My Stubborn Mistress

Chapter 148

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Cara's 20th Birthday...

She is busy welcoming her guests which most are just her friends and closest classmates.

"Happy Birthday, pretty auntie Cara!" Kendra quickly runs toward her the moment their car had stopped.

"Thank you, sweet girl! Lemme kiss you!" Cara gives Kendra a tight hug and kisses.

"Thank you for coming," Cara shyly told Derek who helps her a lot on organizing her birthday and welcome party for Cassie.

"Small thing, don't mention it," Derek smiled while replied her.

It was him who told Shun about her plans then gladly supported by everyone. Was decided that they need a wide and open space and Levi easily provided it. They decorated the place that would look like a birthday party but a hidden celebration was about to happen.

Before the real celebration began, since Cara prepared a 10-foot monitor, Cara's mom playing her baby videos which made her blush. Well, she cannot stop her mom playing those embarrassing memories of her life.

"Pretty auntie, I want that too!"

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"Oh, you want to learn ballet?"

"Yes! Can I daddy?" Kendra looks up at her father. They were seated in the same table waiting for Cassie and Shun to arrived.

"Of course, sweety. If you love to, we will enroll you in a program then," Derek permission that made his daughter happy.

"Are they coming now?" Cara then asked Derek if Shun already message that they are now coming so that she could notify everyone to get ready.

"Shun said, they are almost ready now, so anytime soon they will be here."

Cassie had morning sickness now that made her lazy to wander around lately. Levi and Madison now arrive. They handed their gift and Cara happily accepts it. She may message Levi with a joke on their Group Chap she created, that she won't invite him unless Levi will give her an expensive gift which Levi throw a joke about a sports car he'll deliver to her house that made them laugh hard, but of course, Cara just teasing Levi with their meaningless arguments. They were just having that kind of friendship.

Finally, Cassie and Shun have also arrived. Instantly, the two hugs and Cassie give their birthday gift while saying Happy Birthday to Cara. She leads them on their table and told to relax and enjoy.

Later Cassie and Shun now comfortably seated on their table, they began showing the video recorded during their Cycling around Paris.

First videos are showing about Cara and the others during those times they roam around the city. Next then, Cara playing the video where Cassie trying to do the stunts as well. This made Shun stunned in a moment. His mouth opens while glancing at Cassie.

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Astounded as well, Cassie just laughs and told Shun that she has no idea about this... she was younger then and doesn't perfect those stunts yet but now she could do them easily. Shun gives her a warning gazes that 'don't dare think about it'. Cassie just laughs, of course, this she wouldn't do it while she is pregnant.

After the film showing ended, everyone now began having foods on their plates and happily talking to each other. Later then, some of the guests left including Levi. Then the wallings in front of them open and giving them a completely different stage.

Their friends began playing the skating boards, jumping and flipping, then flying in midair. The guests were very entertained and enjoyed. Everyone cheered loudly when the bikers show up.

Madison's eyes grow bigger when she realizes who is that bikers who pulls an amazing stunt, none other than it was Levi. She was very surprised. So he is not only a trained businessman and an heir of Montfort Empire but he also enjoying this simple stuff with his friends. For her, the Levi in front of her eyes is a completely different person.

Cassie was cheering also for Levi. Shun is a bit jealous watching her who looks really enjoying this. Most of his childhood is have to watch because of the illness that prohibits him to do any activities until his years in Senior High, just then he began doing many sports.

After the stunts, confetti now raining from above and welcome greetings for Cassie. She was very surprised and it made her cry. She thanks everyone and Shun, who she knew that he surely take part in this.

Since Cara's birthday party was held in the evening, before her birthday ended, she invited those who wanna come for biking. As for Cassie, they just go in a car with Kendra and Derek following them.

Madison was dragged by Levi to bike along them. She joined happily and really enjoys doing it with many people. Back in Italy, she does have a few friends but just like four people, because she really doesn't care to have many friends if you can't get along very anyway. Madison could see that Levi and Cassie had wonderful friends around them. Not everyone is from a rich family, they are also just ordinary but amazing people.

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They do a circle around the Eiffel Tower for a longer time and waited for the lights. Shun holds Cassie's hand and guided while stepping out from the car. He leads her into the middle garden and waited for the tower to light. Truth is, he asked permission to use this moment for his own agenda tonight.

"Miss Cassandra Young, I believe, I haven't proposed to you properly yet," Shun began that made Cassie stunned at the moment.

Don't tell me he is proposing again? Cassie thought while holding the tears that wanted to skip from her eyes.

The moment the Eiffel Tower lighted, Shun kneel in front of her and holding a ring that very familiar to her.

"Will you marry me, Cassandra Young?"

Staring at the ring, tears now began trailing down her cheeks. How come? Where did Shun get it?

"Yes…" she answered. There's no way she would say no. Shun is all she wanted to be with now and forever.

After Cassie answered yes, fireworks began displaying in Paris night sky together with the Eiffel Tower lights.

"Don't tell me?" Cassie staring at Shun unbelievably. The fireworks are too dazzlingly bright in the sky. It only made the Eiffel Tower more breathtakingly beautiful.

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"Anything for you, there's much I wanted to give you, offer you everything I have and everything as I am. Please accepts me…"

"Of course I do," Cassie tried to hold more tears.

"How did you get mama's engagement ring?" Cassie asked. She was very surprised.

"Together with the possession we received, she hid the engagement ring your father gave her together with that important memoir from your ancestors. It seems, become a legacy of your family," Shun answered that give her the brightest idea.

"Is that true?" She asked excitedly. Something on her mind now. "Is it okay, if in the future, I will give this necklace to our daughter?" Cassie holds the Comet shape pendant Shun gave her as an 18th birthday gift from him.

"Hmm… how about if only a son we have?" Shun tried to tease her.

"But we will have many, isn't right?"

Shun's lips tear with a big smile and whisper. "I like that. Let's make a lot of babies."

Cassie realized what she has said. Her face is blushing red. She heard Shun's sexy laughs that fills her heart with so much happiness. Shun sealed their night with a loving kiss while the fireworks continue displaying tonight.

* * *

•••any part of this story is not allowed to repost elsewhere without my permission... read and support my original work on Webnovel instead••• E. E.

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