My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 134: 134

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"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I am just happy I finally have the answer," Shun kiss her. "Come, I'll show you something."

"Okay. But am really bit nervous what possession my ancestors left me," both of her hands, Cassie grab Shun's palm and let him lead her inside.

"Wait, close your eyes first," he guided Cassie to the preservatory room when she closes her eyes obediently.

He put his arms around her waist then whispered. "Now, you can open them."

Tears instantly fell from her eyes after she saw the photo.

"How this happens?" She asked Shun, amazed in what she is seeing right now.

"She is Marivella Chen, working as a nurse at the French Royal Army," Shun began narrating.

"Carlisle William's, a Royal French Officer assigned to the Land of the West now known America. Followed, Marivella volunteered to serve the French Army, and they meet again. Although they never get together, doesn't mean they won't be together in another life… this life."

Cassie looks up at him with teary eyes. Marivella is a little older version of her and Carlisle looks exactly like Shun.

He entwined his fingers into hers and kiss the back of her palm. "And in this life, we can have our own love story."

"What if?"

"What is it?"

"Ah, never mind…"

"Are you sure? Please tell me if something bothering you," he convince her.

"It's nothing… it is just an unnecessary worries."

"Okay, but tell me about it if you are ready," Shun squeeze her hand. "Please,  from now on, I want you to share with me if there are things that bother you."

Cassie smiled and planted a kiss on his cheek.

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"Is that all?" He joke.

Cassie's cheeks are now blushing then she tiptoed and places a kiss on his lips.

* * *

"Hello , big brother," Levi's greetings the moment he stepped inside of Shun's office.

He glared at his visitor. "Sit," he ordered.

"What am I? A dog?" Levi laughs. Then he sighs when Shun giving him serious gazes like telling him he has no time for a joke. "Fine…"

"Here," Shun places the digital copies he requested from Robert Jones.

"What--" Levi was surprised. The photo is an old ones that restored digitally. They look exactly like Shun and Cassie. He looking at Shun puzzly.

"Who are they?" Levi asked.

"Carlisle Williams and Marivella Chen."

"Why you are showing me this?"

"I want you to look for their daughter," Shun stated that made Levi shocked greatly.

"Are you kidding me? You wanted me to build a time machine and go back in time?"

"What?" Shun was stunned then chuckles. "You're the one who is kidding now."

"I want you to find their daughter by investigating your ancestors and their secrets," Shun added then place another digital copy of another photo.

"Charles Montfort, he is the one who helps Marivella to give birth and he is the one who hid her daughter. Surely, someone in your family knew the secrets of the past."

"And how I am going to dig the hole of that secrets?" Levi asked and began curious this whole thing. He look behind and glance at Pete.

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"I'll ask my old man if he knew something," Pete answered.

"Hmm… Then, is this our leads to that cursed?"

"Am not certain… but maybe it will give us answer."

"Wait, if your ancestors and Cassie's ancestors are once a lover, then?"

Shun understands what Levi is pointing, he is questioning his blood relation with Cassie. "Even if we are related by blood, but it is from a long way of generation."

"Besides, Hannah's family line comes from Marivella's younger brothers who sailed back here in Mainland City. I did a quick check on their Ancestry. Marivella has younger siblings, Cassie's elders," Shun added.

"Hmm… then, if we found Carlisle and Marivella's bloodline?"

"Let's just then see… Cassandra and I are not a direct descendant of Charles and Marivella but both are by their siblings. If we found them, then they are still the Williams and Chen. I want to meet them," he said in a very serious tone.

"If you're looking at me like that, I can't refuse."

"Just think you are not doing this for me but for Cassandra."

Levi laughs. "Now you are using her to bribe me."

Shun act innocently. He's thinking this already, maybe. Levi is the reincarnation of Charles but as Carlisle was plotted to die, could be possible that Charles is a part of that plots of killing Carlisle? Could be possible that it will happen again?

No. He was often assassinated but with his loyal security, he always survives. Maybe, things completely have changed now. Maybe, Levi could still be a friend he could trust in this life. He may born late and younger but he believes, everything has now  changed.

▪ ▪ ▪

Shun opens the small box Hannah left him, he found it was a book. While flipping the pages and read the context, he cannot hold to cry. So Hannah knew it all. Through the time, she already believes that his arrival to their life is not a coincidence but already a work of Destiny. Him as witnessing's Cassandra's birth is a Fate... they are meant to meet in this lifetime at the right moment.

He continued reading Hannah's writing in the book with a short message from Landon. However, as Cassandra still has missing memories and he didn't tell her yet who he is, he cannot show the book.

Shun immediately went to his suite where Cassandra is reading her reviewer Books for her college entrance exam. After hearing the private elevator opens, she instantly looks up and put down the book.

"What's wrong?" she asked him, again. How many times did she asked him with this question? Did his emotions are transparent? But right now, he was very happy.

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He holds her then suddenly lift her up. "What are you doing?" She giggles. "Hey, what happens? Something good then?"

"Yes!" He answered happily.

Hannah's words on her letter she wrote in the book.

"My dearest Quinn Williams,

When the time comes and you realize you love my daughter as not a sister, and when the time comes you found out the tragic love of Carlisle and Marivella, I am honored to give you my blessings to continue the love that robbed by fate.

However, I believe that Destiny brings you to us... it is Fate that leads you to be there and meet her once again on this lifetime...

I am praying the heaven would finally allow you to be with the woman you ever love since your past life,  and that, this is the life you've been waiting for so long."

Hannah's letter is longer and,

Yes, he is happy…

Shun put her down and give her a very long and intense kisses...

"You really are acting a bit strange. You're very happy it seems..." she watched him nodded at her. "By the way, as you are here and now Julius Kang has sentenced to life imprisonment, I wanted to talk to his son."

"Jason Kang?"

"Yes…" she nodded.

"Alright, I'll request for a meeting with him. Is it okay if we visit the UKG company?"

"I guess so, it is fine, I guess…"

"Of course," Shun pull her to the sofa and guided to sit on his lap.

"Have you finally decided?"

Cassie nodded. "You're going to help me, right?"

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"Of course, anything…" Shun give her now a soft kisses. " How about we stayed here overnight?"

"Hmm… okay," she blushed.

"Let's have a dinner date alone tonight," he whispered.

Cassie's eyes sparks from his romantic plan. "Sure, I love that," Cassie whispered shyly. Her sweet voice and warm breaths tickles his ear.

Cassie parted their lips when he began undressing her. "President, it is still working hours, I wanted to remind you... besides, brother Rodulf been covering you all day," Cassie said afterward.

Shun laughed hard. "I realized that sneaking from work is fun," Shun saw how Cassandra give him a face.

"Okay. I've been telling him to fly ahead to the island."

With his statement, Cassie's eyes got excited. "He should be!"

"Yeah, but he used the excuse of touring around his old friend."

"Hmm… could he be?"


"Knowing Joanna, she will be more stubborn and acted childish than me…" she said.

"I know…" oops, he almost slipped out again. He almost told her that he knew because both of them were born around the time he moves to Hiryuu Island and he able to watched them in a couple of years.

"Maybe you should teach him how to court a girl?" Cassie teases him.

"No way!" He laughs. "I already imagined his frown face so I won't dare," Shun continue laughing. He notice how Cassandra were staring at him. "What is it?"

"Nothing, you were so tense these passing days. Am glad, you somewhat relax and feels relieve."

Shun was surprised. Then Cassandra is watching him closely. Truly he was too worried in lot of things lately, but seeing Julius Kang is in prison now, Cassandra will be now free from danger. Above all, Hannah and Landon giving their blessings for him to take and to love their daughter the rest of his life... on this lifetime and the next.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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