My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 143

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Paris, France

Cassie gasped, feeling like a deja vu coming back to this country once again. A lot of things happens to her in this city and everything is like a flashback running inside her head.

They just landed at the airport. Shun guided her steps coming down from his plane where Kendra still sleeping and so he gently carried her on his arms while exiting from the plane. Now they were looked like a family.

"Welcome back, Master Shun, Mistress Cassie," Leroy greeted and bow.

"Thank you, Leroy," Shun replied.

After Cassandra seated comfortably, he slowly stepped inside the car protecting Kendra's head. Now, their car exiting the airport following by another car as their security, they take the familiar streets that made Cassie misses this place badly. Upon arriving at the Crow mansion, Cassie almost teary eyed. Cara is living around here and she often comes to visit, of course, she did see Shun around here a few times.

"Is something wrong?" Shun asked her when he noticed she didn't follow him yet to enter the mansion.

"Hmm… nothing," she smiled. Later, she will be going to tell him about it. Shun gives her a meaningful look staring at her playful smile, he knew something is exciting on her mind.

"Let's go, we have to put Kendra on the bed to let her sleep comfortably," Cassie put her arms on Shun's waist, together they entered the mansion.

"Welcome back, Master Shun! Madame Cassie, welcome to the Crow Mansion!" Greeted by the butler and maids on this mansion.

Cassie has been touched with the warm welcome, she thanked them before she and Shun went upstairs. They put Kendra to bed and Shun brought her to their own bedroom for her to get some rest while he will go and greeted the Chairman. Shun kiss her forehead before he went the study room of this mansion.

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"Uncle, am here," Shun announced.

The old man sitting behind his table stood up, "Shun, come in."

"Good evening, uncle Nicholas," Shun greeted the old man.

"Come in. How was your flight?" Nicholas invited him to sit on the sofa.

"It is fine, uncle," Shun answered.

"How is she?" Nicholas asked about Cassie.

"She is fine, uncle. I let her get some rest from the long flight," he replied.

"She needs it, she is carrying a life inside her. Anyways, am going to Hawaii tomorrow, so I won't be around. Here," Chairman Crow place two folders on the coffee table.

Shun pick them up and start reading. It was the Chairman's new Last Will of Testament and a statement of everything he will going to inherit. The other folder is a document stating a dissolution of adoption by the Crow family, then, after Nicholas will sign it, he will be going to restore his true identity as being Quinn Williams.

"Are you sure about this?" The old man asked him.

"Yes, uncle."

"How if she will go to hate you after she remembers, and realized that you are the brother she longs to find?"

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Shun did not reply, he was also bothered about it but doesn't matter. He just needs to explain everything to Cassandra when that time comes.

When the table is prepared, Leroy informed them that dinner is ready. Shun went to pitch Cassie who is now with Kendra.

"Uncle Shun!"

"Good that you're awake now, let's go, dinner is ready. Surely the two of you are now hungry," he told the two cute ladies together.

"No! We are three!" Kendra corrected him cheerfully. Shun did not understand yet until Kendra touch Cassie's tummy, both of them laughs.

"Aw, you really are so smart!" Cassie planted a kiss on Kendra's cheek.

"And pretty like auntie!"

Cassie laughed again and hugs the cute little girl.

At the dining hall, Shun introduced Cassie and Kendra to Chairman Crow... although he knew them already, the old man warmly welcomed the two girls. He wishes that his wife Larah was still alive now. She always wishes for a daughter and his house has now two beautiful ladies he shared the table with. The life he could no longer fulfill doesn't mean somebody else cannot. Nicholas secretly smiled but the butler saw it.

In the long table, Chairman Crow seated in the middle. Shun takes the seat on his left side, then Cassie and Kendra on his right.

Nicholas observes silently the three people who were like a true family having dinner together. He has been witnessing the lonely Shun in years who like him also mourns when a loved one left. Now, he could share a small portion of happiness that Shun feeling now. He and Larah never had children because of health issues, and seeing this view in front of him is a refreshing one.

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"Grandpa, why you aren't eating?"

Nicholas was a bit surprised, he looks up and stares at the little girl, he quickly made up a reason to answer her question. "Ah, this old man is not fond of foods anymore."

"Is that so? Are you sick grandpa?" Kendra asked cutely, then step down from her seat and run towards him. She tried to reach his forehead like she's checking out if he has a fever. Chairman Crow laugh out of amusement to this cutie.

"What a sweet girl," he murmurs and smiled. How nice to the feeling of someone calling him grandpa. He gently pats Kendra's head.

* * *

Shun and Cassie now holding each other on their own bed after they read a bedtime story for Kendra which just falls asleep after three stories. From now on, they must start to look forward to this parenting job each night.

"Tell me, what you've been thinking earlier?" Shun asked excitedly.

Cassie looks up at him blushingly. She buried her face on his chest to hide. Shun now believes there is an interesting story behind those flushing face.

"Tell me please..."

Finally, Cassie is ready to share it to him. She gets up and sits on the bed, Shun did the same and listening closely.


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Summer in Paris, it is Saturday and it's kind of really hot today. Cassie is heading to Cara's house as she invited everyone to come for a pool party on her 17th birthday. Cara is two years older than her. They got to get close because she enrolled at Miss Loura's French class.

Cara as an American girl, she still has to blend on her new home. Her mom remarries a French man that made them move her in France after. Her mom is the one who helped Cassie when she got lost one time while looking for that pastry store, the same day also that she first met Shun as she bumped into him on that rainy afternoon.

While Cassie is riding her bike and passing on that street, she saw a man whose back is familiar to her. He is watering the dying flowers on that mansion and her mouth open-dropped staring that half-naked man who she used to see everywhere in this city. She never imagines that even here, she will be going to see him. Now her heart beats so fast...

Her eyes were glued to that beautiful back that made her not noticing that fire hydrant where she crashed. She goes tumbling on the sidewalk and she shouted when she falls down on the ground.

"Ouch," she hurt her knee. Good thing she wore some headgear and she didn't get any head concussion. She was about to stand up when she saw that the guy is kind of looking around to find out where the noise came from. She quickly hides on this mansion's fence.

Ah, now how she could leave? She needs to get out of here quick! Her mind began panicking. She slowly pulled her bike a little distance, she stood up and swiftly ride her bike and pedaled speedily away from that place.


After Cassie told him the story, which her face still red... Shun laughs on his stomach, he rolled on the bed and his body shaking. He was too entertained. He remembers that day yes. Chairman Crow just bought this mansion for his wife when she has to stay in Paris longer. She needs a quiet place and their branch hotel would only stress her out.

That time the garden is dying, he wants to restore its beauty that is why he used the knowledge that Landon taught him before, and he began by watering them. He never imagined that even at that moment, this girl was too close to him. Shun did saw a young girl pedaling her bike so fast going away that street, he went took a peep on the street curious what that sound was.

Shun sits up and hold Cassie's face with both of his hands. He kisses her lovingly and passionately before he gently pushes her down the bed. The night smiles letting the moon shines upon this lover's city.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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