My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 139

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Saint Claire Port

Gathering the families of the victims from the ship explosion that responsible by Julius Kang's men to hide the dead bodies of Landon and Hannah, everyone now prepared to set off from the port.

Taking by Shun's superyacht, three ships following them and five coast guard ships accompanying them on this Memorial Offerings for the victims. There are also fishermen that join and sailing along with them, including Jason and Mina were also came to offer a sincerely regrets on behalf of their family that causes their deaths. Jason offers a generous amount that could help to the families. It may not replace the family that lost, but assistance is a big help for the families.

The media also covering this event, reporting the ongoing happenings and the DC Media is using a helicopter for live coverage. While covering, they also frequently recall the past news about Julius Kang and his crimes.

After three hours of sailing, they've stopped that part of the ocean where the ship sank. Priests initiated a holy mass for the peaceful rest of the lost souls who are victims of the crime that involves innocents. After two hours, everyone offers the flowers to the salt water then prepared the lanterns to light. Before they float them in the air, they write prayers or messages to their late families.

Cassie tearfully writing her goodbyes to her parents, she wrote a long one telling them to be worry no more about her and introduce Shun to them. On the other hand, Shun made a secret letter telling a Young couple of his promises to love their daughter with his whole life and also promise that he will always fight against death to stay alive and never left Cassandra alone… That this life is theirs only…

When everyone is ready, together, they lit the lanterns and let them float towards the sky carrying all the messages the wrote for their love ones l… watching the lanterns until it soared farther, they waited another thirty minutes before they separated. Shun's yacht sailing to the Hiryuu Island and the rest of the ships went back to St. Claire port including the media.

Cassie lends on Shun's chest while his arms wrapped around her. They were on the top deck of his yacht resting on the long sofa while gazing at the starry sky tonight. The weather is fine and the ocean is quieter, allowing them to enjoy the stars wonderfully shining above them. She wished to lie down like this all night under this beautiful night sky.

Shun's yacht is a mega one. There is a helipad, a swimming pool and a jacuzzi on the top deck. She wants to stay here longer sailing like this.

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"Thank you," Cassie whispered.

Shun lifted her chin and planted a kiss. "Anything for you," he replied.

"Would you go back immediately to the city?"

"Don't worry, I'll stay longer to begin the construction of the hotel. If I had to attend a very important meeting, then I'll come back the same day or before the dawn break the next day."

Cassie giggled. "Would you do that? It will be hard on you sailing like that," she said worriedly.

"I could use my private plane or helicopter. It will be harder on me not seeing you more than a day," Shun brushes his lips behind her left ear.

"President Crow, what are you doing?"

"Nothing," he said before he let out a sexy laugh. He holds her head and kissed her passionately.

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"I love you, now, until my next life…" he murmured over her lips.

"If Heaven would permit, can I meet you earlier than later?"

"Hmm…" Shun stayed silent.

How he should answer her? Heaven did allow them to meet earlier. He did witness the moment Cassandra was born on this world, but still, they were separated for too long.

Maybe, he should have prayed one more time, that their next life would be easier than now. However, he won't complain. He believes that everything has a purpose and designed just perfectly for the best time.

If he never gets through those all hardships and sacrifices, he wonders what he has become today. Could he be the man who he is now?

Sometimes, he had the realization of never asking heaven why everything that happens to them. Because the right time will come, and they now celebrating their life and most of all, their love...

"Ahem! Excuse me… Uhm, well… I don't want to disturb you both, but I just know neither of you hasn't eaten yet, so can you come down now and have dinner?" Daichi is peeping from the yacht stairs, invading their moment constantly.

Shun glanced at Cassie, "let's go then?"

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"Hmm… am getting hungry now too," Cassie agreed.

"We'll coming down now," Shun looks behind to face Daichi from the stairs.

"Alright…" Daichi left them immediately.

Shun rose from the sofa and helps Cassie to get up. He kissed her hand before he put around his arm around her waist.

They joined everyone at the poolside and they shared a merry dinner. Shun allows her to have some wine and they've decided to stay floating on the ocean until tomorrow.

After an hour, they could now see the island. They've decided to make a circle and stop at the safest reefs three miles away from the Young Villa.

She wonders something is new as the shore is lighted. Shun began building a private port for his own hotel. She stared at him with questioning gazes.

"Yes, I let the port build first… the moment I arrive,  I could imagine you standing on the shore waiting for me," Shun whispered, planting soft kisses on her shoulder then up to her neck.

Leaving everyone in the pool below, Cassie and Shun have the jacuzzi only for themselves.

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Cassie gasped when she felt Shun's hand massaging her chest. She is now only wearing a two-piece that allows him to wander his hands around her body.

"Shun," Cassie moans his name. "Hey, we're in the open," she reminded him.

"Don't worry, no one would see us," he teases her. The top deck has only dim lights that totally giving them a romantic ambiance.

"Don't say that!" Cassie's eyes grow bigger. "Still embarrassing you know," she said blushingly and buried her face on his chest. She could feel Shun's body shaking from his laughs.

"Okay, let's go to our cabin." Shun gives his back for her to piggyback ride toward their room on this superyacht of his.

"But on our honeymoon," Shun whispered the next words that turned Cassie's face to super red.

She storms him tiny pinches on his waist and Shun just keeps laughing. "Wait, I might let go of you if you keep pinching me," Shun complains lovingly.

Cassie put her arms around him to hold on, the good thing is, Shun's cabin is just below there. He quickly raining her with his kisses when they finally locked themselves in their cabin... over and over again, Shun let their body become one... They cannot wait to witness the beautiful sunrise tomorrow...

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