My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 132

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FRENCH WAR, the 1700s

It's been two years since then... Hmm, the hated season for him, or maybe because he has to do his rounds?

Oh well, it doesn't mean his rank is higher now, he will just let his Sergeant and Commandants alone on this snowy nights.

"Major Williams, sir!" his Sergeant salutes followed by the new enlisted Privates or the Brigadiers.

"At ease... how's things out here Sergeant Isagawa?" Carlisle asked his once Private who is now rise to a Sergeant.

"There are no major problems, sir, everything is under control," Sergeant Gen Isagawa reported.

"That's good then... So, how about coffee? No one would offer me?" he jokes.

"Ah, right away, Major!" one of his private went to get him a clean mug.

"Sergeant Isagawa."

Gen stared at them who gives him an awkward expression, he laughs. "Relax, Major Carlisle is easy to please. He is different among the aristocrats..."

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"Good evening, Major Williams!" Captain Bennett salutes. He just came back from his rounds.

"Good evening, John," he greeted back.

"Major, here is the mug," the private handed the clean mug and pour the coffee.

"Hmm... thank you," Carlisle said then drank the coffee. The hot liquid satisfies his cold.

"Sergeant Isagawa, I heard, that your Emperor requesting for you to go home," Carlisle asked Gen after they seated.

"Yes, Major Williams," Gen sounded like choking. He just remembers the first day he set foot on this country. His life is harder than he imagines living in a foreign land, but since he meets Carlisle Williams, he helps him how to survive on his trainings and live until today.

Carlisle patted his shoulder and said, "I wished one day, we will meet again. Hope someday I could able to visit your country."

" That's for sure, Major Carlisle. We will meet again..."

After a couple of months, Gen Isagawa sailed back to Japan and they exchange letters once in a while.

"Carlisle? It is really you! Look at you?"

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"Doctor Charles Montfort... man, it is you!"

The two men give each other a tight embrace. They grew up together and best of friends until separated after college. Carlisle trained to be a French Royal Officer and Charles pursue his dream to become a doctor.

"Is it for five long years?" Carlisle said.

"Kind of, you haven't come home two years ago. I've waited," Charles told him like he has a big debt from.

Carlisle laughs. "Yeah. I ditch the Christmas dinner. You know, our families are a pain when you are single. So, did you bring one then?"

"Yeah. Please, have a seat," Charles brought him to his office. "I brought my girlfriend from Medical School but we broke up months ago..."

"Hmm... I see."

Carlisle and Charles continue talking for half an hour then someone knocks on the door.

"Doctor Montfort, Director Williams summon you to see him asap," a beautiful nurse informed him.

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Carlisle thinks that this voice is familiar. He looks behind to see the woman and his eyes grew wider.

"Thank you, Miss Chen..." Charles said.

* * *

Shun sit up from the bed then reached his head. He glanced at his side and it's empty.

"You're finally awake," said Cassandra while stepping out from the wardrobe.

"I already requested Mrs. Fe to prepare our breakfast," she told him.

He glanced at the clock and it is now 7:30 in the morning. He had a long sleep then...

"What's wrong? Are you okay? You look exhausted these days," Cassandra gives him a worried face.

He smiled wryly, "am fine," he replied then pull her gently and locked her on his arms.

"I love you, Cassandra Marivella Chen Young..." he whispered. He buried his face to her left shoulder blade and he heard her giggles.

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"Do you really have to say my full name, President Shun Williams Crow?" she chuckles.

"Hmm..." he groans then smile widely. This girl...

He parted a little from her body and stared her on the eyes.

"Let's get married soon..."

Cassandra partly opens her mouth but no words would come out from... just tears began falling from her eyes then she nodded.

Shun kisses her passionately while his fingers massage her shoulders and stroke her back. She sighed. It doesn't matter anymore if this early, she thought.

Shun has his own thoughts as well... it doesn't matter anymore, all he knew that this is their life on this lifetime... he doesn't care what past is telling him. He won't wait for another life for them to be together.

Cassie feels the soft bed on her bareback. When does Shun undress her? She sighed and feel his warmth... throughout of what had happened to her, all he offers is his love and solace to heal her pain.

Could she refuse? Each day, he showed her that she is a part of him... Every day, he let her feel how he needed her and never wanted to lose from his life.

"I love you..." she whispered back.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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