My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 138

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She hates his rudeness and superiority added to his brat aura. Madison marched towards the kitchen and prepare something to eat for both of them. She also feels the hunger and even half-hearted, she has to act civil to her visitor but she is trying to keep her calm. She still can't believe how this guy acted like the owner of this house and like ordering his maid.

Madison scans the fridge to check what she could make easy to offer this prince like a visitor of hers. Looks like, she just has to make toasted garlic bread, some bacon, fruit salad, and eggs on a plate. Then, she started grinding the beans when someone spoke behind her.

"Do you need help?"

Madison made an abrupt about-face like in the army, "What are you doing? I didn't invite you here!" She looks hard on him trying to show he's not welcome in the kitchen.

"What's wrong if I give you a hand?" Levi wants to laugh while staring at Madison's big round eyes glaring at him. "Let me do it," he went closer to the grinder.

Madison quickly took a distant from Levi. Truth is, she was conscious might she smell bad from just waking up. She hasn't taken a morning shower yet and brushes her teeth, she even not washed her face and comb her hair! She turned around and tried to wipe her face with both of her palms and combs her hair with her fingers. Sh*t! Why does she care so much about her looks in front of this guy?

Wait a minute…

Madison scanned herself. Nothing missing right? She wore a sports bra and a long thick cotton coat so it won't visibly be noticed even if she just wore a thin Sando. The problem is, she only wearing a waistband underwear pants!

Oh, well… her coat is above the knee, why she would worry about it? Unless she needs to kick him on the face or neck, he would see it. Madison imagines the episode on her head when she gives Levi a high kick.

"What's the matter?"

Madison heard someone spoke in front of her, it was Levi. Out of impulse, she gives a hard knuckle into Levi's face but he catches it.

"What's wrong with you? A punch is your thank you by helping you? Unbelievable!"

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Madison realized her action, she was embarrassed and her face is flushing red but she pretends she didn't blush.

"You shouldn't just show up and speak in front of me suddenly!" She hysterically said.

Levi chuckles and was amused by staring at her reaction and expressions.

"What's wrong with it? You didn't answer when I speak behind you so I went to your front, now my fault? You really are an interesting girl."

"What?" Madison squints at him. "What do you want then?"

"Do you plan on over-toasting the bread?"

Her eyes grow bigger and just remembered she places the bread inside an oven because their toaster bread is broken.

"Sh*t!" She quickly opens the oven. She actually set the timer more than needed. She was about to take out the bread when a hand grabbed hers.

"Are you planning to have burned?" Levi scolded her angrily. "If do you plan to become a professional driver then takes care of your hands!"

Madison is shocked. Why did she suddenly absentmindedly around this guy? She always got men's attention but all was just dumped by her. She even dares to make a race against them, that is why she was called a tomboy often.

"Let me handle this then," Levi look for gloves to take out the plate with toasted bread. "Wow, looks like you were planning to feed me a burned food. Is that how you hated me actually?"

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"Of course not! I must over set the timer," Madison tried to defend herself. She can't believe this! No this is not happening to her! She felt upset with herself for making mistakes like this.

"I wonder how you can survive this alone? Either burning the food or burning your house or hurting yourself the worse!"

Her mouth dropped. How dare him to insult her! "FYI, I knew how to do things properly! How would I know someone like you would suddenly show up and ordered me to make breakfast!"

"Oh, so you were intimidated by me?" Levi teases her, he was grinning...

"Who are you? Do you really think you look like Prince Charming? Huh, I could vomit!" She crosses her arms over her chest. She wanted to tear apart that playful smile on Levi's face.

However,  Levi was just laughing at her that made her pisses now. But his action what startled her when he suddenly steps closer. Madison's eyes are now bigger than before.

"What?" Her hands suddenly hugging herself. She saw Levi's left brow rose upward.

"If you are not hungry, then I will make myself a breakfast maybe now you can stop impressing I am like a spoiled brat or a vicious king," after stating this, Levi flickered Madison's forehead that made her shocked greatly.

"What the--" she was stunned. How dare this guy? "Then serve yourself!"

"What are you doing?" Levi wonders seeing her pick up a sharp knife.

"Am making myself a fruit salad, this is my house so no one could order me around," she lifted her chin while saying this. She's not afraid, either would shake by this brat.

"You're kidding me?" Levi stared at her for a long moment then seems he decided about something.

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"Give me that! After witnessing you planned to burn yourself,  then I don't trust your cutting skills. I won't let my drivers hurt their hands!" Levi snatched the knife from her hand that made her very surprised.

"What are you doing?"

"As I said, I won't allow my drivers to hurt their hands like burning and cutting them!"

"Am not your driver," Madison is a bit puzzled about what he is referring to.

Levi twitches his brows. "You are applying to my company's program to become a professional racer, then you plan to do the tryout with burns and cuts on your fingers?"

She open-mouthed while staring at him. What he is talking about?

Levi knocked her head. "I am here to interview you, remember? So meaning, I have to see your driving skill after. Let's do the interview over breakfast then let us hit the road after."

He scanned her appearance, from head to toe. "What are you doing?" Madison glared at him.

"Am just wondering if you plan to wear only that during your tryout."

"What the--? Wait, are you really saying I would do the tryout now and not in Montfort race tracks in France?"

"Yup," he replied while nodding.

Madison runs towards the front door and peeping on the window, she was amazed at the car that was parked in front of their house. She then went back into the kitchen after.

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"I'll take a quick shower and dress properly!" She announced excitedly then left him alone in the kitchen.

Levi laughs, she is not even waiting for him to reply and even forgets the breakfast. Oh well, he'll prepare them.

After like fifteen minutes, Madison went back to the kitchen and now well dressed to jeans paired with a plain t-shirt and now wearing a converse. She looks plain and simple applying only a lip gloss but Madison is naturally beautiful. He won't compare but she and Cassie are both beautiful without makeup.

"Did you prepared all that?" She asked, amazed by the food he cooked.

"Yeah… so now dig in!"

Madison seat across him and began eating. Levi did ask her questions while having breakfast. After they were done, Madison makes sure every windows and door are locked.

Her eyes staring impressively at the sports car he brought, she then looks up and giving him a puppy like a look. He shook his head while grinning. She could be this warmer person when it comes to things she loves.

Levi smiled then handed the car key to Madison. She excitedly took it and quickly stepped inside after she opened the driver seat. Madison starts the engine and listens to the cars humming. She acted like a real and professional racer. After the warming up the car, Madison drove away from that town.

She decided to take him to the coastline where she already familiar with the curved parts of that cliff… She often took her motorbike on this road.

Levi watching her closely. She really knows how to drive very well and careful even at this speed. No doubt, she could be a professional and the suited driver he was looking for to become the new star race driver of the Montfort Motor Industry. She's good.

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•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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