My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 133

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The media is patiently waiting outside the Mainland Hall of Justice for the last hearing and for the judges to make their final decision regardless of Julius Kang's crime.

On this passing week, Attorney Andrew Lawrence releases all the evidence pointing Kang's crime and the attempts of killing the Young daughter who survives from the car crash which is, one of Julius Kang's plots of murder.

While waiting, Shun also patiently waiting for the person from New York that said want to meet them personally. Rudolf who waited in the lobby to escort the said guest.

"Rudolf Lao?"

"Robert Jones?"

"Yeah... how are you, man?"

"I thought, it's just a familiar name. So, it is really you after all?" Rudolf can't believe to meet his neighbor at the same time, his classmates back in Grade School.

"Wow. Small world..." Robert whistles, amazed by this chances. "Then, you do work here?"

"Yes. Come, my boss is waiting " Rudolf guided their unexpected familiar guest. "I am expecting an old bald man. I didn't know you take an Anthropology course."

"Yeah. Runs in the family... Anyways, are you married, man?" Robert asks him while they are riding the lift.

"No. And am sure, you do the same."

Robert chuckled."Yeah, just a girlfriend. We are living together but no plans of getting married."

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"I see..." Rudolf just listens to him.

"Then, how about you? Am sure you do have a girlfriend."

"Hmm..." what Rudolf answered that made Robert laugh.

"The way you give me an answer is like, you have a girlfriend but actually it's not really then..."

Rudolf just keeps his silence and ignoring Robert who teases him. They now arrive on the 72nd floor and he brought Robert to the President's Office.

"Remember, don't say unnecessary words in front of Miss Cassie. Don't forget, either called her Miss Young or Miss Cassie," Rodulf did a briefing to their guest.

"Wait, why I can't call her Miss Cassandra? It is more convenient for me, otherwise..."

"Just follow what I said to you," Rodulf glared at him.

"Alright... fine, whatever." Robert just shrugs a shoulder.

Rodulf knocks the door before he opens it. He introduced both Shun and Cassie but Robert just standing and look at the couple. They began wondering what's going on with him and so Rodulf elbowed him and he just got back to his senses.


Rodulf gives him a warning gazes because he stared longer at Cassie. He did remind Robert not to stare at her that long.

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"Ah, am sorry... am just trying to recall. I think I saw Miss..." before he finishes his words, Rodulf grabs him on the side.


"I think, I saw her back in New York 7 years no, 6 years ago... with her parents."

"Alright, don't mention it. She lost a few memories, probably she doesn't remember."

"I see..."

"Come now..."

"Please forgive my rudeness, President Crow, and Miss Young. My name is Robert Jones from New York Art and Antique Collection Preservatory. I am representing behalf of my Clan who originally the Guardian of Miss Young's possession from the Chen Family." Robert began.

"Since the agency was founded, it sheltered old possessions and treasures, especially those from a great history and the Chen Family has an interesting one. My family is one of the founders that is why it is one of the most important possession we preserve."

"Anyways, I want to show them to both of you, President Crow and Miss Young."

Shun felt Cassandra's hand squeezing his palm. He glances at her and she nodded.

"Alright, will come with you."

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In a separate car, Daichi, Riley, Rudolf, and Robert follows Shun's car towards the National Museum. The director decided to close the Museum for the whole week since he has received a notification from New York City. Since the Crow Corporation is a huge supporter of this museum through their donation, they could preserve the country's treasures. That is why, as long as involves the Crow Corporation like President Shun Crow, the director will serve him.

"President Crow, welcome! Ah, nice to meet you, Miss Young," Director Yang greeted the guests.

The director brought them to the room where they preserve the important treasure of this country.

While Shun went inside the room with other men, Cassandra seated quietly on the long sofa with Riley... Shun requested to see them first thinking might there are things she shouldn't learn for now.

Shun wear the gloves and face mask that Robert handed him before they entered the room and he slowly took a step towards the table while holding his breath.

The photos are all about the expedition of French Soldiers in the Atlantic Ocean.

"The French Royal Army sailed to America to fight the war against the British Empire." Robert narrated. "My clan is one who was trained by the French Army and fought against the British and fights for our land."

He picks up a box and places the photo frame in front of him. "He is the great man who fought for our freedom until his last breath."

He gasped. If only he could pass out right here.

"Carlisle Williams, from the French Royal Army, your very own ancestors, Mr. Quinn Williams."

Shun looks up and stared at Robert... so then he knows him after all.

"Here..." Robert places another photo frame.

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Tears quickly run down from her eyes. The photo is showing a couple.

"Major Carlisle Williams and Miss Marivella Chen who is a nurse for the French Army."

* * *

Meanwhile, Cassie began crying while she read her mom's letter. She feels Shun's presence, she looks up and saw that he is crying as well. He kneels and holds her tightly.

According to Robert, Marivella Chen has to escape and to sail back to France.

Carlisle Williams left behind to hold the shore for the Prince of France to escapes used a secret route where the ship is waiting, the last French Naval ship hid somewhere.

Major Carlisle Williams died in the battlefield, without able to read Marivella's letter telling him that she is pregnant. And the letter Carlisle wrote for Marivella was thrown away by Doctor Charles Montfort but found by the Robert Jones clans and the one who keeps everything.

The wives of the Jones family arrives in France and went back home to America after the War ended carrying the secret of Marivella Chen. She died after giving birth to her daughter which Doctor Charles Montfort who help her gives birth.

However, no one knows what really happens but the Jones Clan, Carlisle died not from the enemies bullets but from his own cousin's pistol. He was betrayed...

"What's wrong?" Cassandra asked him.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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