My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 142

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Daichi and Riley's Wedding Day...

Now the wedding has begun with the entourage march after Jean starts singing. It was Cassie who Riley choose to becomes her Maid of Honor and Shun is Daichi's Best Man.

Karl's daughter becomes one of the Flower girls together with Riley's niece and Daichi's half brother's son is the Ring-bearer. His mother was here for the wedding with her second husband and their family, his siblings.

The ceremony is solemn and beautiful… Daichi has been crying the whole wedding bows because he has been proposing to Riley for not only three times but several times both serious and nonserious proposals. However, Riley has been rejecting him because of the job she is having and she more than feels being a free bird as the Crow Corporation's best Hitman… in the end, it was Riley who proposes to Daichi for them to settle down and build a family of their own.

Throughout the ceremony, Shun often glancing at Cassie because of how revealing the dress she is wearing, showing her legs and bareback. They both exchanging stares gesturing something at each other.

After the ceremony ended, the family of both sides was called first for a photoshoot then next is the entourage, their friends and everyone.

Exactly the sun is now setting. Lucas has been blissfully taking pictures as much especially when his boss Shun Crow and his beautiful girlfriend and fiancee Cassandra. He's been requesting beautiful poses.

Shun put shawl scarf around her to protect her from the evening breeze. Since Shun learned that she is pregnant, he has been more overprotective on her.

"Can I have this song for a dance, future Mrs. Crow?" Shun whispered. Cassie happily accepts his hand and they began swaying to the song Rewrite The Stars.

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They both like this song but they don't agree about a few of the lines. They wanted to change the lyrics and to make it just perfect to Rewrite the Stars.

Truth is, he is more likely to call Cassandra as Mrs. Williams. Soon, he will restore his true identity. Chairman Crow agreed already and there won't be any changes… he still inherits everything he owns. He will become a father soon and he decided to continue the Williams family. Truly he still holding a big secret and a huge lie at the woman he loves so much.

Also their guests, Larry and Laura were present as they have been friends with since teenagers. Levi wanted to come to see Cassie and attend her graduation but he is busy for the upcoming Formula 1 race.

Derek also invited at the wedding and was very happy for the news that Shun could produce some healthy sperm cells that his joke wasn't bought and Shun wanted to tie him up and throw in the middle of the ocean. Although they made secret conversation only, Derek has been discussing with him that he could possibly create and develop the medicine into as a tablet for Shun and him no longer to undergo those painful treatments but by only taking them every day as a daily supplement. That's is why Shun was extra happy right now.

It will be easier for him to explain to Cassandra about the illness he has been suffering for so long that become a reason of why they separated from each other. And right now, he was thankful for this illness… because it created a unique plot of their love story, he and Cassandra could proudly tell their children tirelessly and even told to their grandchildren, and even their great-grandchildren could be heard.

After two songs that were sung by Jean, they decided to take a seat and Shun gets Cassie something to eat, again. Kendra runs to her and Cassie was happily put the little girl on her lap. Kendra Williams is a very cute girl. She heard how Kendra was conceived into this world. Her mom was comatose due to an accident but they have to continue supporting her life to continue the new life growing inside her. She was very touched when Shun told her about it. She cried a river hearing it and Shun calming her down might affect the baby growing inside her.

That is why, she has now become a good girl and she will make sure to protect not only the baby but for herself that both of them, will be together until the end. She could start feeling her connection to the new life growing inside her. She has now had the main purpose of why she is living into this world, and that is to raise and protect this new life inside her.

"Hi, did you both enjoy your chit chat?" Shun asked them.

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"Uncle Shun, your wife is too pretty!" Kendra cutely told him.

"Of course, she is pretty and cute as you!"

"Uncle, is it true, that I will go back to France with you?"

"Ah yes, we will bring you along with us," Shun confirmed this cute girl question.

"When that would be an uncle?" Kendra is kind of sad now. Shun and Cassie wonder why.

"Why are you sad?" It was Cassie who asked Kendra.

"Because I wanted to stay longer with pretty auntie," she stared at Cassie adoringly.

"Aw, I would love to keep you too!" Cassie hugging her gently but warmly.

"Is that all?" Shun laughs. "We can talk to your papa about it and ask his permission to allow you to stay here until we go back to Mainland City in a few days."

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"Really, uncle Shun?" Kendra asked excitedly, but then she was sad again.

"What's the matter? Still, something you wanted more?"

"Yes. I wanted to stay longer and longer and longer!"

"Oh, you were saying to live with us?" Cassie glanced at Shun.



"Because I wanted to watch the baby and take care of the baby!" Kendra said it cutely then she touched her tummy who is not yet visibly her bump.

Both of them look at each other, they were speechless and want sure how to explain to the little girl.

"Well, in that case, you should talk to your papa sincerely, especially your grandma. Because she will be going to get sad if you won't stay in France." Shun tried to explain to the little girl that she would understand easily.

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"Okay… but all I need is to talk with them, right?"

"Yes…" Shun answered.

"Then, I'll talk to papa!" Kendra jumps from Cassie's lap and runs towards her father.

They understand that she wanted a mother's care. Shun and Cassie stared at each other. They knew they were thinking the same. No problems if they take Kendra and live in the mansion while Cassie went to college in Mainland City then give birth and take care of their first born. In this way also, Derek could visit her always and he doesn't need to fly to France each month to see his daughter. Sounds like a good idea.

Shun squeeze her hand like even if there are no words coming out from their mouth but their eyes are enough to talk.

Before the night gets older, the newlyweds left for their honeymoon. Riding Shun's helicopter, Daichi and Riley travel to the airport to leave the country for their honeymoon.

Shun also brought Cassie to his yacht to have their private moment as the villa has been crowded with their families.

They both look up and watch the night sky… they could now completely Rewrite their Stars.

* * *

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