My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 126

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Later in the evening...

The first court trial hearing has ended. The media can't contend enough on this International controversy as the Kang Family has been known in Asia and Film industry as Carla Kang is a famous International actress and model. The media was been bliss with this big Family Scandal.

Back in the mansion, Shun talks to Cassie about her shares in the company and all her assets including the Kang Production Incorporated.

"After the court trial and the judges finish their reviews and make a decision on Julius Kang and Carla Kang punishment, the company automatically will be given to you as the major shareholder."

Cassie has been speechless all this time. She never imagined that her life would end up like this and have a dramatic changed completely. However, this is not the life she had been dreaming about.

What's the use of having so much wealth if her parents were now gone? If there lives is the payment for her to have all of these?

This is not the life she is dreaming to have, but she cannot UNDO everything and click the RESET button to make things start all over again.

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She looks up and meets Shun's eyes. Right now, she found someone she wants a future with and spend her whole life with...

"Honestly, I don't know. Everything seems just like a dream at the same time a nightmare to me. Besides, I don't know how to run a company or I want to run the company by myself."

Shun stared at her, she was just too cute while saying this. "Alright, since I stand as your guardian, you don't have to think about it for now. You can make a final decision when you are 21 years old or what you wanted to happen soon. It's not necessary for you to handle the matters now. Just someone we could trust is all we needed," Shun explained.

"Okay," she nodded then hugs him. "Then, the employees could continue their work?"

Is it what she worried about? Shun smiled, "Don't worry about them, they will be. I will make sure of that, okay?"

"Hmm... thank you."

"I know it is what you would like," Shun kiss her forehead. "You wanted to come to the trial tomorrow?" he asked afterward.

Cassie looks up at him, "I don't know if I have the strength to face him," she said.

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"Alright, I understand, you are not ready yet... besides, there are reporters that would try to get a chance to interview you." Shun paused and think for a moment. "Then, how about we go to the mall tomorrow?"

"Really?" she said excitedly

"Hmm... yup! Let's visit Anna's store, said, she begins to make Riley's gown and the bridesmaids gowns. So, she needed to get your measurement then..."

"Wow! Can I see them?"

Shun laughs. "It is not really done yet, it will take more days but she has more finished gowns display you can see in her shop."

"I want to see them! Cara's store also displaying finish wedding gowns!"

"In Paris, right?" Shun asked, then Cassie nodded at him.

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"Does the store has a Coffee Shop across the street?" he asked curiously.

"Yup... their coffee really is the best," Cassie answered while she is slicing some cake. Shun was not able to taste the ones they bake so they decided to bake one earlier.

"What is it?" Cassie asked after seeing Shun's is a bit emotional.

"Don't tell me you did saw me there as well?" feeling thrilled, he asked her... but Cassie stays silent and just give her a cute smile. "When you're giving me that kind of face, you do saw me there."

Cassie nodded. "Yes, when I drop by at Cara's Shop to do our homework together, her mom Mrs. Sara often treats us a coffee so I often volunteered to buy them... then, you and Mr. Bastien often there also or you alone."

That's true, after his meeting and training, he often went to the coffee shop on that street because of it's best coffee. Why he never notice her then?

"Why we never bump into each other?" he was intrigued, then Cassie laughs, pressing her face on the sofa. She was sitting like Koreans, kneeling in front of him.

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"Tell me, please..."

After Cassie stop giggling she tried not to laugh while narrating. "Actually, it was raining at that time. My hands were full so I am having a hard time opening the door, I was just looking at the six cups of coffee am carrying and the cupcakes on my other hand... then, someone opens the door and asked 'do you need help?'-- I recognized your voice but I am shy to look up at you."

Shun stared how her face got blushed. His heart seems wanna stop beating. How come? He felt astounded listening to her story.

He tried to remember, yes something happens like that. She did thank him. He even surprised because her voice is kind of a little familiar but the soft music of the shop and the sound of the rain blended to her cute voice, he hardly could hear clearly if it is really the voice of the girl he used to know.

However, his heart filled with jealousy after remembering that event. Because the guy who meets her in the middle of the road is none other done, Levi Montfort. He brought an umbrella and help her to carry the hot coffee... they looked like a couple in other people's eyes. He could remember the way Levi smiled at her.

Something like a knife makes a slow motion of cutting into his heart. He holds her tightly and closes his eyes, he was too jealous...

The years that he wasn't with her is someone who was there for her.

"I love you..." he whispered.

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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