My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 99: 99

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They have been driving for hours and they now arriving at the St. Claire town. The storm is now gone and the weather is calming.

After arriving in the town, Daichi directed him to the place Young's stays. Because of the storm, the family rented a room in a resort until it was advisable to sail out.

Daichi provides him a car as he will go alone. And as in the case, someone follows them, his friends will lure them in different directions. Quinn was truly amazed at how they have planned this all along. He thanked his friends before they went on separate ways.

Quinn now driving towards the address Daichi gives him. Ah… the sun is about to rise. When did the last time he saw a beautiful sunrise like this? Yes, he remembers. The day he arrives at Hiryuu Island, that was the most beautiful sunrise he ever saw.

Quinn could now see the resort's entrance. He asked the receptionist and he was told the cottage the Young's had stayed in. He drives a little more and parks his car when he saw a young girl playing above the benches. She was jumping back and forth to the next bench.


The young girl made a sudden turn that lost her steps and did not recover her balance.

"Cassandra!" Quinn runs towards her. "What are you doing?! Have you realized how dangerous that was!?" He paused and stared at the young girl. She looks very surprised and confuses who he was. She was staring him with her big round eyes.

He stretched his hand to help her up but she was hesitant to take his hand.

"Cassandra? What happened?" Landon asked then he froze.

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"Quinn!? Is that you?" Hannah speaks behind Landon.

Ah, he felt shy to call her mama. She got aged but still as beautiful as ever. He saw her run towards him and hugs him.

"Quinn, it's really you!" Hannah cried on his shoulder. Landon steps closer and patted his shoulder. Hannah let him go and he hugs Landon.

Cassie still seated on the ground, just looking upon them. "What happened to you?" Landon asked her. "You should take a bath now. Look, your brother is here."

Her eyes still looking at him that way. He was amused staring at her big eyes.

"Come, let's cleaned you up," Quinn stretched his hand once more. This time she takes it and let him helps her up.

"Oh, I will order a lot of breakfast. You must be very hungry. Did you drive all alone this way?"

"Ah, no. Someone drives us until the town central."

"Wait, where are they? Did Rudolf and Kier with you?" Landon asked him.

"They stayed in the central town to watch them followed us--," he paused and glanced at Cassandra.

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"Okay. Will talk later," Landon patted his back.

"Then, I will order breakfast just for us," Hannah said.

"I'll go with, you, honey." Landon put his arm around his wife's waist and they walk inside the house.

Quinn glanced at Cassandra, she just stayed silent. He looks around to find something to clean her up and he found a water hose for watering the plants.

"There, come on." He pulls her towards the water hose. He checked out if it was connected to the water faucet.

Quinn opens the faucet and lets the water flows out. He began giving Cassie a bath. When all the mud washes away, Cassie said, she will continue to take a shower on her room then runs inside. He smiled. She seems very shy towards him.

Their breakfast is now served. Cassie still not coming out from her room. Hannah gets her out to began having their breakfast. Cassie quietly biting the food and just silently listening to the adults.

After a few more talks when they've done their breakfast, Landon has to leave to meet someone. Hannah decided to go to the town as well to buy a cake for Cassie's 12th birthday. Hannah hugs Quinn before they left.

Quinn glanced at Cassandra who just silently sits on the sofa.

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"You want to go for a walk?" He asked her. But he was surprised when Cassandra sat up and runs towards him then hugs him. He heard her crying.

He put his arms around her and holds her tight. This girl. Did she want to do this earlier? She must be waiting for the right moment. He sighed and began combing her long hair.

"You are so tall now," he told her. He heard she giggles.

He parted from her and wipes her tears. "How are you?"

"Uhm, I'll graduate soon." She shyly answered.

"Ah, you'll be in Junior School soon…"

Cassie nodded. They went outside and walk around the Resorts garden. Cassie did not yet have a walk around as they've arrived when rain pouring so heavily the other night.

Quinn watched her walking ahead, she is following the butterflies flapping in the garden. She runs when she saw a swing. He seated on the other swing and silently watching her pushing herself to sway. He chuckles then sat up and standing behind her. Cassandra looks at him confusedly.

"I will push you, " he told her then she nodded.

Quinn pushes her lightly. But then, she saw the resort's workers hanging up a huge hammock. She looks up at him like asking him if she could ride on that.

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"You want to?" he asked her. He stared at her big smile while her eyes twinkling.

Quinn talks to the workers and helps them tied securely the hammock on the trees. After then, he gestures to Cassandra to come.

Cassie sits on the hammock but she was rolled in the middle and the hammock bounced violently.

"I think, I should ride also to have weight. Can I?" He told her and asked. Cassandra nodded.

He sits on the hammock and pushes it gently with his one foot on the ground. The sun rays coming through from the trees. Cassie raises her hand and peeping between her fingers. Quinn did the same.

"You may not remembers, but we are doing this when you are baby, " he told her.

"Really!?" Cassie sits up that made her shove off into Quinn's chest when the hammock bounces.

"Careful," Quinn quickly holds both of her shoulders.

Cassie probably heard his heartbeats. She put her ear above his chest and looks she listens to it.

"Is it beating?" he asked her kiddingly. Cassie nodded above his chest.

"It was real. I am really not having a dream," she said to him.

He laughs. This girl... he sighed. "I thought, I am dreaming also..."

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