okay. I'll prepare for our bath now," he told her.

Shun pick up his phone then dialed a number. He fills the tub with hot water and put a lot of liquid soap.

"Daichi, notify all the men. I will take the entrance door of the hotel today and Cassandra will come with me," he told the other line who he guessed the mouth drops in the floor after he said that he will bring Cassandra to the hotel with his bold plans...

...and that letting the media take a photo of him as much as they like.

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