My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 127

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The next day, Cassie woke up so early in the morning to make breakfast while Shun was sleeping. When he mentioned about going to the mall today, she was very excited.

Could she call it a date? Ah... she has never been on a date before, this will be her first date and she really looks forward with it because finally, she got to date her crush for a long time already! Not to mention his fiancé and future husband. She giggles.

Cassie places the eggs, bacon, and hotdogs she fried on the plate nicely, then put on a separate platter the buttered and garlic bread she toasted. While she was pouring some coffee on a mug, two strong arms wrap her waist and a kiss on her shoulder.

"Good morning," Shun greeted her. "You didn't wake me up."

"I don't want to disturb your sleep, of course," she replied while she turns around to face him.

"I want to prepare our breakfast together," Shun more sounded like sulking.

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She giggles. He looks so cute now he just woke up and his hair still in a messed. Did he quickly get out of the bedroom when he found I wasn't beside him? She's happy though. Out of her emotion, she tiptoed her foot then reach his lips and kisses him. Shun hold her hips and put her on top of the counter table.

They were on the middle of steamy kisses when they heard someone bump into the kitchen Arches panel. Shun and Cassie quickly parted their lips to check who was it and they saw it was Rudolf who now patting his forehead while picking up his phone on the floor.

"Shit, am losing now!" he yells. He gets back playing on his phone and stepping in the kitchen when he realized that someone already occupies the place... he froze a moment then pretended he notices nothing.

"Ah, I need bottled water then, an apple..." he murmurs while makes a quick survey to the fridge.

"Can't you wait? Am thirsty, I want some water!" he shouted at the other line through his Bluetooth earphone.

Cassie and Shun look at each other, they have an idea who was on the other line, but so early in the morning? Are they just waking up to play the mobile game on the weekend?

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After Rodulf exited the kitchen, they let out a low laugh. Cassie giggled then blush when realizing how sensual their position was... and so early in the morning making out in the kitchen. Her face is flushing red.

"I guess, I now began regretting why a mansion I bought and not a high-class pad," Shun told her.

"Hmm?" Cassie is clueless what Shun is trying to tell her. What he said next is made her face too red. She storms him with pinches on his body and Shun just lovingly accepts her attacked while he laughing sexily.

"The coffee now gets cold," she reminded him.

Shun stops laughing but his lips left that naughty smile, "Alright, let's eat now..." he then kisses her one more time.

* * *

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Now that Julius Kang is in prison, Shun ordered his bodyguards to keep a little distance and just follows them secretly. Although he still put a lot of security around the mall to block the reporters whenever there are media roaming around and spotted them, his men could immediately in control.

Shun parked his GTspirit Black Chrome Ferrari on the reserve space for him and helps Cassie to step out of the car. He held her hand and leads towards the elevator, he then presses the fourth-floor button where Anna's store located which he already informs the management that he is coming and he wanted to close the 4th floor from the shoppers to avoid curious eyes looking at them while strolling the mall.

Owned by Crow Corporation, this mall is the largest one in the whole of Asia. The top floor is where displayed all the expensive ones; from clothing, bags, shoes, jewelry, and even Derma clinic, then Beauty Salons.

Cassie notices that this floor is somewhat empty for the shoppers but only salesmen and ladies then bodyguards posting around, she glances below and it is where only crowded. Does Shun who closes this floor? His family owns it so, he could do anything.

Shun gently squeezes her hand and seems like he read what she's thinking.

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"I did reserve this floor only for us today. I don't want anyone to spoil our date," Shun whispered.

Hearing him saying this is a date, her heart dances. Although this is not the date she first imagines, she understands they need to keep it down from the public especially from the reporters. This is all for her after all, Shun making sure of that and this made her even falling in love with him.

"Cassie, hi! Hello, brother Shun." Anna greeted them.

Cassie can't contend her eyes of how elegant Anna's store is... all the dresses were beautiful and dazzling on her eyes, however, the one she looks forward above all is the wedding gowns.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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