My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 125

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Trapping in the past, he badly wanted to leave this place, he does not belong here... he wanted to wake up and goes back to where the girl he loves, who is waiting for him to come back.

Shun makes a sudden sit up from the bed. Is that dream again? So even here, he will have that dream. He glances at the bedside digital clock and the time says, it is past 5:00 in the morning... the sun going to rise sooner.

He looks at the girl beside him and reaches her face to caress and make sure this is not a dream either. Shun lay back on the bed and watch Cassandra's sleeping face, he thought, he couldn't have another gaze of her anymore.

She is also very beautiful back then... the past life of her. However, he is not the one she loves in that life. Why?

Did he make the right decision on this life? Did he force to rewrite what supposed to happen? What is wrong of wanting to jump off the cliff from the other side to live and reach the future?

Is it necessary for him to saw the past? Is it because he desires to know the truth? Could he really make a change at what the future is written?

Shun sit up and step down from the bed. He opens the curtain and watches the back garden from this bedroom. Right now, he is more confused than before. He was on his deep thoughts when she felt a warm hand wrapped around his waist and a small body pressing on his back.

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"Did I wake you up?" he asked her.

"Hmm... no. Are you okay? Is something bothered you?" Cassie asked him instead.

Shun a bit hesitant what to say to her, he shook his head then answered, "Nothing. Am just thinking of random stuff now Julius Kang has to pay his crime soon..."

Cassandra stays silent then groan 'hmm...' as her response.

They stay like that for a moment before he turns around to stare at her face and planted a kiss on her lips. "I decided to ditch my meetings today and stay home with you, what do you think?" he told her with a playful smile on his lips. He watches how much Cassandra's face flushes again, she still does that and it is cute.

He carried her and gently put back to the bed. He doesn't care anymore if what is the past and what is the future... all he wanted now is the present and be with her.

'Dear God, am I asking too much? If I wanted to live to be with her?' Shun thought while holding Cassandra tightly on his arms.

* * *

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As he just came back from his medication and pretending from a business trip for a week, Shun stayed at his mansion to spend more time with Cassandra... seated on the long sofa, locking her on his arms while staring at the huge TV on the Tea Room, together they watch the updates of the ongoing first trial of Julius Kang's crime towards the Young family.

Cassie is holding his hand very tightly, he felt a bit nervous, sadness, and anger from her. He would understand, everything is sudden.

Earlier, Cassandra told him that the accident causes her a lot of pained; both physically and mentally. She showed him the stuffed toy she received from her friend in Paris, but what really surprised him is the hidden inside, Cassandra's medicine to suppress her brain to produce unnecessary episodes that cause her great pain.

Cassandra told him that she has regular check-up back in Paris with her Doctors and she was behind on her said scheduled because of her aunt Lydia is gone. And when she mentioned Levi in front of him with that smile on her face, he cannot help not to get jealous and rolled his eyes on a secret.

'That guy does things on his absence.' He thought.

However, he truly dumbfounded hearing Cassandra's confession. She actually suffering a lot more than he could think on these passing years. He was overwhelmed just trying to imagine how she suffered.

Remembering that, Shun's embrace tightening around Cassandra's waist. Ah... he remembers what Derek told him. It is one thing why he wants to wake up. He wants to build a family with her and have children.

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Shun hold Cassandra's hip and legs to place her on his lap that made her a bit surprised. He pulled her head gently to give her a kiss... he wants to deepen it but someone is knocking on the Tea Room door.

Hmm... his directors were all in the office to take care of his works, so it is not Blaire or the mood crasher Daichi who's knocking.

"Yes?" he yells to the person behind that door.

"Master, I asked your permission to speak with you..." it was his butler, Mister Son.

"Come in."

The door opened and Mr. Son bowed his head while speaking. "I just wanna asked the Master and the Mistress if what lunch they would like for the chef to make?"

"Alright..." he replied then look back at Cassandra to asked her. "Anything you want?"

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"Hmm... I don't know. Anything is fine I think? As long it's tasty," she said with a big smile, but what she does next is sent him to the edges of the sofa.

This girl now knows how to be naughty. Shun quickly told his butler that he gives permission the chef to cook anything for lunch. When the butler left and close the door, he gently pushed Cassandra to the sofa and gives her passionate kisses.

"Naughty girl should be punished," he whispered to her ear. Cassandra giggles then put her arms around his neck.

'YOU' is what she whispers earlier when he asked what food she likes for lunch.

'Mama, Papa... I promise to love and make your daughter happy for the rest of my life.'

'Mama, Papa... I will try to forget how painful your death has been. If you are worried, then I'll be fine. I know, one day, I will be totally fine...'

LOVE is . . .

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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